Dual Swords Hack for Xbox Halo 2

Several posters have professed doubt about this image. It was not, to the best of our knowledge, produced in photoshop or edited in any misleading way. The hack in question is achieved, generally speaking, by using a modchip to allow users to connect to their Xbox's hard drives using an ordinary Windows PC, edit the cached map files that Halo 2 (like Halo 1 before it) keeps on the Xbox's hard drive, and then running the game with those edited map caches.

Halo 2: Finally

Well after many days and nights of wishing, hoping, praying, sweating, bleeding, and driving themselves to total burn out Bungie completed Halo 2. Congratulations guys. We knew you could do it. But this is not about their struggle, no. It's about my adventure.... in picking it up at my local EB Game store.

