Well correct me if i am wrong but the first Halo book takes place before Halo. So i would imagine that the second Halo book called the flood or whatever is about the first Halo game. If you think about it thats what Halo (the game) is all about, the flood. Oh and the flood are not intelligent, they didnt make it off Halo ring because it was destroyed along with the truth and reconciliation. Cortana says Dust and Echoes. Besides remember the Monitor (343 guilty spark), he said on the last level when he gained access to the pillar of autumn "Human history, Fascinating" He escaped at the end of the game they show that. He is the reason why earths location is known. Somehow the Covenant get a hold of that info, maybe an alliance with the Monitor. Forget that flood idea, even if they r still alive they did NOT find earth. Keyes is dead and master chief has his nueral interface that was in his helmet. This WAR is mainly with the covenant NOT the flood. Flood just got in the way temporarily.
Halo fan since it came out wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 3:30 am:
: Well correct me if i am wrong but the first Halo book
: takes place before Halo. So i would imagine that the second
: Halo book called the flood or whatever is about the first
: Halo game. If you think about it thats what Halo (the game)
: is all about, the flood. Oh and the flood are not
: intelligent, they didnt make it off Halo ring because it was
: destroyed along with the truth and reconciliation. Cortana
: says Dust and Echoes. Besides remember the Monitor (343
: guilty spark), he said on the last level when he gained
: access to the pillar of autumn "Human history, Fascinating"
: He escaped at the end of the game they show that. He is the
: reason why earths location is known. Somehow the Covenant
: get a hold of that info, maybe an alliance with the Monitor.
: Forget that flood idea, even if they r still alive they did
: NOT find earth. Keyes is dead and master chief has his
: nueral interface that was in his helmet. This WAR is mainly
: with the covenant NOT the flood. Flood just got in the way
: temporarily.
Okay......so then...Halo: The Flood is what takes place during the game....that makes sense that they would make a book about the game THAT YOU ALREADY PLAYED!!!! I KNOW KEYES IS DEAD CONSIDERING THAT THE MC REACHED INTO HIS HEAD AND PULLED OUT THAT NEURAL INTERFEACE THING!!! How stupid do you think I am? "Oh and the Flood didn't make Halo." No shit b/c why would they imprison themselves in it??? If the Flood aren't stupid, then why were the Covenant terrified that they would repair a damned cruiser? If they were stupid, then they wouldn't be worried about them repairing the cruiser. Cortana does say dust and echoes, but maybe the Cruiser (which has not been confirmed to be the TaR b/c it could have been another cruiser) escaped before Halo was destroyed. Also, there isn't any proof what so ever of 343GS giving the Covenant the location of Earth.
Hey i didnt want to be rude but your kind of a moron. I didnt say the flood created Halo. Even if the flood escaped with the truth and reconciliation they did not revive keyes or used his voice to trick earth or whatever. How could they he has a hole in his head, what kind of voice sample could they have used? Its possible that when he tells MC to leave at the beginning of Keyes level, that he meant for him stay away so the flood could succeed in taking the ship. But he also could have meant that he wanted MC and cortana to remain unharmed. Either way they cant have a voice sample of keyes to trick earth, and if Bungie used a stupid idea like that then i would be a bit dissapointed by the story, not ingenious enough.
Halo fan since it came out wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 5:04 pm:
: Hey i didnt want to be rude but your kind of a moron. I
: didnt say the flood created Halo. Even if the flood escaped
: with the truth and reconciliation they did not revive keyes
: or used his voice to trick earth or whatever. How could they
: he has a hole in his head, what kind of voice sample could
: they have used? Its possible that when he tells MC to leave
: at the beginning of Keyes level, that he meant for him stay
: away so the flood could succeed in taking the ship. But he
: also could have meant that he wanted MC and cortana to
: remain unharmed. Either way they cant have a voice sample of
: keyes to trick earth, and if Bungie used a stupid idea like
: that then i would be a bit dissapointed by the story, not
: ingenious enough.
How could they he has a hole in his head??? if i remeber correctly u vocal cords and vocie box arnt in u freaking head! And the reason i think he said stay away was because he didnt want them harmed. ANd it very well could be possible they have a vocie sample of keys or at least a recording or something.
Naughty wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 6:17 pm:
: How could they he has a hole in his head??? if i remeber
: correctly u vocal cords and vocie box arnt in u freaking
: head! And the reason i think he said stay away was because
: he didnt want them harmed. ANd it very well could be
: possible they have a vocie sample of keys or at least a
: recording or something.
Thank you for understanding the voice sample I was trying to get at! Some people really weren't getting what I was talking about.
: Naughty wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 6:17 pm:
: : How could they he has a hole in his head??? if i
: remeber
: : correctly u vocal cords and vocie box arnt in u
: freaking
: : head! And the reason i think he said stay away was
: because
: : he didnt want them harmed. ANd it very well could be
: : possible they have a vocie sample of keys or at least
: a
: : recording or something.
: Thank you for understanding the voice sample I was trying
: to get at! Some people really weren't getting what I was
: talking about.
i agree with towelie. That is a very gay idea. Who cares how the flood come back if they evn do. The covenant are the main enemy and they found earth because of 343 guilty spark, i would assume seems how 343 made it out.
Halo fan since it came out wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 10:48 pm:
: i agree with towelie. That is a very gay idea. Who cares
: how the flood come back if they evn do. The covenant are the
: main enemy and they found earth because of 343 guilty spark,
: i would assume seems how 343 made it out.
i dont think the idea was that gay, it wasnt mine any ways. but yeah i guess u right I dont care how the flood come back even if they do.
You are all idiots with few exceptions, The flood have NO intelegence
they cannot repair a starship, you should be shot for such a dumb idea, all they do is hunger. keys IS DEAD I know you want his dead old ass Samati But you must move on to younger boys now. 343 led them (COV) to earth Flood are gone for the time being
Who the hell are you to say we are stupid and insult Samati?
And they sure as hell DO have some intelligence, because they WERE repairing the starship. 343 GS SAYS IT DIPSHIT.
So shut your ass up you fat bastard and get a life.
First of all, I'm fifteen and i think that's puberty age not that you could count that high. Is there really a need for a personal attack? Jackass. Coming up with an interesting theory that is VERY VERY POSSIBLE makes me a pre-pube.....how logical....not! YOU must be the pre-pube since you have the IQ of a cheese sandwich!!! AND if the Flood can't repair ships, then why did the Covenant send a strike team to neutralize the flood and repair the ship? CORTANA SAYS THE FLOOD ARE REPAIRING THE SHIP AND THE COVNEANT ARE FREAKED OUT ABOUT IT!!! FUCK YOU!!!
: First of all, I'm fifteen and i think that's puberty age
: not that you could count that high. Is there really a need
: for a personal attack? Jackass. Coming up with an
: interesting theory that is VERY VERY POSSIBLE makes me a
: pre-pube.....how logical....not! YOU must be the pre-pube
: since you have the IQ of a cheese sandwich!!! AND if the
: Flood can't repair ships, then why did the Covenant send a
: strike team to neutralize the flood and repair the ship?
First off, im gonna try and say something about manipulating Keyes' Voice. YOU CANT. You cannot manipulate a person's vocal cords to a certain frequency unless you have an exact recording of his voice. Even if you do you would need to know the precice frequence on which the cords vibrate to make that sound, AND you would need to make sure there was still a passage from the person's bronchial tubes and his mouth. In other words, ITS IMPOSSIBLE. It would take years, even if they had a recording of Keyes. Why would there be a recording? There wouldnt. And even if there was, how would the flood know how to manipulate it? They would need a human to blow air past the vocal cords to speak. They have none. Even if there is enough of the captains head and neck left to use, they still cannot because the infection probably spread and covered that part, as the body is not important to the flood so he is just a corpse. In conclusion, I just want to say that if Bungie did make him or his voice come back, it would be ficticious and stupid.
