What new weapons will Halo 3 feature?

Preliminary media, such as screenshots released on Bungie.net and in major magazines such as EGM, as well as the "Et Tu, Brute?" video documentary released on XBL and Bungie.net, have shown several new weapons. Spartan Laser An anti-vehicle weapon of high power and long distance, but with long recharge time and limited ammunition. Spiker (or Spike Rifle) Apparently the default weapon for Brutes, something along the lines of the Elites' standard plasma rifle or the marines' SMG. Very likely a replacement for the red Brute plasma rifle.

How much ammunition will H3 weapons hold? A lot (H1) or a little (H2)?

Bungie's public comments about Halo 3's weapons so far do not provide a complete answer to this. Their weapon balance philosophy, though, can be seen in their comments about the revised assault rifle, a weapon created to be a default spawn gun with medium range, decent accuracy, not capable of headshots, and not dual-wieldable. Its ammunition capacity will be somewhere between the copious amounts the original assault rifle held, and the relatively meager capacity of the battle rifle.

Will Halo 3 allow for infinite grenades in multiplayer?

Halo 3's methods for handling grenades and grenade limits will likely change due to the introduction of the Spike Grenade, and the reduction in the number of grenades of each type that can be held from 4 to 2. However, indications are that multiplayer game types will be even more customizable in Halo 3 than they were in Halo 2, so although there is no explicit mention of it, it is conceivable that there might be an option for unlimited grenades of one or more types in a multiplayer game.
