get on top of the terminal map

alright me and two of my friends discovered a glitch on the new map i want to share this with the public =-). ok here is what you wil need to do this glitch. three people, but the more the better, just make sure you don't have people that kill you becAUSE THAT GETS FRUSTRATING. now you will need a warthog, and of course the terminal map, and friend whho have the terminal map. alright to get started. find where the warthog responds. then in the room it is in, drive your wart hog to the top floor of that same room, but go up in reverseon the stair case.

Is XBL A Breeding Ground For Sexism?

J. Paradise recently began a series over at DailyGame called Confessions of a Girl Gamer, cataloguing some of the less-fun aspects of multiplayer gaming on Xbox Live. As a female gamer, she noted some of the less pleasant behaviors of the majority of the other gamers on the system, who presumably are male, if common sense and all known statistics can be trusted.

While most of her complaints are entirely valid and each of the behaviors she describes is undoubtedly annoying, I thought there were one or two points which deserved to be responded to, given the criticism the gaming industry receives almost daily in the current political climate for promoting sex and violence. Before this and other articles get referred to in an attempt to heap the charge of promoting sexism among America's youth gets piled onto the heap, it might be worth thinking a little further on some of the topics J. Paradise raises.
