I Love Bees Puppet Master Chat

On Sunday, November 7, 2004, the Puppet Masters of the I Love Bees alternate reality game held a chat with players and fans. Below is the transcript.

[04:02] vpisteve (taps mic) Welcome to the Ilovebees PM Chat. We'd like to thank

[04:02] vpisteve the PMs for taking the time to come visit. Before we get started,

[04:02] vpisteve I want to go over how everything will work.....

[04:03] vpisteve The channel is moderated, so that only those who are "voiced" (with a + next to their name) can talk in channel. If you'd like to ask a question, watch the topic. When it changes to "Questions: YES" you can PM any channel op (with a @ next to their name) and they'll put you in the question queue. When the topic changes back to "Questions: NO," no more PMs will be accepted. Please. do not PM the Puppetmasters...

[04:03] vpisteve When it's your turn, I'll call your name and you will be voiced. You can then ask your question. You will be allowed one question and one followup question per turn. The chat is planned to go for two hours.....

[04:04] vpisteve First off, I know we all want to congratulate Jim on the new baby boy! :)

[04:04] Jim :)

[04:04] vpisteve it was fun singing to him :)

[04:04] Elan Yay Jim!

[04:04] vpisteve So, Elan, why don't you start by introducing us all to your team, and any other opening comments you'd like to make. Then we'll tackle the questions.

[04:04] Jim !soren oscar

[04:04] Elan right.

[04:05] Elan Ok, so we've got Sean Stewart, Jim Stewartson, and Jane Mcgonigal....

[04:05] Elan oh, and me.

[04:06] Elan Sean was the lead writer, Jim was our tech guru, Jane was our communities expert, and I was the Director. The four of us also made up the core design team.

[04:06] aab_123 Question: Now [meta], Next [DarkForge]

[04:06] vpisteve ok, question time then

[04:06] meta To each person (if different), when did your work on the ilovebees ARG start (aproximate month/year)?

[04:07] Elan We started working on this project as a team about a year ago.

[04:07] meta That's a lot of time and devotion :) Thanks

[04:07] Elan Microsoft asked us to think of a way to make Halo 2 a cultural event. They knew the launch was going to be huge, but they wanted the story to show up in unusual places, and they wanted the community to react in a way that the world has never seen before.

[04:08] sean so we thought, of coursxe, of bee-infested payphones

[04:08] sean as anyone would

[04:08] vpisteve followup?

[04:08] meta no, i'll let the others go on with their questions. thanks for the time

[04:08] aab_123 Question: Now [DarkForge], Next[Absentee]

[04:08] Elan thanks meta!

[04:09] DarkForge[la] I have a question for Jim (congrats again!), who designed Flea++. In particular, I have a question about the use/meaning of the ">>" operator. I translated Edgar Allen Poe's "Tell Tale Heart" into Flea++, and I had a very hard time figuring out how to use >>... it appears to be a highly context-sensitive (logically Intensional?) operator, notoriously challenging to formalize. Do you have a (formal?) write-up for ">>
