Your New Grenades Are Huge, Master Chief
Ape Man, Pico and XLNC have started what they call the "obligatory screenshot analysis" thread over in the HBO forum. Go dive in.
Ape Man, Pico and XLNC have started what they call the "obligatory screenshot analysis" thread over in the HBO forum. Go dive in.
Earlier this month, XBC Tourneys posted that they will be producing what they call The Ultimate Halo Tricks DVD, with high quality videos of all tricks on all multiplayer maps. Don't know if these are entirely original videos, or a collection of those that already exist (hope they got all the authors' permission if it's the latter).
Waterworks is easily the largest multiplayer map that ships with Halo 2, encompassing a large space between two large bases with a central area comprised of Forerunner machinery.
This screenshot made the rounds as a poor quality scan very early, but the official release showed that the Needler was, in fact, back in Halo 2, something not officially known at the time.
Okay, let's turn a fiasco into a free-for-all. vector40 has taken Jester's tip about braking, along with techniques of his own, goatrope's, and Orion's, and put together three vids showing how you can fly a banshee upside down, among other techniques. Links to the vids, along with explanations of what is in them, are in this HBO forum post.
Dan at has put up mirrors of three popular Halo movies, including Randall Glass' classic Warthog Launch, and is offering hosting for good movies.
More than two years after its initial release, with the sequel due in mere months, Halo fans are still finding ways to trick the engine into letting them go places the designers most likely never intended.
MereCatFish responded to XLNC's HUDless multiplayer shots with a collection of his own; XLNC has already pledged revenge. The new shots are in our MereCatFish gallery.