To reply and Create Anew wrote on Monday, 03/17/2003 - 7:47 pm:
: First off, im gonna try and say something about
: manipulating Keyes' Voice. YOU CANT. You cannot manipulate a
: person's vocal cords to a certain frequency unless you have
: an exact recording of his voice. Even if you do you would
: need to know the precice frequence on which the cords
: vibrate to make that sound, AND you would need to make sure
: there was still a passage from the person's bronchial tubes
: and his mouth. In other words, ITS IMPOSSIBLE. It would take
: years, even if they had a recording of Keyes. Why would
: there be a recording? There wouldnt. And even if there was,
: how would the flood know how to manipulate it? They would
: need a human to blow air past the vocal cords to speak. They
: have none. Even if there is enough of the captains head and
: neck left to use, they still cannot because the infection
: probably spread and covered that part, as the body is not
: important to the flood so he is just a corpse. In
: conclusion, I just want to say that if Bungie did make him
: or his voice come back, it would be ficticious and stupid.
I think we got over that a while ago. and um is science fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they could probably do something like that in seconds that far in the future!!! and the flood probably would be able to do lots with it considering that it seems like they are quite smart (even tho they dont show it apparently they are). and im sure the flood could blow air after all they can growl or at least thats what it sounds like ,the gotta have something in their throats. most of them are just infected elites and marines. and if they needed a recording they could have got a gay one be 4 they infected keyes! any ways we were past this whole vocal cord voice thing and u had to bring it back!!
all that you have to do is read the book, and understand it for that matter. it is pretty much explained towards the end of the book, Reach (for all u who didn't read it) fell to the covanent, it was the main military port for the humans. it was found because a tracker was put on the shit the Iriquois, the Iriquios returned to reach and then the covanent attacked. Now all that is left is a few inner colonies for the humans and it won't be long till earth is found, the covanent don't know the exact cords for earth, they just seek and destroy. I think MC is going to fullfill the original mission for halo, he is going to find the top personal of the covanent (the prophets) and he is going to make them return to earth, and the prophets and humans were going to make a peace treaty so the end of mankind doesn't happen. They never meant to go to halo, the covanent followed keyes there after he fled Reach from the main covanent assault. The flood are on some of the other rings, the covanent are comming to earth, MC is gonna kick some ass, and Keyes just might come back (u never know in sci fi). so i i'm just waiting to see if my predictions are right (usually aren't :)
OK for one the book Halo:The Flood is about THE FIRST GAME I know someone said that but just a little clarification there. I THINK (just a lil guess) that either MC or Cortana have a big argument/conflict with eachother(whatever u wanna say) while he is on the mission to capture a Prophet. Also it is POSSIBLE highly unlikely though that the covenants themselves are fighting an even higher race and the covenant kill other races to absorb their strenghts(as it said in the book) so they can better fight the higher race. MAYBE even an alliance between the human and covenant against this " Higher Race ". But this is all speculation and probly a lot of bullshit to you so don't call me a dumbass. this is all my imagination
I am not speculating, i read this in an article that EGM posted where they asked the actualy bungie staff questions.
They said the flood are going to return, 100%, unless they meant something else when they said "do you really think we'd get rid of the flood?" the voice box thing is interesting but when they asked the staff about keys returning they gave a flat no. Also an interesting thing they said was " The covenant have had a long history with then flood" im guessing that that meant the covenant has encountered the flood before, which would explain why the second they discovered them they ordered all ships to abandon halo. The reason they were terrified that the flood might have repaired and used it might have been because they had first hand experience with the flood doing just that. They also explained there were many halos, so im guessing that in exchange for the coordinates of all the human colonies (in the article they say that earth is the last place left and that all the human colonies had been destroyed) the moniter would be given free access to all remaining Halo's and maybe an escort of covenant (i doubt his sentinels survived Halos destruction, considering how easy their killed).
Crazybob wrote on Saturday, 03/29/2003 - 11:50 am:
: I am not speculating, i read this in an article that EGM
: posted where they asked the actualy bungie staff
: questions.
: They said the flood are going to return, 100%, unless they
: meant something else when they said "do you really think
: we'd get rid of the flood?" the voice box thing is
: interesting but when they asked the staff about keys
: returning they gave a flat no. Also an interesting thing
: they said was " The covenant have had a long history with
: then flood" im guessing that that meant the covenant has
: encountered the flood before, which would explain why the
: second they discovered them they ordered all ships to
: abandon halo. The reason they were terrified that the flood
: might have repaired and used it might have been because they
: had first hand experience with the flood doing just that.
: They also explained there were many halos, so im guessing
: that in exchange for the coordinates of all the human
: colonies (in the article they say that earth is the last
: place left and that all the human colonies had been
: destroyed) the moniter would be given free access to all
: remaining Halo's and maybe an escort of covenant (i doubt
: his sentinels survived Halos destruction, considering how
: easy their killed).
Oh well, there goes my theory! :-P Where'd u get that interview info.? I'd like to read it.
I hack mexicans wrote on Saturday, 03/29/2003 - 9:37 am:
: OK for one the book Halo:The Flood is about THE FIRST GAME
: I know someone said that but just a little clarification
: there. I THINK (just a lil guess) that either MC or Cortana
: have a big argument/conflict with eachother(whatever u wanna
: say) while he is on the mission to capture a Prophet. Also
: it is POSSIBLE highly unlikely though that the covenants
: themselves are fighting an even higher race and the covenant
: kill other races to absorb their strenghts(as it said in the
: book) so they can better fight the higher race. MAYBE even
: an alliance between the human and covenant against this "
: Higher Race ". But this is all speculation and probly a lot
: of bullshit to you so don't call me a dumbass. this is all
: my imagination
The "higher power" ur talking about it probably the Forerunner or the Brutes, but since the Covenant hate the humans, they probably won't ally. Then again, it would be some sort of a twist which is something we should ALL be used to when it comes to Bungie.
:not likly if you readed Halo:The flood the ship (The Truth And Reconcileation) was destroyed by the ODST(Orbital Drop Shock Troopers)when a Lieutenant named McKay pulled a gernade in the controle room where Keyes was and the ship lost controle and ramed in to halo and it says "those aboard her ceasedto exist."
There is no way in hell keyes could have survcived that punch in the head (since his skull was destroyed) and the Flood didn't have time to fix the ship and lift off from Halo reason: did you see all that coolant laying in puddles beneath the ship that stuff doesn't just fall out of the air you have to get that stuff from another covenant ship or not run the Shaw-Fugikawa Engines to get anywhere. So there is no way the Flood could have fixed the ship in time. At least i don't think so, anything is possible i guess.
Okay, I know I've posted like four things on the site already, but I have more a question now and it's a good one, too.
We've all seen the Halo 2 trailer (if you haven't, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??), the Covenant are bombarding Earth and there is little need to use ground forces and Bungie has said that you will be fighitng on Earth and the moon. So my question is: Why are the Covenant planning to use ground forces when their goal is to completly destroy the human race and Earth? Looking forward to your comments.
: Okay, I know I've posted like four things on the site
: already, but I have more a question now and it's a good one,
: too.
: We've all seen the Halo 2 trailer (if you haven't, WHAT
: ARE YOU WAITING FOR??), the Covenant are bombarding Earth
: and there is little need to use ground forces and Bungie has
: said that you will be fighitng on Earth and the moon. So my
: question is: Why are the Covenant planning to use ground
: forces when their goal is to completly destroy the human
: race and Earth? Looking forward to your comments.
They only want to destroy humankind, not Earth. Ground forces would probably be much better for less crowded areas.
: Banshee Pilot wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 4:22 am:
: : They only want to destroy humankind, not Earth. Ground
: : forces would probably be much better for less crowded
: : areas.
: But they are already destroying the humans by bombing it
: from orbit. So what's the need for ground forces?
