halo 3 beta starts spring 2007

Sign up now for the halo 3 public beta program in spring 2007.

You must be at least 17 years of age to register for this event.

you WILL need:

An xbox 360 pro console or an xbox 360 core console with hardrive

A valid xbox live gold subscription

A valid microsoft.net passport account with an xbox live gamertag linked.

Here is the link:

http://www.halo3.com/index2/html so sign up now!!

A look at halo 3's CG trailer music and halo 2's main theme

Ok first of all I have recently found out that I will have a lot of free time after all, thus I will still be on this site a lot.

Anyway moving on to the subject. There have been several requests about a transcription for the halo 3 cg trailer's background music. Well I was not able to make it out so clearly but I can tell you that it is only the first part of the halo 1 main theme played a little faster. And that is that.

Frankie talks to Xboxyde.

[u]Very nice read, Frankie sounds less sarcastic than usual.[/u];) 12. Will Halo 3 feature an online Coop Mode? Frank O Connor: There are quite a few things that didn’t make it into Halo 2 so we get asked if they’ll be in Halo 3. If they didn’t make it into Halo 2 there’s a very good reason for that. Things like the Mongoose have made it into Halo 3, but we haven’t made any announcements about a coop mode yet. 13. Are you influenced by other games like Gears of War, would you consider implementing some things like the Gears of War cover system in Halo 3?

Halo 3 WILL have dual swords?

UPDATE: I just got a call from my cousin today saying that he just read an xbox official magazine. In it he saw an article about halo 3. It has a confirmation that bungie will put dual swords in halo 3. Although I personally have not seen the article, he has told me that he will email me a pic of the page and then i'll submitt it here if it is true.

Halo 3 will have dual swords??? Or is it just another thing that your teammates can do that you cant (dive,wallcover,hit without droping weapon when dualweilding, etc.). I recently watched the new brute documentary video on halo 3.

Finish the Fight

Here are some Halo 3 transcriptions to the halo 3 variation on the trailer:

Similar to mine exept for the fact that I hold the "E" notes, and his timing is just a bit off. This is the Halo 3 piano solo transcribed by The Garbage Man and many other songs on halo as well. Note he only has sheet music for siege of madrigal and the fanfare. The rest are recordings that you can hear on a quicktime player.


Frame By Frame Analysis Of CG TV Advertisement

narcogen's picture

[image:43168 left hspace=5 vspace=5 border=0] Establishing shot of two children lying face-up in a clearing in a grassy field. The area is quite verdant, indicating that either this setting is not the same as that in the latter half of the ad, or that considerable change has occurred in the region to change its appearance. More on that later.

The two children appear to be dressed alike, in simplistic black outfits, possibly singlets. They are barefoot.
