Hey my montage is out and ready to be viewed! All of it was done in matchmaking and nothing was staged. I used the Dazzle 90 for capturing. All the footage was taken from 3 weekends of games.
Visit halo2forum.com for more videos
Well, the 1.1 update is here, with its modified weapon balance, anti-cheating measures, flag bouncing reduced, sword flying removed, and lots of other little tweaks.
What do people think so far? Like it? Hate it? Why or why not?
Heya! Just wanted to get the word out quick about our upcoming Halo 2 4-Man Team Skirmish Tournament. It's on April 30th at 11:30 AM at Game Junkie, the largest specialty video game store in Cincinnati.
Instead of giving you all the info here, let me give you the URL of the tournament information directly:
Or, you can surf from http://www.gamejunkie.com and it's under our tournaments page.
Our latest poll asks whether or not you're paying attention to the (apparent) Xbox 2 (or Xbox 360 or Xbox Next) Alternative Reality Game at ourcolony.net.
What do you think? Is this of interest? Yes, no, and why or why not?