I think what Banshee Pilot was trying to say is that there may be resources or key human installations that the covenant may want to not destroy, but rather capture. In this case aerial bombardment is not the best solution. Organised teams like on the level "Keyes" (from halo (duh)) would be needed.
ManwithaCrystalMethod wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 10:19 am:
: I think what Banshee Pilot was trying to say is that there
: may be resources or key human installations that the
: covenant may want to not destroy, but rather capture. In
: this case aerial bombardment is not the best solution.
: Organised teams like on the level "Keyes" (from halo (duh))
: would be needed.
True, natural resources and installations would be an excuse to launch a ground attack, but wouldn't they wait after the humans were all destroyed to commence a ground assault?
: ManwithaCrystalMethod wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 10:19
: am:
: : I think what Banshee Pilot was trying to say is that
: there
: : may be resources or key human installations that the
: : covenant may want to not destroy, but rather capture.
: In
: : this case aerial bombardment is not the best solution.
: : Organised teams like on the level "Keyes" (from halo
: (duh))
: : would be needed.
: True, natural resources and installations would be an
: excuse to launch a ground attack, but wouldn't they wait
: after the humans were all destroyed to commence a ground
: assault?
Yes sure but if there are key facilities that can hold to some degree planetary bombing, people would stake out there. Meaning that if the covies wanted it to not be destroyed, they would have to eliminate the occupants "hand-to-hand".
: Yes sure but if there are key facilities that can hold to
: some degree planetary bombing, people would stake out there.
: Meaning that if the covies wanted it to not be destroyed,
: they would have to eliminate the occupants "hand-to-hand".
if the covies goal is as it seems, to wipe out humans, they're gonna glass earth and move on (earth probably isn't the last human planet after all). they aren't in it for the gold, they aren't in it for the tech, slaves, or our mothers home fried chicken.
besides, Earth, our of all the planets, probably have fewer resources, they would have no reason glass the other planets and then save earth.
: : Yes sure but if there are key facilities that can hold
: to
: : some degree planetary bombing, people would stake out
: there.
: : Meaning that if the covies wanted it to not be
: destroyed,
: : they would have to eliminate the occupants
: "hand-to-hand".
: if the covies goal is as it seems, to wipe out humans,
: they're gonna glass earth and move on (earth probably isn't
: the last human planet after all). they aren't in it for the
: gold, they aren't in it for the tech, slaves, or our mothers
: home fried chicken.
: besides, Earth, our of all the planets, probably have
: fewer resources, they would have no reason glass the other
: planets and then save earth.
: Earendil
Good point. Never thought of that. However, i do think they may want to study humanity a bit- i mean earth is like the hub of human space travel, etc. That would make earth more valuable to research than all the other planets, besides maybe Reach. They would learn the most of our history and society through Earth. But I do understand where you are coming from.
: Banshee Pilot wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 4:22 am:
: : They only want to destroy humankind, not Earth. Ground
: : forces would probably be much better for less crowded
: : areas.
: But they are already destroying the humans by bombing it
: from orbit. So what's the need for ground forces?
Samati, thats a brilliant question!!! Have you guys read 'the fall of reach' yet?
In the book it says that the Covenant are trying to get their slimy hands on a forerunner artifact that has some coordinates on it - the coordinates to Halo as it turns out! Cortana puts in the coordinates from the artifact before they make the 'blind jump' into hyperspace in accordance to the Cole Protocole.
Now this links up to your question - Why didn't they glass the planet with the artifact on it to kill all the humans........BECAUSE IT HAD A SECRET FORUNNER ARTIFACT ON IT. there was something on the planet that they needed - and they didn't want to destroy because it had some 'worth' to them.
Now, as you were saying Samati, 'why haven't they totally glassed Earth yet' ' why are they sending ground troops?'............it can only be one reason why! Earth has some importance other than annihalating the human race.
Samati, I think you are on to a good thing here and it may actually play out in halo 2!!!
My awnser is that if the Covenent want to go on the earth, maybe they are looking for information on to where to go next. Remember how the flood absorbed Captain Keyes' memery of the Earth maybe their going to channel that information to what planet they can infest next. You never know.
Here are a few things we know for SURE from playing Halo and reading the Book that should be taken into consideration when discussing this topic.
Taken from the book:
the covies DO have the tech to "glass" a planet, i.e. hit the surface with enough heat from whatever weapon they use, to glass over the planets surface. this is such a devastating thing that the spartens that were on Reach when it was glassed were thought to have no chance of surviving.
Only two reasons the humans faced covies on hard ground.
from the book: the covies tried to find crystal jewels that the encoded location for "something" (which turned out to be the Halo, the place cortana took us) was on. we had those crystals, the covies wanted them.
The second reason comes from Halo. they were crash landed and marooned right along side us. they also, in this case, had a goal on the surface, to "unlock the secret weapon".
we know from the book that the covies have *NO* problem coming into our systems, attacking our star cruisers, glassing the planet, and moving on. that's what they have done to all our other systems. that's what they did to reach, out biggest military base and research station. if they wanted to "learn" something about us, that would have been the place. but they don't, they are just here to kill.
only reasons for a ground battle that I can come up with, as I've stated before, would be that in our defense of earth we shoot down a covie ship, and it crash lands on earth with survivors. we all know that even if 50 elites escaped, that wouldn't be an easy thing for marines to deal with. that'd be hell for even us as the MC to deal with :)
the only other reason I can think of for Covies on earth, would be the giant bungie plot twist, something that is guaranteed to happen, and not anything any of us will ever guess at.
But if the crystal had the information regarding the location of Halo, why would they want it back? They already went to Halo and knew what was on it (Flood and Sentinals). Also, where was the crystal being held? Reach, I'm guessing and the planet was practically destroyed.
About the Bungie plot twist: DEFINATELY!! On Halo we had the Flood, 343GS, Halo's weapon, the forerunner, Foe Hammer was destroyed, and so much more! Who knows what Bungie has planned for Halo 2?
I just thought of a reason for why the Covies are landing on Earth: Have you ever seen those documenteries about the Pyramids of Giza? There were some strange hyroglyphs on the walls within the pyramids with stuff like flying objects and stuff. Maybe the Forerunners came to Earth in the past after they finished the Halos and activated it the first time. Just a thought.
: But if the crystal had the information regarding the
: location of Halo, why would they want it back?
they never had the crystals in the first place, humans had only just discovered them, and more than likely they over heard our com-chatter and realized these crystals fell into their own stories and myths about space, and wanted those because they thought there was a secret weapon at the other end.
anyone who has read the books more recently might want to clarify this part for me, my memory is a little fuzzy.
actually as I type that, I'm thinking we had them(the crystals) but didn't know what they were. but when the covies started raiding our planets and finding these things, cortana put 2 and 2 together and decided these things were important
: They already
: went to Halo and knew what was on it (Flood and Sentinals).
they knew only because they tracked our ship with some kind of leech homing device. they followed the PoA and crash landed with us. they had never been to the Halo before.
: Also, where was the crystal being held? Reach, I'm guessing
: and the planet was practically destroyed.
actaully, I'm pretty sure we didn't think of the crystals as that important. they held a seemingly unbreakable code, that cortana only cracked moments before our "random" jump away from the Reach system. with the Covies smashing our very existance I don't think breaking this code, that we had worked at for quite some time, was at the top of the priority list.
When I first played and beat Halo, I thought that the Covenat fleet near Halo was already there investigating Halo. Cortana says "They were waiting for us on the far side of the planet." I know Covenant ships are faster than human ships, but still. If they were waiting for them on the other side of the planet then maybe the Covenant already found the Halo with or w/o one of those data crystals. Also, the Covenant seem to have a pretty good hold on Halo. I seriously think that the Covenant were on Halo before the PoA got there.
Also, the Covenant didn't "crash with us." You really think that Cortana caused all of the Covenant ships to crash on Halo do you? The Covenant had the capabilities of holding position above land (Check "The Truth and reconciliation') so the Covenant probably held position above Halo and used their dropships and gravity lifts to send out the troops.
