Gondolas, Lifts and Wheelchairs, Oh My
The Halo 2 Impressions section continues, today covering Regret, level that is surely the Planes, Trains and Automobiles of Halo 2. Dear Humanity, we regret forgetting to purchase an all-day ride pass...
The Halo 2 Impressions section continues, today covering Regret, level that is surely the Planes, Trains and Automobiles of Halo 2. Dear Humanity, we regret forgetting to purchase an all-day ride pass...
Regret is a level that I like almost in spite of myself. It pulls off an impressive sleight of hand, managing to create a fair impression of size and continuity in a mission that contains relatively little playable surface (comparatively) with areas that are linked only by pieces of moving geometry that the player has only rudimentary control over.
After the Metroplis closing cutscene, most fans were getting set to break out the pitchforks and the torches to protest that Halo 2 was denying them what they had expected to get-- a long, drawn-out, large-scale invasion of Earth to battle against. That's a shame, because the next two levels, Delta Halo and Regret, are where Halo 2 really starts to shine, although there still are a number of differences from the first game that may eventually prompt fans to fire up the prequel.
mrsmiley notes:
A new strip today in our mini new season kick-off series. Cortana makes her first Halo 2 baby appearance, and there's some new sketches to boot!
Last day of news in the Haloverse for 2004! Thanks to HBO, MGL and Demented Puppy, among others.
The Halo 2 Impressions section has been updated today with a writeup of Metropolis, a vehicle-heavy level that's great if you like driving in straight lines. We kid because we love.
Apparently, Ladies Like Rail Shooters
Once you've made it through the underground highway tunnel at the end of Outskirts, you might think you're through with long, linear environments. Not so.
As you emerge from the tunnel opening into the daylight, the Sarge greets you with a present: a Scorpion tank. "Oh," he grins, "I know what the ladies like." as he gets behind the chain gun of a Pelican, a weapon so neat that we never get to use it ourselves.
TeamXbox is spreading word that they've fleshed out the details surrounding an OXM-sourced rumor that a new version of Halo 2 they call Halo 2.5 will be an Xbox 2 launch title, and that it will support HDTV, possibly at higher resolutions than the current iteration, as well as "all the stuff people expected from Halo 2 but didn’t make the cut" in the words of TeamXbox's "trusted sources".
me and my cousin have found a new glitch. if you throw a grenade the right distance away from a machien gun turret, then the grenade will explode and destroy the turret but the rod in witch the turret was siting on will still be there. Go up to the rod and an imadinary useable turret will be there and you can still use it. (note that the if the grenade is to close then it won't work, also if the frenade is to far away then it won't destroy the turret). You have to get it just right, or it won't work.
Louis Wu, with help from Devin Olsen, Gil27 and others, is documenting a so-called Spectator Mode glitch in Halo 2 that allows players to enter a "spectator mode" of sorts, rendering the player invisible and invincible and allowing for instant travel across maps.
Halo 2 tops GameSpy's list of top ten Xbox games, and is a nominee for Game of the Year overall. It also won special Xbox awards for best use of Xbox Live and Best (and Worst) ending.