has a story on the use of the OpenPlay cross-platform gaming API and its use in the upcoming Mac OS X. There has been some controversy of late regarding the lack of support for Apple's current gaming API, GameSprockets, in OS X.
So why do we care? From the article:
№ber was originally developed as a collaboration between Apple and game maker Bungie Software, which used the code to provide networking capabilities for their hit realtime strategy game, Myth II: Soulblighter. Since then Apple has released the code to №ber as open source, renaming it OpenPlay.
The real news is that the NetSprockets portion of GameSprockets has been ported to use OpenPlay on OS X, so that game developers who have used NetSprockets to develop their games will not lose this functionality. While this doesn't replace the functionality of other parts of GameSprockets, it is a step in the right direction. And of all the game developers who've been quoted on regarding the death of GameSprockets in OS X, for or against, Bungie has been conspicuously missing...
But at any rate, №ber lives!