Zartman on PC Action
Kudos to Butcher, who pointed out these comments made by Bungie's PR Director Doug Zartman on's forum:
Kudos to Butcher, who pointed out these comments made by Bungie's PR Director Doug Zartman on's forum:
As posted at Marathon's Story, Bungie's Matt Soell has been making the rounds, dropping hints on the Oni and Halo forums about the long anticipated #2 , as well as another project in the works at Bungie. Hmm, any new guesses at to what Bungie is planning on unleashing upon us?
The idea for this week's poll came from a number of sources, primarily a discussion about genders on the forum and some discussion elsewhere regarding some new female models in Quake 3. I'm genuinely curious to see how people vote on this one... I suspect one of those choices is going to prove popular, but I'd like to measure exactly how popular.
A fairly quiet poll this week, with two hundred voters explaining how they were introduced to our favorite addiction:
Kudos to Avro for sending in scans of the PC Gamer Christmas '99 Halo preview, which appeared in my mailbox earlier this morning. They were full scans, so I broke with tradition and fired off a letter to PC Gamer asking permission to post them.
However, has already posted the article, so I'm just going to pull out a few highlights and then direct the rest of you in their direction for the entire article:
Kudos to Ricardo, who points out that PC Gamer is planning on previewing Halo in its Christmas 1999 issue. The information comes from this page, a preview of a preview mag. It's worth noting that, according to that page, this magazine came out two days ago... watch those magazine stores, people.
An interesting weekend? Halo has been previewed again in PC Gaming World, and has posted a scan of the article. The first paragraph sets the tone for the whole article:
SonicStorm sends word that Halo Network has started up a columns section. Only one column at the moment, regarding the technology used in Halo and system requirements, but there appears to be more on the horizon.
In a post at the forum, PC Action Editor in Chief Christian Mueller defends their Halo movie, responding to rumors that it was obtained illicitly and hinting at a North American release of the movie (or equivilent):