The Myth 2 expansion, The Great War has been released (in a manner of speaking) in the beta 7 form, which is expected to be the closest to a final release the project will get. Of the 7 levels, 5 are complete-- two have some minor issues, but are included anyway. TGW is available from MythMaps. Thanks for word on this to Zandervix at MBO.
Incidentally, the Cartographers of Myth site, which used to be hosted by GameRats, also seems to have gone offline. In fact, it looks like GameRats has also gone offline.
Anonymous (not verified)
the two with "minor issues"
the two with "minor issues" aren't really there to be played, they are so interested people can look at what we had in mind, sort of. one of them is about 1/4 scripted and was in the process of an almost complete redesign (the whole map layout and colormap and everything that was intended to be released never made it into the plugin) and the other lacks any scripting at all.
as for Zandervix's post, i'm not quite sure what he's talking about with the promised 18 levels, but more or less it's accurate. basically the most info on TGW is in the plugin's readme and in the file info at mythmaps - they detail what's lacking, or at least as close as i can remember.