easy hunter kills

if you look closley, you can see an orange stripe around the hunters back waist area and around his neck. when the hunter has his back turned to you, shoot the orange stripe (with a pistol to make it look cooler) at the orange strip OR shoot it when the hunter turns to whack you if you hit him i9n the neck he will drop in one hit

Halo Different Theme Sheet Music

outerworld's picture

hey guys,
i've seen and gotten most of the sheet music as far as halo themes go, but i have a different version of the main halo 1 theme that includes a piano solo+ vocals at the end, about 3:17 into the song.
can any1 transcribe the solo for me?
if anyone thinks they'd be able to, i have the song in mp3 format for you to listen to.
message me if you can help.
