everyone should get halo on pc because it is the bomb. when i say bomb i mean it will rip you to shreads your teamates kill you for a vehicle they never let you have the banshee. but the fun part is that you kill them then you get it so if you don't got it get it



Anonymous's picture

i hate it when some 1 tk's me, it sux. once this guy went on a tking rampage, then i killed him so he wouldnt kill me. the prob with the pc ver is............... NO COOP! $^@%$%@$@^#@$^^%@ i mean like wtf! us pc gamers wait like 2 years fore the game 2 come out on pc and wat happens? they remove the best part about halo

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: aaaaaahhhhhhhhh........... tk

I don't want Halo PC if it's going to destroy my ability to use grammar and punctuations as it has you two. I'm fine with tunneling my Xbox Halo online with xbconnect, and playing Co-op on one console. I prefer to have a controller in my hand rather than a keyboard, especially for FPS. I'll wait for Halo2's far superior online.

HellDuck's picture

In reply to: Sweet god.....

Well said