When online gaming first became popular, it seemed that only a lucky few had high speed, low latency connections, usually from a university or office. Now, with the proliferation of DSL and cable modem availability, a lot more people can get in on the fun without cursing about their modem catching on fire.
However, there are still those of us who, for one reason or another, can't find Halo servers on the 'net with a ping lower than 250 or so.
PfhorSlayer has published the first screenshots of version 2.0 of Aquaduct, the Xbox tunneling app for Mac OS X. Aquaduct 2 features compatibility with XBConnect as well as a new interface.
Bungie has put up a series of pages about the dedicated Halo PC servers they run that are hosted by HomeLAN, the same outfit that hosts well-known webcomic Penny Arcade.
The first thing that modern man achieved after customizable game engines, of course, was figuring out how to make playing one game look more like playing another game, an activity which is as inscrutable as its appeal is universal.
Nick posted that MonoxideC has made multiplayer action in The Library possible with a set of instructions and links to the level itself in an HBO forum post. Thanks to Louis Wu at HBO for the heads-up.
Halo Ops is once again trotting out the old "Halo 1.5 with XBL support" rumor, as late as the end of last month. This time not only does it have the mandatory "a Microsoft rep confirmed" bit in it, but the poster, Tycho, claims to have discussed it with Randy Pitchford, who says Gearbox wasn't involved.
Aquaduct 2 has been announced by PhforSlayer of Postpose. Aquaduct users can now play against those using the XBConnect tunneler for Windows, as well as use a nifty new interface for listing, hosting and joining games. Aquaduct 2 should be available "soon" according to the site.
Fluffy has posted at Battleground: Halo that as of January 1, they will end their Halo Beta ladder and start the official one. More information is available at TCLN: Halo.
This edition of Narc's Retorts isn't as long-- I promise. This one is on how XBL could be used to make speedrunning a more popular gameplay mode in Halo 2.
Brandon "vector40" Oto has written a tutorial on flying the Banshee called Banshee Handling in our Halo Articles section. Maybe this will help me a bit; frankly, I've been on the side of the argument that says that Banshees are unbalancing Halo multiplayer, but that may be because of lag... or lack of skill. Yeah, definitely lag... or lack of skill.