Black Snow (original piece)

This is a song a friend and I wrote in 8th grade for almost no reason whatsoever. The title almost has no reason either. I simply looked outside when I was thinking of a title and saw it was snowing.

It was somewhat influenced by never forget.

I am uploading it because I'm curious about what I'll get for feedback.

It is fairly simple to play, so enjoy!

(Folder should include a .pdf and .mus file. I threw in a .mid file just in case.)

Ashes - Piano

I've seen several requests for the song Ashes from Halo: Reach.

Many thanks to gbacani, for posting a tutorial for this (he can't read or write sheet). I just transcribed it, and maybe not too well, since I used NoteWorthy Composer (Evaluation), so if anyone wants to redo the sheetmusic for me with some other format, please do so.
I've attached the midi, the .nwc file, and the NWC sheetmusic in the file

Someone please redo to sheet to make it look better?

Enjoy the piece!
