Abnormal Mapping

This image, which apparently took more than 30 hours to render and includes models extracted from Halo 2, was created by Talin and Veegie to demonstrate the technique of "normal mapping". There is at least one easter egg, as well as a few "doesn't really belong" objects in the image, if you can find them.

halo 3 beta starts spring 2007

Sign up now for the halo 3 public beta program in spring 2007.

You must be at least 17 years of age to register for this event.

you WILL need:

An xbox 360 pro console or an xbox 360 core console with hardrive

A valid xbox live gold subscription

A valid microsoft.net passport account with an xbox live gamertag linked.

Here is the link:

http://www.halo3.com/index2/html so sign up now!!

cool ideas to multiplayer in Halo3

I got a lot of cool ideas for halo3 multiplayer:
-swap seats in a vehicle (warthog)while is in motion without stop the car and get down to board it again.
-fuel rod cannon.
-the option of swaping weapons with teammates(both players press the same button at the same time).
-to include all the old and new maps from H1 and H2(damnation, lockout, etc.).
-do something to the spectre so it can appear in multiplayer games as a default.
-some kind of system to avoid being killed while grabbing a sword that is buried under a thousand SMGs and plasma rifles.
