Request - Under Cover of Night
Can I get Under Cover of Night for trumpet/bflat clarinet or maybe Another Rain on trumpet/ b flat clarinet?
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Can I get Under Cover of Night for trumpet/bflat clarinet or maybe Another Rain on trumpet/ b flat clarinet?
To open PrintMusic files, get the free FinaleNotepad program. Versions are available for Windows and Mac OS X. It opens PrintMusic files, as well as imports and exports MIDI.
To download the free program, the Finale website will require you to register a free account with them. Be sure to check the opt-in marketing settings at the bottom of the form if you don't want them to email you or give your contact information to their partners.
After the last tutorial on how to download sheet music files there were some requests on how to upload files to the site for other readers to see.
If you've transcribed some music from Halo or any other Bungie or Wideload game and would like to share it with the community here through Rampancy's sheet music section, first you need to have an account, confirm that account, and be logged in. All of those steps are covered in the tutorial on How To Download Sheet Music Files. After you've followed those steps, come back here.
Every so often readers have some trouble obtaining access to the sheet music files on Below is a short tutorial to help you out.
The short answer is that these files are freely available to anyone. All I ask in return is that you register an account first. Registration is free. I don't give out your email address to anyone, and the site will not mail you anything unless you ask.
Blackstar and Narcogen return, prove they are not dead, and look at some old Halo stuff, including what appears to be a rex easter egg that would later show up in Outskirts, as well as some leaked builds of Halo 1 from the E3 2000 era.
Narc and Blackstar finish Halo 1 with revised graphics from Halo Master Chief Collection!
Since Marty O'Donnell just posted a version of the Halo MWNY trailer from 1999, (view it here: ) I thought I'd splice together a side-by-side comparison of that version and the one from Bungie's own YouTube channel, which I remember as being the version actually shown to the MWNY audience and captured in multiple shakycam videos.
Bungie's version is on the left; Marty O'Donnell's version is on the right.
Testing our 360 setup for the Destiny beta produced some odd results in Halo Anniversary online co-op.
Farthest Outpost from Roll Call- (Halo 3)
Mercy Plea from Special Delivery -(Halo 3:ODST)
A shortened version of Earth City - (Halo 2)
Leonidas from Delta Halo Suite - (Halo 2)
Today on MyChemicalBromance's YouTube channel there's a new musical montage of multiplayer mayhem called Get W'rkt. It features footage from multiplayer games played by the group For Carnage Apply Within. Footage is included from this month's games in Marathon Infinity multiplayer using Aleph One, Myth II, and Halo Custom Edition on PC.
For years now I've speculated that Bungie became independent from Microsoft in 2007 because the studio wanted to make games that weren't Halo but Microsoft wanted no part of that. This conclusion seemed (to me, anyway) to be strongly supported by the spinoff deal that set Bungie free in exchange (at least in part) for Microsoft keeping the Halo franchise. Any lingering doubts I'd suggest were expunged by Jason Jones in his last interview with Game Informer:
GI: Before Destiny, your team had been working on Halo for a long time. What prompted the move?
Seven things in Halo that are the same (or better) in Marathon.
This podcast uses:
Aleph One, free and open source versions of Marathon for Windows, Mac and Linux at
Garry's Mod, available from Steam.
Mark V[B] Spartan model for Garry's Mod by 017.
Halo M6G and SMG weapons by Residual Kat.
SCars Slim by Sakarias88, Scars Halo by Lucky9Two, and Russian cars by Denz.
Blood Fury's cinema tools.
Greenscreen Material by DasMatze.
Bungie fan Spurious Interrupt (MyChemicalBromance on YouTube) over in the Pfhorum posted a video of the top references to older Bungie games found so far in Destiny materials. Take a look!