Request - Under Cover of Night
Can I get Under Cover of Night for trumpet/bflat clarinet or maybe Another Rain on trumpet/ b flat clarinet?
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Can I get Under Cover of Night for trumpet/bflat clarinet or maybe Another Rain on trumpet/ b flat clarinet?
Although Bungie has been doing Weekly Updates more or less continuously, after the official announcemnent of Halo 3 at E3 in 2006, we return to archiving them here on a regular basis as they return to their original purpose as a development diary.
Blackstar and Narcogen return, prove they are not dead, and look at some old Halo stuff, including what appears to be a rex easter egg that would later show up in Outskirts, as well as some leaked builds of Halo 1 from the E3 2000 era.
One of the last original Bungie games we've never played on the channel, or finished in real life-- Pathways into Darkness begins!
It's finally here-- the conclusion to the light vs dark story of Destiny, the content that spurred us to create this channel back in 2013!
Was reminded of this series this past weekend and found no download links for Episode 2, so I thought I'd create one.
This is episode 2 of the Jungle Trigonometry series of Halo 2 machinima by Mike "SodaGod" Rouse and friends.
I've transcoded the file from its original DivX format to h.264 in an .mp4 container.
The original date on my copy of this file is February 22, 2007.
Rampancy and guests discuss Sony's $3.6B acquisition of Bungie LLC and what it means for the company's games and fans.
Thanks for participating in this video to:
Claude "Louis Wu" Errera, founder of Bungie fansite
Dan "Malagate" Perkins
Miguel "Freewill" Chavez, Bungie's #1 Fan
After leveling up a spare character, we're ready to look at the Season of the Splicer intro mission!
Narc plays some New Light content while discussing E3 and other gaming news with Blackstar and Jeyl.
Rampancy discusses news that ex-Bungie composer Marty O'Donnell says he may retire and may lose his YouTube channel over a dispute with Bungie's CEO Pete Parsons. This segment appeared in the second episode of our Alan Wake's American Nightmare playthrough, presented here for those who want only the Marty content without any Alan.
Links referred to in this video: