The Unnamed skull

On the level the Armory get done with the testing. Johnson will come in and ask for you to come in the elevator. DON'T until he says would it help if I said please enter elevator. Walk across to the second elevator, enter, and go to the inner part so your looking at the battlefield. Then Johnson will go on about nothing will get passed here in one piece. Get close to the window and hold X. Tje skull should be on a crate that you are passing. You must do this on Legendary.

easy way to get scarab gun

First get the sputnik skull in Quarintine Zone. Second go to the great journey and obtain the black eyed skull.Now go to the level Metropolis (whack enemies for overshield)and get a ghost get to the part where you need to save marines stuck in a building. Get a good distance from the wraith at the brigde. Face the bridge and wraith and get out of the ghost. Place to 2 frags under the Ghost and get in. Start driving foward (not fast or too much).You should go flying foward and land on a platform.
