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The color scheme makes this scene seem reminiscent of Covenant environments from Halo, but the structural elements in the distance seem human in origin, while those closer to the camera have that vaguely organic look Bungie has assigned to alien technology, most notably the Pfhor and the Covenant.

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The group of Guardians continue to advance towards the portal-like object.

As the players pass, the low pod-like object on the ground to the left glows with a golden sheen, perhaps indicating that it is a territorial marker, or perhaps something analogous to a Halo weapon drop pod.

Destiny ViDoc - Pathways Out of Darkness 0996

Looking over the barrel of a futuristic-looking gun-- now it seems that we're looking at in-game footage or something close to it.

The artifact in the distance glowing blue may be some kind of transportation portal used for fast travel while on planets-- sort of like a World Knot from Myth.

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This is the first shot in the ViDoc, aside from perhaps some of the spacecraft scenes, that look more like in-game footage than just concept art, or renders of game assets against a blank background.

Presumably this is the tower area overlooking the city where Guardian characters will congregate.

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Bungie has generally preferred open plan or "war room" designs for their working spaces, and famously rebelled against Microsoft's cubicle culture shortly after the buyout. Desks are all on wheels, allowing for small teams to be configured and reconfigured quickly.

Some teams seem to be arranged around Destinations, such as the one in the center background with the Mars banner; others might be arranged around species, such as the one in the left foreground labeled "Vex".