: Here are a few things we know for SURE from playing Halo
: and reading the Book that should be taken into consideration
: when discussing this topic.
: Taken from the book:
: the covies DO have the tech to "glass" a planet, i.e. hit
: the surface with enough heat from whatever weapon they use,
: to glass over the planets surface. this is such a
: devastating thing that the spartens that were on Reach when
: it was glassed were thought to have no chance of
: surviving.
: Only two reasons the humans faced covies on hard ground.
: from the book: the covies tried to find crystal jewels
: that the encoded location for "something" (which turned out
: to be the Halo, the place cortana took us) was on. we had
: those crystals, the covies wanted them.
: The second reason comes from Halo. they were crash landed
: and marooned right along side us. they also, in this case,
: had a goal on the surface, to "unlock the secret weapon".
: we know from the book that the covies have *NO* problem
: coming into our systems, attacking our star cruisers,
: glassing the planet, and moving on. that's what they have
: done to all our other systems. that's what they did to
: reach, out biggest military base and research station. if
: they wanted to "learn" something about us, that would have
: been the place. but they don't, they are just here to
: kill.
: only reasons for a ground battle that I can come up with,
: as I've stated before, would be that in our defense of earth
: we shoot down a covie ship, and it crash lands on earth with
: survivors. we all know that even if 50 elites escaped, that
: wouldn't be an easy thing for marines to deal with. that'd
: be hell for even us as the MC to deal with :)
: the only other reason I can think of for Covies on earth,
: would be the giant bungie plot twist, something that is
: guaranteed to happen, and not anything any of us will ever
: guess at.
: Earendil
Guys, just forget all this argument. We don't know what's gonna happen in Halo 2. We know that fighting on earth and the moon is definite. But don't forget the name of the game is HALO 2. So, mistake me if i'm wrong and i bet you will, but, Halo has to come in somewhere in the game. Has anyone thought about this yet? It just came to my mind. And you all know whatever Bungie throws at us is going to be flat out Amazing. Amazing as in when late 2003 comes i'm going to bust out into seisures everynight until the day the game comes out.
: Here are a few things we know for SURE from playing Halo
: and reading the Book that should be taken into consideration
: when discussing this topic.
: Taken from the book:
: the covies DO have the tech to "glass" a planet, i.e. hit
: the surface with enough heat from whatever weapon they use,
: to glass over the planets surface. this is such a
: devastating thing that the spartens that were on Reach when
: it was glassed were thought to have no chance of
: surviving.
: Only two reasons the humans faced covies on hard ground.
: from the book: the covies tried to find crystal jewels
: that the encoded location for "something" (which turned out
: to be the Halo, the place cortana took us) was on. we had
: those crystals, the covies wanted them.
: The second reason comes from Halo. they were crash landed
: and marooned right along side us. they also, in this case,
: had a goal on the surface, to "unlock the secret weapon".
: we know from the book that the covies have *NO* problem
: coming into our systems, attacking our star cruisers,
: glassing the planet, and moving on. that's what they have
: done to all our other systems. that's what they did to
: reach, out biggest military base and research station. if
: they wanted to "learn" something about us, that would have
: been the place. but they don't, they are just here to
: kill.
: only reasons for a ground battle that I can come up with,
: as I've stated before, would be that in our defense of earth
: we shoot down a covie ship, and it crash lands on earth with
: survivors. we all know that even if 50 elites escaped, that
: wouldn't be an easy thing for marines to deal with. that'd
: be hell for even us as the MC to deal with :)
: the only other reason I can think of for Covies on earth,
: would be the giant bungie plot twist, something that is
: guaranteed to happen, and not anything any of us will ever
: guess at.
: Earendil
I think the covies are getting revenge.Maybe the forerunner or someone really did something to the covies and now the covies want to get revenge. Either by killing everyone in a certain radius or destroying the halo rings if it was the forerunner that hurt the covies or getting the halo rings weapon and killing who ever hurt them.???????????Maybe
I think the Covies just want to see us all die. If you read The Fall of Reach, the Covenent sent forces to Cote de Azur ( or whatever the heck it's called), sent forces to Reach, and a couple other places instead of just glassing the planet. They just like pissing us off.
: Okay, I know I've posted like four things on the site
: already, but I have more a question now and it's a good one,
: too.
: We've all seen the Halo 2 trailer (if you haven't, WHAT
: ARE YOU WAITING FOR??), the Covenant are bombarding Earth
: and there is little need to use ground forces and Bungie has
: said that you will be fighitng on Earth and the moon. So my
: question is: Why are the Covenant planning to use ground
: forces when their goal is to completly destroy the human
: race and Earth? Looking forward to your comments.
I'm guessing they attack on land because they can. They want to show that they can beat us on any level and aren't afraid to do so.
JRDestroyer wrote on Tuesday, 02/25/2003 - 9:12 pm:
: Samati wrote on Saturday, 02/22/2003 - 7:33 pm:
: : Okay, I know I've posted like four things on the site
: : already, but I have more a question now and it's a good
: one,
: : too.
: : We've all seen the Halo 2 trailer (if you haven't,
: : ARE YOU WAITING FOR??), the Covenant are bombarding
: Earth
: : and there is little need to use ground forces and Bungie
: has
: : said that you will be fighitng on Earth and the moon. So
: my
: : question is: Why are the Covenant planning to use
: ground
: : forces when their goal is to completly destroy the
: human
: : race and Earth? Looking forward to your comments.
: I'm guessing they attack on land because they can.
: They want to show that they can beat us on any level and
: aren't afraid to do so.
I think that the humans do have enouph firepower to at least give
the covannant fleet trouble,(assuming the earth has a few of those super MAC guns in orbit) so they drop off ground forces & retreat, like at Cote D'Azur & Reach in TFoR(There are other factors like the crystals, but Keyes did give them a hard time)
this has nothing to do with the ground assault but it is funny: i was palying on 'keys'' on legendary and i was wondering around through doors....i found a door that looked locked..but wasent....i went through it and found coridoors. i looked around in the till i found two grunts playing poker with shiny glow gards and green chips! after 2 minutes of grunt talk..one acused the other of cheating and they argued than the acuser SHOT! the yellow one.....weird huh...and yes ive emaild bungie.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: YOU MISSED MY POINT ENTIRELY!!!!!Well correct me if i am wrong but the first Halo book takes place before Halo. So i would imagine that the second Halo book called the flood or whatever is about the first Halo game. If you think about it thats what Halo (the game) is all about, the flood. Oh and the flood are not intelligent, they didnt make it off Halo ring because it was destroyed along with the truth and reconciliation. Cortana says Dust and Echoes. Besides remember the Monitor (343 guilty spark), he said on the last level when he gained access to the pillar of autumn "Human history, Fascinating" He escaped at the end of the game they show that. He is the reason why earths location is known. Somehow the Covenant get a hold of that info, maybe an alliance with the Monitor. Forget that flood idea, even if they r still alive they did NOT find earth. Keyes is dead and master chief has his nueral interface that was in his helmet. This WAR is mainly with the covenant NOT the flood. Flood just got in the way temporarily.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: Re: YOU MISSED MY POINT ENTIRELY!!!!!Halo fan since it came out wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 3:30 am:
: Well correct me if i am wrong but the first Halo book
: takes place before Halo. So i would imagine that the second
: Halo book called the flood or whatever is about the first
: Halo game. If you think about it thats what Halo (the game)
: is all about, the flood. Oh and the flood are not
: intelligent, they didnt make it off Halo ring because it was
: destroyed along with the truth and reconciliation. Cortana
: says Dust and Echoes. Besides remember the Monitor (343
: guilty spark), he said on the last level when he gained
: access to the pillar of autumn "Human history, Fascinating"
: He escaped at the end of the game they show that. He is the
: reason why earths location is known. Somehow the Covenant
: get a hold of that info, maybe an alliance with the Monitor.
