cool ideas to multiplayer in Halo3

I got a lot of cool ideas for halo3 multiplayer:
-swap seats in a vehicle (warthog)while is in motion without stop the car and get down to board it again.
-fuel rod cannon.
-the option of swaping weapons with teammates(both players press the same button at the same time).
-to include all the old and new maps from H1 and H2(damnation, lockout, etc.).
-do something to the spectre so it can appear in multiplayer games as a default.
-some kind of system to avoid being killed while grabbing a sword that is buried under a thousand SMGs and plasma rifles.

The Halo 3 controller layout

A little speculation on the controller layout for playing Halo 3. I've got a hunch that the 'special function' reserved for the X-button is to act like a 'shift' key of sorts, to be used for less common functions like Sprinting and Swapping weapons with marines.

My idea of a Halo 3 control layout would be-

My Halo 3 Suggestions

I have divised my Halo 3 suggestions into 2 parts: Single Player and Multiplayer suggestions. The * means it should be in both single and multiplayer games.


*Night Time Option on Sniper scope w/ night time mission

Command Marines

*Prone Possision

*Be able to keep dual wields without having to drop a weapon while meeling or throwing a grenade.

*Tank should go faster

Epic battles (much like Call of Duty 2)

The light does not go out automatically

Online Co-Op

A year already...

Stubbs and I, a year ago... approximately (don't tell him I forgot) began a quite intense relationship. It has been good, although in the beginning I questioned his commitment. He has provided me with hours of love, and I, in turn have attempted to explore is world as throughly as possible. Yeah, his 4th level is so disablingly hard that I have to look like an idiot with only 3 levels of a walkthrough completed after a year... but I won't give up. You have to work through some difficulties in any good relationship. Happy (belated) Birthday Stubbs, I hope we have many to come!
