Ashes - Piano

I've seen several requests for the song Ashes from Halo: Reach.

Many thanks to gbacani, for posting a tutorial for this (he can't read or write sheet). I just transcribed it, and maybe not too well, since I used NoteWorthy Composer (Evaluation), so if anyone wants to redo the sheetmusic for me with some other format, please do so.
I've attached the midi, the .nwc file, and the NWC sheetmusic in the file

Someone please redo to sheet to make it look better?

Enjoy the piece!

Tip of the Spear (for Piano)

This is my transcription of the first track of the Tip of the Spear Suite from the Halo: Reach Soundtrack.

This transcription is pretty difficult, and there are some parts which are especially tricky to perform (please see below). Once again, pedaling, articulation and dynamics are mostly left to the pianist's discretion. The sheet music is mostly a guideline.

Also, this is not a direct transcription, I have added several notes to certain parts of the pieces to make it sound a little better (and of course I might have gotten some notes wrong).
