Daily Radar has posted up two new post-Gamestock articles. I'll report them in reverse. The latter article of the two ranks eight Xbox games against one another, with Halo taking second place behind Oddworld: Munch's Oddyssee. Here's what they had to say about Halo:
Blues News reports having confirmed Bungie's current choice of perspective for Halo:
S'phtman informs us of a new set of Xbox game previews at Daily Radar. And of course, Halo is one of the games they gush the most about.
Members of our forum populace have cited a couple of disturbing items in Gamespot's Hands-On: Halo report. Here's the troubling passage from the article:
German fan-site HALO Empire has relaunched with a new site design and a slew of new features. Head over and you'll find a HALO preview full of details. They have also taken the liberty of mirroring the GameStock videos, which can be downloaded at:
Char alerted us to an interesting post in the IGN forums. A gent named IO-Stream gives his assessment of where Halo is at. In answering replies to his post, he reveals some critical information relating to the perspective issue, and to the PC/Mac compatibility question...