Impressions: Regret

Regret is a level that I like almost in spite of myself. It pulls off an impressive sleight of hand, managing to create a fair impression of size and continuity in a mission that contains relatively little playable surface (comparatively) with areas that are linked only by pieces of moving geometry that the player has only rudimentary control over.

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Impressions: Metropolis

Apparently, Ladies Like Rail Shooters

Once you've made it through the underground highway tunnel at the end of Outskirts, you might think you're through with long, linear environments. Not so.

As you emerge from the tunnel opening into the daylight, the Sarge greets you with a present: a Scorpion tank. "Oh," he grins, "I know what the ladies like." as he gets behind the chain gun of a Pelican, a weapon so neat that we never get to use it ourselves.

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FUBAR FOCKERS: Halo2 + Irreverent New Clan = Good Time

MitigatedFever's picture
My friend and I have been playing for a few weeks now. We had our fill of the general stupidity present in match made games and decided to form a clan with the colorful name above. We play a couple times every week end and shoot for a couple times during the week. If you have anything against: 1) Obnoxious Fun 2) Cursing You may not want to play with us. I'm afraid it's not a PG experience. If interested, post here or visit our forum at:

Gun turrets usable after being destroyed

me and my cousin have found a new glitch. if you throw a grenade the right distance away from a machien gun turret, then the grenade will explode and destroy the turret but the rod in witch the turret was siting on will still be there. Go up to the rod and an imadinary useable turret will be there and you can still use it. (note that the if the grenade is to close then it won't work, also if the frenade is to far away then it won't destroy the turret). You have to get it just right, or it won't work.

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