Gamers.Com Lists Companies at E32K
The general gaming site Gamers.Com has made a listing of the various companies attending E32K. Here's what they had to say about Bungie's booth:
The general gaming site Gamers.Com has made a listing of the various companies attending E32K. Here's what they had to say about Bungie's booth:
The Mac Gamer's Ledge site has served up some images of the Bungie booth, among other things from E3 2000. Here is a list of the Bungie-specific images:
GameSpot has a couple of new areas up in its E3 coverage. They've revisited E3 '99 to see how well last year's big games have done. Oni is included in that section but they appear to be less than happy with its progress. They've also listed the Editors' picks for Best of Genre and Halo is smack dab in the middle of their action lineup. Go take a look!
From the Matt Soell section of's forum comes a little more information on the issue the portrayal of people of non-white races, as well as women, in Bungie games:
The Daily Radar has a story on Take Two Interactive Software gaining exclusive rights for Empire Interactive console games in North America. Talonsoft, a Take Two subsidiary, would get PC distribution rights. From the story:
More than one time in the past, fans of Bungie have implored the company to step in and rescue a game title or company in financial trouble. Bungie's Matt Soell was kind enough to reply in our forum to one such plea regarding Looking Glass:
Tip of the hat to the Marathon Story Page and, who spotted's little nocturnal foray into the offices of Bungie in search of a scoop on the upcoming blockbusters Oni and Halo.
Among the revelations they claim to have uncovered during their midnight strike was this tidbit about Oni: has a story on the use of the OpenPlay cross-platform gaming API and its use in the upcoming Mac OS X. There has been some controversy of late regarding the lack of support for Apple's current gaming API, GameSprockets, in OS X.
So why do we care? From the article: