And the Acronym Attack strikes again... that Halo Preview at we wrote about earlier also has nine new Halo screenshots taken from the TGS, and they're pretty good quality.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page, under current media.
CORRECTION: Claude Errera (who, incidentally, is user #7 in the new system-- I'd like to know how he arranged that) pointed out that these screens aren't really new -- they were posted on Friday, and are apparently missing four other screens that he graciously attached to the comment on this item.
Proof positive that we need our own screenshot archive here at Rampancy just to keep track of that kind of thing. It's in the works :)
Claude Errera
These are the same screens (well, someone's been playing with brightness levels, but that's not always a good thing) as Acrappa mentioned Friday. 'New'? And more than that: for some bizarre reason, they only posted 9 of the 13 new shots - they missed these guys: