Eggs, i say thankz (Not eggs)

Me here,

I would just like to take the time to thanks Eeggs(not a error) and Google for all their help. I have submitted alot of eggs, but i can't take credit for them all, i have found a large amount of them, but not them all. and Google are well known sites, and they desrve some credit. I reccomend these sites to all.

Skull-Seeker 4 life!!!


Hello again,

I've relised that (obviosly), Halo 3 is ALOT more played then Halo2, so i found some eggs for all the hungry players!

There is a trash-talking grunt on the last level.
As you're driving the wathog, and u get near the end of the level, just before u jump onto the ship, there is a pillar on your right. Drive over to it. Get out, and walk over to the grunt.
He has a mouthful to say. Please enjoy
