hello everyone, this is just an ANNOUNCEMENT that i will be doing sheet music for various songs and themes from recent halo 4 songs. I am open to suggestions so please let me know



roddypatooty's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Music

alright sounds good, i was gonna do both those and the directors cut music, maybe the concept art trailer music too, the halo 4 music has really taken a new turn, and i love it :)

shenankang's picture

Thank you so much for putting a lot of effort in transcribing and inputting the notes for the Halo 4 pieces! Best of luck! :)

joorangejuice's picture

Please do arrival and to galaxy

SnailManDom's picture

To galaxy

IanP's picture

It would be awesome if you could PLEASE transpose "To Galaxy" for piano with a midi to accompany it.

prancy's picture

Can you please do Haven

cks28078's picture

Can you transcribe revival for orchestra?

26Ace's picture

And yet nobody has suggested 117 for an orchestra.
Could do it if you like a challenge.
Awakening and Belly of the Beast would be nice too.

Ramon320's picture

Can you transcribe "Solace" for an orchestra? It's one of the most beautiful pieces in the Halo 4 soundtrack.