Shunji: John Carmack Is Wrong
Mat "shunji" Noguchi's latest blog entry is all about contradicting John Carmack's statement at GDC that the problem of game audio will be "solved" within a couple of years. A bit technical, but definitely worth it.
Mat "shunji" Noguchi's latest blog entry is all about contradicting John Carmack's statement at GDC that the problem of game audio will be "solved" within a couple of years. A bit technical, but definitely worth it.
Alex "The Man" Seropian of Bungie founder-fame was quoted in a recent Reuters news service article on a cost-cutting trend in the videogaming industry. Here's the entirety of the quote:
This week's update skullduggery is in the forums at Battleground: Halo . Our local copy will be up on Monday or so.
Okay, time for another call to arms, Halo fans. Gordon Freeman and Half-Life by Valve Software are up over John 117 and Halo by Bungie Studios at this point in the first round of the Mushroom Kingdom championship bracket.
However, the rules of the game are now changed; you must login with a GameSpy ID in order to vote because of abuse detected in earlier matches. has pointed out a sneak peek at Halo 2 toys from Joyride, as well as a Bungie T-shirt and other items in their April Giveaway.
We missed this earlier, but it was posted to the same time as Frankie's Update, which is now added to our archive.
March 26, 2004
Welcome mah friends, to another weekly look inside the machinery of Bungie Towers. Enjoy. Or be mildly distracted. Whichever.
Mon Frere!
Michel (who's a handsome French Canadian and a huge hit with the ladeez thanks to his combination of Gallic charm, sexy accent and excellent nationalized health care system AND the angriest 23-year old in the world) talked to me about moving BSPs today. A BSP is a Binary Separation Plane, or in other words, a great big chunk of level. The thing about a BSP is that it's all one giant piece (they can be small too) that's interconnected and joined at every seam. That means it's all rendered in one go, and can be manipulated at will – if there's enough processor power. And that's been one of the things the team has been optimizing – big moving BSPs.
The BSPs in question contain some future surprises, but a good example would be say, a drawbridge (nope, the bridge we talked about a couple of updates ago is NOT a drawbridge) with like, a tollbooth, some gun emplacements and a bouncy castle. It's one thing to draw those objects as a Static BSP – quite another to move them around. Optimizing things like that frees up more processor power for AI and other tasks, so it's important to get it done before the gameplay is tuned on those levels.
It's also a weird mix of programming and design – since in a way, a moving BSP acts more like a character or a vehicle than a building or a level. Often the various departments can just get along with polishing their bits, but in an instance like this, close-knit cooperation is a must.
Michel has also been working out the nuances of the weather system with the environment guys. Mmhmm. Weather system. It won't be a big surprise to say that there's going to be rain and snow (it is Earth after all) but weather isn't always wet and cold. One level is set in a dry climate where dust, wind and sand all play a part. Filling out the levels with weather makes a tremendous difference to how "alive" the spaces feel. The snow and swamp levels in the original game are still some of my favorite levels. Rumors of a lava and minecart level are to be ignored.
The Bungie Weekly Update is back in the HBO forum again this week. Among the tidbits this time around: Halo 2 lead Jaime "Case" Griesemer on the importance of flanking, and the inspiration for our new poll from Frankie:
Umm. I have been trying to figure out the Master Chief's name now for about 2 months, and i think its time that i swallowed my pride and asked someone. So If anyone could help me out. It'd be much appreciated.
(man i feel like such a newb)
[image:7135 left hspace=5 vspace=5 border=0]Those waiting for Frankie to dodge left or right while carrying his Weekly Update to deposit on some grateful fan site were bound do be disappointed when he dove straight down, tunneling through the earth to encsconce it Underground, on Bungie's own forum.
TheLostHog over in the HBO forum is somehow intimating that Oni, the third-person action game that combined hand-to-hand combat with firearms, is somehow, how shall we say it, less Bungielike than certain other games.
So here's a call to the Oni fans-- are you out there? What do you think of Oni (forum thread) compared to other Bungie offerings like Myth, Marathon, and, dare I ask, Halo?