Request - Havoc for Piano - Halo: Helljumper

I love the music from Halo: Helljumper. The trailer music - Havoc - was produced by Bassment Productions and I can't find sheet music for it anywhere (to my dismay) - Could someone mind helping out? :)Really love the community here at, hope someone interested transposes it for piano! :)

Thanks for reading!

Spartan's Stupid Helmet

Hello all,

On You-Tube i was looking around for Halo Funnies, but i found a H1 movie instead, what happend was at the end of the game he took his helmet of but you dont get to see it. Then there was another ending that when he took his Helmet off, he had a similar, smaller helmet underneath. This movie is really funny but i dont know if its real. All you have to search is "Spartans Face".

Skull-Seeker 4 life!!

Spartans Paperazzi
