Anger, Sadness and Envy Episode 9: The Covenant (MP3)

Blackstar of Blackstar Productions and Narcogen of Bungie fansite cover from beginning to end, "The Covenant" level of Halo 3, discussing art, gameplay, story, and comparisons to Halo 1.

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Anger, Sadness and Envy Episode 8: The Ark (Part 2 of 2) (MP3)

Blackstar of Blackstar Productions and Narcogen of Bungie fansite cover the second half of "The Ark" level from Halo 3, discussing art, gameplay, story, and comparisons to Halo 1.

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Hey, whats your opinion on glitching the game on halo 3, i personaly think that its ok as long as you aren't doing it to get further in the game or to cheat online, glitching to hear weird sond bytes or make the walls rainbow colored is different. what do you guys think??

Cheaters and Glitchers

Why do they do it? I believe they simply need to generate the feeling of being good at a game. Of course, how does this help you? If you win by cheating, that's no achievment. You just aren't good enough to win fair and square. What's wrong with you people?
Glitching is just as bad because, hey, let's face it. Glitching is simply taking advantage of mistakes to try to win. LAME.