: Forget that flood idea, even if they r still alive they did
: NOT find earth. Keyes is dead and master chief has his
: nueral interface that was in his helmet. This WAR is mainly
: with the covenant NOT the flood. Flood just got in the way
: temporarily.
Okay......so then...Halo: The Flood is what takes place during the game....that makes sense that they would make a book about the game THAT YOU ALREADY PLAYED!!!! I KNOW KEYES IS DEAD CONSIDERING THAT THE MC REACHED INTO HIS HEAD AND PULLED OUT THAT NEURAL INTERFEACE THING!!! How stupid do you think I am? "Oh and the Flood didn't make Halo." No shit b/c why would they imprison themselves in it??? If the Flood aren't stupid, then why were the Covenant terrified that they would repair a damned cruiser? If they were stupid, then they wouldn't be worried about them repairing the cruiser. Cortana does say dust and echoes, but maybe the Cruiser (which has not been confirmed to be the TaR b/c it could have been another cruiser) escaped before Halo was destroyed. Also, there isn't any proof what so ever of 343GS giving the Covenant the location of Earth.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: Re: YOU MISSED MY POINT ENTIRELY!!!!!Hey i didnt want to be rude but your kind of a moron. I didnt say the flood created Halo. Even if the flood escaped with the truth and reconciliation they did not revive keyes or used his voice to trick earth or whatever. How could they he has a hole in his head, what kind of voice sample could they have used? Its possible that when he tells MC to leave at the beginning of Keyes level, that he meant for him stay away so the flood could succeed in taking the ship. But he also could have meant that he wanted MC and cortana to remain unharmed. Either way they cant have a voice sample of keyes to trick earth, and if Bungie used a stupid idea like that then i would be a bit dissapointed by the story, not ingenious enough.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: Re: YOU MISSED MY POINT ENTIRELY!!!!!Halo fan since it came out wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 5:04 pm:
: Hey i didnt want to be rude but your kind of a moron. I
: didnt say the flood created Halo. Even if the flood escaped
: with the truth and reconciliation they did not revive keyes
: or used his voice to trick earth or whatever. How could they
: he has a hole in his head, what kind of voice sample could
: they have used? Its possible that when he tells MC to leave
: at the beginning of Keyes level, that he meant for him stay
: away so the flood could succeed in taking the ship. But he
: also could have meant that he wanted MC and cortana to
: remain unharmed. Either way they cant have a voice sample of
: keyes to trick earth, and if Bungie used a stupid idea like
: that then i would be a bit dissapointed by the story, not
: ingenious enough.
How could they he has a hole in his head??? if i remeber correctly u vocal cords and vocie box arnt in u freaking head! And the reason i think he said stay away was because he didnt want them harmed. ANd it very well could be possible they have a vocie sample of keys or at least a recording or something.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: Re: YOU MISSED MY POINT ENTIRELY!!!!!Naughty wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 6:17 pm:
: How could they he has a hole in his head??? if i remeber
: correctly u vocal cords and vocie box arnt in u freaking
: head! And the reason i think he said stay away was because
: he didnt want them harmed. ANd it very well could be
: possible they have a vocie sample of keys or at least a
: recording or something.
Thank you for understanding the voice sample I was trying to get at! Some people really weren't getting what I was talking about.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: THANK YOU!!!!Samati wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 7:28 pm:
: Naughty wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 6:17 pm:
: : How could they he has a hole in his head??? if i
: remeber
: : correctly u vocal cords and vocie box arnt in u
: freaking
: : head! And the reason i think he said stay away was
: because
: : he didnt want them harmed. ANd it very well could be
: : possible they have a vocie sample of keys or at least
: a
: : recording or something.
: Thank you for understanding the voice sample I was trying
: to get at! Some people really weren't getting what I was
: talking about.
Your welcome.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: THANK YOU!!!!Samati wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 7:28 pm:
Your "voice sample" is the gayest thing i heard
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: Re: THANK YOU!!!!towelie wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 10:13 pm:
: Samati wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 7:28 pm:
: Your "voice sample" is the gayest thing i heard
"towelie"????? is that the gayest thing ive heard.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: Re: THANK YOU!!!!Naughty wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 10:33 pm:
havnt you watched South Park?
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: Re: THANK YOU!!!!towelie wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 10:50 pm:
: Naughty wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 10:33 pm:
: havnt you watched South Park?
my bad
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: THANK YOU!!!!i agree with towelie. That is a very gay idea. Who cares how the flood come back if they evn do. The covenant are the main enemy and they found earth because of 343 guilty spark, i would assume seems how 343 made it out.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: Re: THANK YOU!!!!Halo fan since it came out wrote on Saturday, 03/15/2003 - 10:48 pm:
: i agree with towelie. That is a very gay idea. Who cares
: how the flood come back if they evn do. The covenant are the
: main enemy and they found earth because of 343 guilty spark,
: i would assume seems how 343 made it out.
i dont think the idea was that gay, it wasnt mine any ways. but yeah i guess u right I dont care how the flood come back even if they do.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: THANK YOU!!!!You are all idiots with few exceptions, The flood have NO intelegence
they cannot repair a starship, you should be shot for such a dumb idea, all they do is hunger. keys IS DEAD I know you want his dead old ass Samati But you must move on to younger boys now. 343 led them (COV) to earth Flood are gone for the time being
Anonymous (not verified)
What the...
In reply to: READ Post FOR TRUTHWho the hell are you to say we are stupid and insult Samati?
And they sure as hell DO have some intelligence, because they WERE repairing the starship. 343 GS SAYS IT DIPSHIT.
So shut your ass up you fat bastard and get a life.
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: READ Post FOR TRUTHFirst of all, I'm fifteen and i think that's puberty age not that you could count that high. Is there really a need for a personal attack? Jackass. Coming up with an interesting theory that is VERY VERY POSSIBLE makes me a pre-pube.....how logical....not! YOU must be the pre-pube since you have the IQ of a cheese sandwich!!! AND if the Flood can't repair ships, then why did the Covenant send a strike team to neutralize the flood and repair the ship? CORTANA SAYS THE FLOOD ARE REPAIRING THE SHIP AND THE COVNEANT ARE FREAKED OUT ABOUT IT!!! FUCK YOU!!!
In reply to: Re: READ Post FOR TRUTHSamati wrote on Friday, 03/21/2003 - 9:42 pm:
: First of all, I'm fifteen and i think that's puberty age
: not that you could count that high. Is there really a need
: for a personal attack? Jackass. Coming up with an
: interesting theory that is VERY VERY POSSIBLE makes me a
: pre-pube.....how logical....not! YOU must be the pre-pube
: since you have the IQ of a cheese sandwich!!! AND if the
: Flood can't repair ships, then why did the Covenant send a
: strike team to neutralize the flood and repair the ship?
haha you just owned him
Anonymous (not verified)
In reply to: YOU MISSED MY POINT ENTIRELY!!!!!That rite flood are coming back
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!First off, im gonna try and say something about manipulating Keyes' Voice. YOU CANT. You cannot manipulate a person's vocal cords to a certain frequency unless you have an exact recording of his voice. Even if you do you would need to know the precice frequence on which the cords vibrate to make that sound, AND you would need to make sure there was still a passage from the person's bronchial tubes and his mouth. In other words, ITS IMPOSSIBLE. It would take years, even if they had a recording of Keyes. Why would there be a recording? There wouldnt. And even if there was, how would the flood know how to manipulate it? They would need a human to blow air past the vocal cords to speak. They have none. Even if there is enough of the captains head and neck left to use, they still cannot because the infection probably spread and covered that part, as the body is not important to the flood so he is just a corpse. In conclusion, I just want to say that if Bungie did make him or his voice come back, it would be ficticious and stupid.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!To reply and Create Anew wrote on Monday, 03/17/2003 - 7:47 pm:
: First off, im gonna try and say something about
: manipulating Keyes' Voice. YOU CANT. You cannot manipulate a
: person's vocal cords to a certain frequency unless you have
: an exact recording of his voice. Even if you do you would
: need to know the precice frequence on which the cords
: vibrate to make that sound, AND you would need to make sure
: there was still a passage from the person's bronchial tubes
: and his mouth. In other words, ITS IMPOSSIBLE. It would take
: years, even if they had a recording of Keyes. Why would
: there be a recording? There wouldnt. And even if there was,
: how would the flood know how to manipulate it? They would
: need a human to blow air past the vocal cords to speak. They
: have none. Even if there is enough of the captains head and
: neck left to use, they still cannot because the infection
: probably spread and covered that part, as the body is not
: important to the flood so he is just a corpse. In
: conclusion, I just want to say that if Bungie did make him
: or his voice come back, it would be ficticious and stupid.
