HeadLonger (Outta Headlong)

Hello all Limit-Haters,

If you hate the limit on Headlonly, Hate no more! I was playing juggernaut with my lil' Bro' last night and we were trying to get outta Headlong, and we succeded. I was looking for the golded Warthog(which i still dont know existis), and i relised i had to get out of the level first, so just follow these steps and you'll be out in no time!:


Halo 2 , WTF PEOPLE!! (Narcogen Read This) If Read you MUst reply

Skull here,

I was just reading some REALLY old blogs and i keep hearing about a Golden Warthog on Headlong, Im asking no Guests, im only asking Pro Players, IS THERE A GOLDEN WARTHOG, IF SO, HOW DO I GET TO THE ANNOYING THING. Also, i would like to know about H2 to Forge, ive heard rumors about people playing on levels that have be messed, my best friends got a mod chip but we dont know how to do anything good, other than download games and crap like that.Hoping for some answers!!!

Skull-Seeker 4 life!!

Halo2 Easter Eggs (Not gliches)

Hello all Easter-egg Hunters,

These are real, simple easter-eggs and they freaked me out. I found these at my lowest last night, i was playing alone really late so these easter-eggs were scary(Baby, lol). Just follow these steps:


1.Play Zanzibar and look at the NO SWIMMING sign.
2.Do not exit the match, open your Disc-Tray and go to X-Box Dashboard,then settings.
3.Set all the time and date to 7 (7:77 7/7/7)
4.Go back to Zanzibar and look at the sign, it says and shows...

Spartan's Stupid Helmet

Hello all,

On You-Tube i was looking around for Halo Funnies, but i found a H1 movie instead, what happend was at the end of the game he took his helmet of but you dont get to see it. Then there was another ending that when he took his Helmet off, he had a similar, smaller helmet underneath. This movie is really funny but i dont know if its real. All you have to search is "Spartans Face".

Skull-Seeker 4 life!!

Spartans Paperazzi

Evil 343 Guilty Spark

Hello all,

I don't really know how many people know this trick but its pretty fun to do. All you have to do is go to forge on any map and spawn up a Spartan Laser and charge it up, 1 mili-secound before it fires turn into 343 GS. If done right, it will be campgain all over again, as 343 GS turns lethal, this can be done with the Sential Beam, but is much, much hareder.

Skull-Seeker 4 life!!!

Making things Evil since Halo:Combat Evoled

Super-Lagn Gaurdian

Hey Spartans,

Last night i was playing Rumble-Pit on guardian, and on the main part of the map i was blasted off the edge, when i reached the part that you should fall to your death, i stop and was hovering in mid air. I was just sitting there, with my Carbine at hand, and i called my friend over, i was saying

[quote]Holy krap dude, look at me, ha ha ha, i cant walk but i can look around, you suck, i find things and y0u dont, b!tch!!!![/quote]
