The buzz for a new halo

evilsoul20000's picture

so does anyone know exactly how many halo games there will be. Because if u do the math:
7 rings- 1 destroyed and one fired= six games left
but the next halo has been said to be for xbox2 so how wants to banter back and forth about the reast of the halo series

Legendary Halo 2 half of a game?

Sarm8ck's picture

If any of you have beaten Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty and payed close attention to the credits then you have seen the "Coming February 9th." This is amazing. When you play thru Halo 2 to the end for the first time you aren't expecting it to end when it does. It feels like half of a game. I don't think Bungie rushed it out because they had plenty of time and frankly I think Bungie has more respect for thier work than that. February 9 could be any number of things or days for that matter. 2005 or 2006? Halo 2 part 2 or Halo 3? Something different entirely?

Beating Halo2 Legendary.....and pwning Narc and Noc

Tramist's picture

Well on the weekend I finally beat Halo2 Legendary and last week on Heroic.
I have the reractions of a cat now after 20 hours of madness playing straight.....but no sleep heh.
ok so I used some "technical assistance" (modchip) in the older Xbox to find out how bad Leg was; and "its bad real, bad" in Sarges words.
Just getting off the ship and getting past all the elites in the boarding parties is bad enough.
Everything shoots fast , you die in a second if you stand there and take aim and things are tougher to kill.

Too Much Hype

Wanted9867's picture

Most anticipated game in years -- Yes.

The most brilliant game ever -- Halo 1

Halo 2 expected to be an epic -- Yes
Was it for me -- No

I despise the new HUD.
What happened to the whole 'all the original Halo levels combined can fit into a single Halo 2 level'???? I see none of that, I've played for about 2 hours now and I'm already to the 6th level.. Maybe they've packed it with about 30 or something, that might make up for the shittiness that composes the rest of the game.

What do you think?

Juno's picture

Hey all, I felt that I needed to be a part of all the Halo 2 action going on so I made my own site! What do you guys think?

I really want to get a lot of activity going on in the forum so please stop by and check it out.

Also, I'll be having a weekly screenshot contest so be sure to submit an entry.

Thank for looking guys!

Dallas Halo Fans - Halo2 Midnight Event

baggataway's picture

Any Halo fans in Dallas may want to check this out, they are giving away lots of stuff including a copy of halo2 and an xbox.



At midnight on Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2004, Earth will never be the same again and neither will gamers as “Halo 2� makes its planetary debut. Beginning at 10 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 8 a Halo will hover over the Hillcrest BLOCKBUSTER and game enthusiasts will line up to get the FIRST copies of “Halo 2�.