I think we got over that a while ago. and um is science fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they could probably do something like that in seconds that far in the future!!! and the flood probably would be able to do lots with it considering that it seems like they are quite smart (even tho they dont show it apparently they are). and im sure the flood could blow air after all they can growl or at least thats what it sounds like ,the gotta have something in their throats. most of them are just infected elites and marines. and if they needed a recording they could have got a gay one be 4 they infected keyes! any ways we were past this whole vocal cord voice thing and u had to bring it back!!
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!we were past it?
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!MWCM wrote on Wednesday, 03/19/2003 - 7:14 pm:
: we were past it?
: :)
ya we were talking bout if the flood were stupid or not.
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!all that you have to do is read the book, and understand it for that matter. it is pretty much explained towards the end of the book, Reach (for all u who didn't read it) fell to the covanent, it was the main military port for the humans. it was found because a tracker was put on the shit the Iriquois, the Iriquios returned to reach and then the covanent attacked. Now all that is left is a few inner colonies for the humans and it won't be long till earth is found, the covanent don't know the exact cords for earth, they just seek and destroy. I think MC is going to fullfill the original mission for halo, he is going to find the top personal of the covanent (the prophets) and he is going to make them return to earth, and the prophets and humans were going to make a peace treaty so the end of mankind doesn't happen. They never meant to go to halo, the covanent followed keyes there after he fled Reach from the main covanent assault. The flood are on some of the other rings, the covanent are comming to earth, MC is gonna kick some ass, and Keyes just might come back (u never know in sci fi). so i i'm just waiting to see if my predictions are right (usually aren't :)
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!OK for one the book Halo:The Flood is about THE FIRST GAME I know someone said that but just a little clarification there. I THINK (just a lil guess) that either MC or Cortana have a big argument/conflict with eachother(whatever u wanna say) while he is on the mission to capture a Prophet. Also it is POSSIBLE highly unlikely though that the covenants themselves are fighting an even higher race and the covenant kill other races to absorb their strenghts(as it said in the book) so they can better fight the higher race. MAYBE even an alliance between the human and covenant against this " Higher Race ". But this is all speculation and probly a lot of bullshit to you so don't call me a dumbass. this is all my imagination
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!I dont check the forums much so if u wanna reply to me my email is jasonsp@charter.net
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!I am not speculating, i read this in an article that EGM posted where they asked the actualy bungie staff questions.
They said the flood are going to return, 100%, unless they meant something else when they said "do you really think we'd get rid of the flood?" the voice box thing is interesting but when they asked the staff about keys returning they gave a flat no. Also an interesting thing they said was " The covenant have had a long history with then flood" im guessing that that meant the covenant has encountered the flood before, which would explain why the second they discovered them they ordered all ships to abandon halo. The reason they were terrified that the flood might have repaired and used it might have been because they had first hand experience with the flood doing just that. They also explained there were many halos, so im guessing that in exchange for the coordinates of all the human colonies (in the article they say that earth is the last place left and that all the human colonies had been destroyed) the moniter would be given free access to all remaining Halo's and maybe an escort of covenant (i doubt his sentinels survived Halos destruction, considering how easy their killed).
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!Crazybob wrote on Saturday, 03/29/2003 - 11:50 am:
: I am not speculating, i read this in an article that EGM
: posted where they asked the actualy bungie staff
: questions.
: They said the flood are going to return, 100%, unless they
: meant something else when they said "do you really think
: we'd get rid of the flood?" the voice box thing is
: interesting but when they asked the staff about keys
: returning they gave a flat no. Also an interesting thing
: they said was " The covenant have had a long history with
: then flood" im guessing that that meant the covenant has
: encountered the flood before, which would explain why the
: second they discovered them they ordered all ships to
: abandon halo. The reason they were terrified that the flood
: might have repaired and used it might have been because they
: had first hand experience with the flood doing just that.
: They also explained there were many halos, so im guessing
: that in exchange for the coordinates of all the human
: colonies (in the article they say that earth is the last
: place left and that all the human colonies had been
: destroyed) the moniter would be given free access to all
: remaining Halo's and maybe an escort of covenant (i doubt
: his sentinels survived Halos destruction, considering how
: easy their killed).
Oh well, there goes my theory! :-P Where'd u get that interview info.? I'd like to read it.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!I hack mexicans wrote on Saturday, 03/29/2003 - 9:37 am:
: OK for one the book Halo:The Flood is about THE FIRST GAME
: I know someone said that but just a little clarification
: there. I THINK (just a lil guess) that either MC or Cortana
: have a big argument/conflict with eachother(whatever u wanna
: say) while he is on the mission to capture a Prophet. Also
: it is POSSIBLE highly unlikely though that the covenants
: themselves are fighting an even higher race and the covenant
: kill other races to absorb their strenghts(as it said in the
: book) so they can better fight the higher race. MAYBE even
: an alliance between the human and covenant against this "
: Higher Race ". But this is all speculation and probly a lot
: of bullshit to you so don't call me a dumbass. this is all
: my imagination
The "higher power" ur talking about it probably the Forerunner or the Brutes, but since the Covenant hate the humans, they probably won't ally. Then again, it would be some sort of a twist which is something we should ALL be used to when it comes to Bungie.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!:not likly if you readed Halo:The flood the ship (The Truth And Reconcileation) was destroyed by the ODST(Orbital Drop Shock Troopers)when a Lieutenant named McKay pulled a gernade in the controle room where Keyes was and the ship lost controle and ramed in to halo and it says "those aboard her ceasedto exist."
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!
In reply to: KEYES IS BACK!!!!!!!!There is no way in hell keyes could have survcived that punch in the head (since his skull was destroyed) and the Flood didn't have time to fix the ship and lift off from Halo reason: did you see all that coolant laying in puddles beneath the ship that stuff doesn't just fall out of the air you have to get that stuff from another covenant ship or not run the Shaw-Fugikawa Engines to get anywhere. So there is no way the Flood could have fixed the ship in time. At least i don't think so, anything is possible i guess.
Anonymous (not verified)
Ground Assualt
Okay, I know I've posted like four things on the site already, but I have more a question now and it's a good one, too.
We've all seen the Halo 2 trailer (if you haven't, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??), the Covenant are bombarding Earth and there is little need to use ground forces and Bungie has said that you will be fighitng on Earth and the moon. So my question is: Why are the Covenant planning to use ground forces when their goal is to completly destroy the human race and Earth? Looking forward to your comments.
Banshee Pilot
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Ground AssualtSamati wrote on Saturday, 02/22/2003 - 7:33 pm:
: Okay, I know I've posted like four things on the site
: already, but I have more a question now and it's a good one,
: too.
: We've all seen the Halo 2 trailer (if you haven't, WHAT
: ARE YOU WAITING FOR??), the Covenant are bombarding Earth
: and there is little need to use ground forces and Bungie has
: said that you will be fighitng on Earth and the moon. So my
: question is: Why are the Covenant planning to use ground
: forces when their goal is to completly destroy the human
: race and Earth? Looking forward to your comments.
