fate noticed and Louis Wu posted at HBO that Firing Squad has a section on Halo in their Xbox Launch article.
Nij and The Shrike have posted their first impressions in HBO's forum.
Xbox.com's resident grrl gamer Jacqui Kramer loved Halo enough to quote Jane Austen. Thanks to Allenthar.
Lophan pointed out an article at Games First called Notes Scribbled In The Dark While Playing Halo .
Jason at Xbox365 has posted that the manuals for Microsoft's first party Xbox games (including Halo) are available online in PDF format.
Jason also posted a story about his out of the box impressions. He didn't play Halo, opting instead for Project Gotham Racing, and what he liked best was the audio capability:
The ability to rip your own virtual CD and have top toonz playing during a game cannot be underestimated. For years, gamers have had to put up with listening to dodgy tunes whilst fragging, nuking, beating or racing - no more! - If you are partial to Abba, Beethoven's 5th or Korn, no problem, rip a virtual CD, select which tunes you want to hear and Roberts your fathers brother (as they say in England).
There is also a page with some pictures of the Xbox launch party in Times Square, including one of Bill Himself playing on an Xbox. (I wonder, could they have hooked it up to the Jumbotron?)
TeamXbox also has a story on the Launch Party with more photos of Bill and others.
xbox.ign.com has an article on overnight vigil before the Los Angeles Xbox Launch Party.