Project Magma is proud to release the first original gametype for Myth:TFL-- Ghôl Rugby! Having taken over 2 years in development and testing, Ghôl Rugby pushes the TFL engine to new limits, providing an entirely new style of gameplay. Not only is Ghôl Rugby a brand-new gametype, it's also the first original gametype in Myth history that is FFA-based-- Expect intense 4-way Rugby action!
Zandervix at MBO has posted that MythMaps and MythWA are both hosting patches that replace the Bungie.Net and Marius.Net patches for Myth, thus allowing play on the new PlayMyth server
Gholsbane at Myth.Bungie.Org has added the Myth 3 journal items to the index of journal entries for the Myth game series.
Anima at MythVillage has posted news that the website for the new Myth game server has now launched at Users may set up accounts now in anticipation for the server's launch on April 25.
Zandervix over at Myth.Bungie.Org posted the news from MythMaps that they are proceeding with beta testing, and are about ready to offer users individual accounts if you email them at
Shacknews reader Walter Sochak (whether that is his real name or a homage to John Goodman's character in The Big Lebowski I'm not sure) has submitted a reader review of Oni. Here's what he had to say in part:
Phish contacted us with news that he has updated his Vengance tutorial to reflect changes to the Myth III editor.
Phish writes in to inform us of his new Myth III map, titled Triple Backstab . Here's the fat from Phish:
Creation Games has released Sisters of the Blade, which Blambi at MythVillage dubbed scantily clad chicks running around killing stuff.
And, as was noted before, this marks the end of Creation Games. Farewell.
Also from Blambi at MythVillage comes word of electric playground's review of Myth III. Unlike the the beta tester, they didn't feel a GF3 was really all that necessary:
Battleground: Halo spotted an interesting tidbit in the latest issue of PC Zone:
Our guess is that Halo for the PC will be out next autumn, probably to coincide with the announcement of Halo 2, which is already being worked on and a cert to arrive on Xbox first yet again.
Before you get all excited, this statement has no credibility. Don't believe it simply because it's in a printed magazine; they're very often wrong.
Yesterday, Driver8 registered as a user on, leading us to his website, where lives his Myth Chat Extractor program:
Ultramag of X-Treme Gaming Radio has reviewed Myth III. It's a fairly positive review overall, but it only scores 77% due to a few flaws such as voice acting and a tired story . (Thanks Myth Village)