They only want to destroy humankind, not Earth. Ground forces would probably be much better for less crowded areas.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtBanshee Pilot wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 4:22 am:
: They only want to destroy humankind, not Earth. Ground
: forces would probably be much better for less crowded
: areas.
But they are already destroying the humans by bombing it from orbit. So what's the need for ground forces?
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtSamati wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 8:04 am:
: Banshee Pilot wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 4:22 am:
: : They only want to destroy humankind, not Earth. Ground
: : forces would probably be much better for less crowded
: : areas.
: But they are already destroying the humans by bombing it
: from orbit. So what's the need for ground forces?
I think what Banshee Pilot was trying to say is that there may be resources or key human installations that the covenant may want to not destroy, but rather capture. In this case aerial bombardment is not the best solution. Organised teams like on the level "Keyes" (from halo (duh)) would be needed.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtManwithaCrystalMethod wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 10:19 am:
: I think what Banshee Pilot was trying to say is that there
: may be resources or key human installations that the
: covenant may want to not destroy, but rather capture. In
: this case aerial bombardment is not the best solution.
: Organised teams like on the level "Keyes" (from halo (duh))
: would be needed.
True, natural resources and installations would be an excuse to launch a ground attack, but wouldn't they wait after the humans were all destroyed to commence a ground assault?
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtSamati wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 11:27 am:
: ManwithaCrystalMethod wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 10:19
: am:
: : I think what Banshee Pilot was trying to say is that
: there
: : may be resources or key human installations that the
: : covenant may want to not destroy, but rather capture.
: In
: : this case aerial bombardment is not the best solution.
: : Organised teams like on the level "Keyes" (from halo
: (duh))
: : would be needed.
: True, natural resources and installations would be an
: excuse to launch a ground attack, but wouldn't they wait
: after the humans were all destroyed to commence a ground
: assault?
Yes sure but if there are key facilities that can hold to some degree planetary bombing, people would stake out there. Meaning that if the covies wanted it to not be destroyed, they would have to eliminate the occupants "hand-to-hand".
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Re: Ground Assualt: Yes sure but if there are key facilities that can hold to
: some degree planetary bombing, people would stake out there.
: Meaning that if the covies wanted it to not be destroyed,
: they would have to eliminate the occupants "hand-to-hand".
if the covies goal is as it seems, to wipe out humans, they're gonna glass earth and move on (earth probably isn't the last human planet after all). they aren't in it for the gold, they aren't in it for the tech, slaves, or our mothers home fried chicken.
besides, Earth, our of all the planets, probably have fewer resources, they would have no reason glass the other planets and then save earth.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtEarendil wrote on Monday, 02/24/2003 - 12:28 am:
: : Yes sure but if there are key facilities that can hold
: to
: : some degree planetary bombing, people would stake out
: there.
: : Meaning that if the covies wanted it to not be
: destroyed,
: : they would have to eliminate the occupants
: "hand-to-hand".
: if the covies goal is as it seems, to wipe out humans,
: they're gonna glass earth and move on (earth probably isn't
: the last human planet after all). they aren't in it for the
: gold, they aren't in it for the tech, slaves, or our mothers
: home fried chicken.
: besides, Earth, our of all the planets, probably have
: fewer resources, they would have no reason glass the other
: planets and then save earth.
: Earendil
Good point. Never thought of that. However, i do think they may want to study humanity a bit- i mean earth is like the hub of human space travel, etc. That would make earth more valuable to research than all the other planets, besides maybe Reach. They would learn the most of our history and society through Earth. But I do understand where you are coming from.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt - Samati your a genius!!!
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtSamati wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 8:04 am:
: Banshee Pilot wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 4:22 am:
: : They only want to destroy humankind, not Earth. Ground
: : forces would probably be much better for less crowded
: : areas.
: But they are already destroying the humans by bombing it
: from orbit. So what's the need for ground forces?
Samati, thats a brilliant question!!! Have you guys read 'the fall of reach' yet?
In the book it says that the Covenant are trying to get their slimy hands on a forerunner artifact that has some coordinates on it - the coordinates to Halo as it turns out! Cortana puts in the coordinates from the artifact before they make the 'blind jump' into hyperspace in accordance to the Cole Protocole.
Now this links up to your question - Why didn't they glass the planet with the artifact on it to kill all the humans........BECAUSE IT HAD A SECRET FORUNNER ARTIFACT ON IT. there was something on the planet that they needed - and they didn't want to destroy because it had some 'worth' to them.
Now, as you were saying Samati, 'why haven't they totally glassed Earth yet' ' why are they sending ground troops?'............it can only be one reason why! Earth has some importance other than annihalating the human race.
Samati, I think you are on to a good thing here and it may actually play out in halo 2!!!
Anonymous (not verified)
Ground Assualt Awnser
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtMy awnser is that if the Covenent want to go on the earth, maybe they are looking for information on to where to go next. Remember how the flood absorbed Captain Keyes' memery of the Earth maybe their going to channel that information to what planet they can infest next. You never know.
Chew on this
In reply to: Ground AssualtHere are a few things we know for SURE from playing Halo and reading the Book that should be taken into consideration when discussing this topic.
Taken from the book:
the covies DO have the tech to "glass" a planet, i.e. hit the surface with enough heat from whatever weapon they use, to glass over the planets surface. this is such a devastating thing that the spartens that were on Reach when it was glassed were thought to have no chance of surviving.
Only two reasons the humans faced covies on hard ground.
from the book: the covies tried to find crystal jewels that the encoded location for "something" (which turned out to be the Halo, the place cortana took us) was on. we had those crystals, the covies wanted them.
The second reason comes from Halo. they were crash landed and marooned right along side us. they also, in this case, had a goal on the surface, to "unlock the secret weapon".
we know from the book that the covies have *NO* problem coming into our systems, attacking our star cruisers, glassing the planet, and moving on. that's what they have done to all our other systems. that's what they did to reach, out biggest military base and research station. if they wanted to "learn" something about us, that would have been the place. but they don't, they are just here to kill.
only reasons for a ground battle that I can come up with, as I've stated before, would be that in our defense of earth we shoot down a covie ship, and it crash lands on earth with survivors. we all know that even if 50 elites escaped, that wouldn't be an easy thing for marines to deal with. that'd be hell for even us as the MC to deal with :)
the only other reason I can think of for Covies on earth, would be the giant bungie plot twist, something that is guaranteed to happen, and not anything any of us will ever guess at.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Chew on this
In reply to: Chew on thisBut if the crystal had the information regarding the location of Halo, why would they want it back? They already went to Halo and knew what was on it (Flood and Sentinals). Also, where was the crystal being held? Reach, I'm guessing and the planet was practically destroyed.
About the Bungie plot twist: DEFINATELY!! On Halo we had the Flood, 343GS, Halo's weapon, the forerunner, Foe Hammer was destroyed, and so much more! Who knows what Bungie has planned for Halo 2?
I just thought of a reason for why the Covies are landing on Earth: Have you ever seen those documenteries about the Pyramids of Giza? There were some strange hyroglyphs on the walls within the pyramids with stuff like flying objects and stuff. Maybe the Forerunners came to Earth in the past after they finished the Halos and activated it the first time. Just a thought.
Re: Chew on this
In reply to: Re: Chew on this: But if the crystal had the information regarding the
: location of Halo, why would they want it back?
they never had the crystals in the first place, humans had only just discovered them, and more than likely they over heard our com-chatter and realized these crystals fell into their own stories and myths about space, and wanted those because they thought there was a secret weapon at the other end.
anyone who has read the books more recently might want to clarify this part for me, my memory is a little fuzzy.
actually as I type that, I'm thinking we had them(the crystals) but didn't know what they were. but when the covies started raiding our planets and finding these things, cortana put 2 and 2 together and decided these things were important
: They already
: went to Halo and knew what was on it (Flood and Sentinals).
they knew only because they tracked our ship with some kind of leech homing device. they followed the PoA and crash landed with us. they had never been to the Halo before.
