Advanced Essentials by GTC

This movie, produced by GTC, including MaverickJ and Titan, shows various important multiplayer tips, including special tips for jumping, use of powerups such as active camoflauge, and using grenades to acquire distant weapons.

To view this copy, you need QuickTime.

"Colours out of Space"

Can-ned Food's picture
Reading through the Wikipedia, I realized that a portion of this short story by Lovecraft resembles the Flood very well. Here it is: Animals in the area (of the meteorite crash) were also affected, their bodies, behavior and activity showing hints of alteration, such as leaping distances well above their normal capability, malformed body proportions and appearances, and footprints in the snow of unnatural configuration. Not having read the story, I'm not sure just why things happened that way.

Contest Video

Rachel's picture
I can't remember if it was Halo or Half-Life the video was made for, but let me give you a brief description to compare with your reply. It was created as a result of a contest. It was more of a series than a single video. It was humorous and a bit tongue-in-cheek, many of the comments and situations were an aside to Half-life/Halo players/fans. One situation that comes to mind from an episode in the series is when a "new guy" joined the "Red Team" and the new guy was arguing with one of the others about the color of his armor.
