everyone should get halo on pc because it is the bomb. when i say bomb i mean it will rip you to shreads your teamates kill you for a vehicle they never let you have the banshee. but the fun part is that you kill them then you get it so if you don't got it get it
i have got far on my halo game i have betteen all on heroic and only a couple on legendary. i need help on the maw, library, keys, spark363.
I beat all the other levels with my friend toke us like 2 hours a level on legendary.
the longest time i have played a multy player game was like 1 hour and 30 minutes. me against 3 people capture the flag. i won afther many trys. but we had spone time ass like 15 seconds added after every death and i had 1 minute to get the flag while they where rejoining. it was fun
i my self like the halo version on the xbox because i have one. i don't have dsl or cable so i cant have halo pc so. plaese replay on this message
oh sorry for all the stuped blogs i wrote a while back because i was just being stuped.