: Also, where was the crystal being held? Reach, I'm guessing
: and the planet was practically destroyed.
actaully, I'm pretty sure we didn't think of the crystals as that important. they held a seemingly unbreakable code, that cortana only cracked moments before our "random" jump away from the Reach system. with the Covies smashing our very existance I don't think breaking this code, that we had worked at for quite some time, was at the top of the priority list.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Chew on this
In reply to: Re: Chew on thisWhen I first played and beat Halo, I thought that the Covenat fleet near Halo was already there investigating Halo. Cortana says "They were waiting for us on the far side of the planet." I know Covenant ships are faster than human ships, but still. If they were waiting for them on the other side of the planet then maybe the Covenant already found the Halo with or w/o one of those data crystals. Also, the Covenant seem to have a pretty good hold on Halo. I seriously think that the Covenant were on Halo before the PoA got there.
Also, the Covenant didn't "crash with us." You really think that Cortana caused all of the Covenant ships to crash on Halo do you? The Covenant had the capabilities of holding position above land (Check "The Truth and reconciliation') so the Covenant probably held position above Halo and used their dropships and gravity lifts to send out the troops.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Chew on this
In reply to: Chew on thisEarendil wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 3:49 pm:
: Here are a few things we know for SURE from playing Halo
: and reading the Book that should be taken into consideration
: when discussing this topic.
: Taken from the book:
: the covies DO have the tech to "glass" a planet, i.e. hit
: the surface with enough heat from whatever weapon they use,
: to glass over the planets surface. this is such a
: devastating thing that the spartens that were on Reach when
: it was glassed were thought to have no chance of
: surviving.
: Only two reasons the humans faced covies on hard ground.
: from the book: the covies tried to find crystal jewels
: that the encoded location for "something" (which turned out
: to be the Halo, the place cortana took us) was on. we had
: those crystals, the covies wanted them.
: The second reason comes from Halo. they were crash landed
: and marooned right along side us. they also, in this case,
: had a goal on the surface, to "unlock the secret weapon".
: we know from the book that the covies have *NO* problem
: coming into our systems, attacking our star cruisers,
: glassing the planet, and moving on. that's what they have
: done to all our other systems. that's what they did to
: reach, out biggest military base and research station. if
: they wanted to "learn" something about us, that would have
: been the place. but they don't, they are just here to
: kill.
: only reasons for a ground battle that I can come up with,
: as I've stated before, would be that in our defense of earth
: we shoot down a covie ship, and it crash lands on earth with
: survivors. we all know that even if 50 elites escaped, that
: wouldn't be an easy thing for marines to deal with. that'd
: be hell for even us as the MC to deal with :)
: the only other reason I can think of for Covies on earth,
: would be the giant bungie plot twist, something that is
: guaranteed to happen, and not anything any of us will ever
: guess at.
: Earendil
Guys, just forget all this argument. We don't know what's gonna happen in Halo 2. We know that fighting on earth and the moon is definite. But don't forget the name of the game is HALO 2. So, mistake me if i'm wrong and i bet you will, but, Halo has to come in somewhere in the game. Has anyone thought about this yet? It just came to my mind. And you all know whatever Bungie throws at us is going to be flat out Amazing. Amazing as in when late 2003 comes i'm going to bust out into seisures everynight until the day the game comes out.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Chew on this
In reply to: Chew on thisEarendil wrote on Sunday, 02/23/2003 - 3:49 pm:
: Here are a few things we know for SURE from playing Halo
: and reading the Book that should be taken into consideration
: when discussing this topic.
: Taken from the book:
: the covies DO have the tech to "glass" a planet, i.e. hit
: the surface with enough heat from whatever weapon they use,
: to glass over the planets surface. this is such a
: devastating thing that the spartens that were on Reach when
: it was glassed were thought to have no chance of
: surviving.
: Only two reasons the humans faced covies on hard ground.
: from the book: the covies tried to find crystal jewels
: that the encoded location for "something" (which turned out
: to be the Halo, the place cortana took us) was on. we had
: those crystals, the covies wanted them.
: The second reason comes from Halo. they were crash landed
: and marooned right along side us. they also, in this case,
: had a goal on the surface, to "unlock the secret weapon".
: we know from the book that the covies have *NO* problem
: coming into our systems, attacking our star cruisers,
: glassing the planet, and moving on. that's what they have
: done to all our other systems. that's what they did to
: reach, out biggest military base and research station. if
: they wanted to "learn" something about us, that would have
: been the place. but they don't, they are just here to
: kill.
: only reasons for a ground battle that I can come up with,
: as I've stated before, would be that in our defense of earth
: we shoot down a covie ship, and it crash lands on earth with
: survivors. we all know that even if 50 elites escaped, that
: wouldn't be an easy thing for marines to deal with. that'd
: be hell for even us as the MC to deal with :)
: the only other reason I can think of for Covies on earth,
: would be the giant bungie plot twist, something that is
: guaranteed to happen, and not anything any of us will ever
: guess at.
: Earendil
I think the covies are getting revenge.Maybe the forerunner or someone really did something to the covies and now the covies want to get revenge. Either by killing everyone in a certain radius or destroying the halo rings if it was the forerunner that hurt the covies or getting the halo rings weapon and killing who ever hurt them.???????????Maybe
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Ground AssualtI think the Covies just want to see us all die. If you read The Fall of Reach, the Covenent sent forces to Cote de Azur ( or whatever the heck it's called), sent forces to Reach, and a couple other places instead of just glassing the planet. They just like pissing us off.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtLOL! Good point! :-D
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Ground AssualtSamati wrote on Saturday, 02/22/2003 - 7:33 pm:
: Okay, I know I've posted like four things on the site
: already, but I have more a question now and it's a good one,
: too.
: We've all seen the Halo 2 trailer (if you haven't, WHAT
: ARE YOU WAITING FOR??), the Covenant are bombarding Earth
: and there is little need to use ground forces and Bungie has
: said that you will be fighitng on Earth and the moon. So my
: question is: Why are the Covenant planning to use ground
: forces when their goal is to completly destroy the human
: race and Earth? Looking forward to your comments.
I'm guessing they attack on land because they can. They want to show that they can beat us on any level and aren't afraid to do so.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Ground Assualt
In reply to: Re: Ground AssualtJRDestroyer wrote on Tuesday, 02/25/2003 - 9:12 pm:
: Samati wrote on Saturday, 02/22/2003 - 7:33 pm:
: : Okay, I know I've posted like four things on the site
: : already, but I have more a question now and it's a good
: one,
: : too.
: : We've all seen the Halo 2 trailer (if you haven't,
: : ARE YOU WAITING FOR??), the Covenant are bombarding
: Earth
: : and there is little need to use ground forces and Bungie
: has
: : said that you will be fighitng on Earth and the moon. So
: my
: : question is: Why are the Covenant planning to use
: ground
: : forces when their goal is to completly destroy the
: human
: : race and Earth? Looking forward to your comments.
: I'm guessing they attack on land because they can.
: They want to show that they can beat us on any level and
: aren't afraid to do so.
I think that the humans do have enouph firepower to at least give
the covannant fleet trouble,(assuming the earth has a few of those super MAC guns in orbit) so they drop off ground forces & retreat, like at Cote D'Azur & Reach in TFoR(There are other factors like the crystals, but Keyes did give them a hard time)
Anonymous (not verified)
poker with grunts
In reply to: Ground Assualtthis has nothing to do with the ground assault but it is funny: i was palying on 'keys'' on legendary and i was wondering around through doors....i found a door that looked locked..but wasent....i went through it and found coridoors. i looked around in the till i found two grunts playing poker with shiny glow gards and green chips! after 2 minutes of grunt talk..one acused the other of cheating and they argued than the acuser SHOT! the yellow one.....weird huh...and yes ive emaild bungie.
tell me wat u think