After posting a few of my personal viewpoints in a recent thread, I have finally decided to catalogue my ideas for public opinion. These ideas will be formed from an ongoing series of blogs that will be refined and broken down into simple sequences of information. Refining and extrapolating of individual ideas will occur on a regular basis, but hopefully I can maintain a focussed and informative dialog from my ramblings.


The basic idea is to create a realistic combat modification (mod) that places human soldiers fighting alongside Spartan class models. The difference here is that human soldiers lack shields and would likely be more vulnerable to death. Likewise they would also be faster than your normal Spartan. Spartans act exactly like the Master Chief, but are limited to say 1 per every 4 players on the Human/Spartan side (possible server-side setting).

As I would prefer to avoid class-based structuring I think it would be necessary to incorporate a skill based system in the game. This would work by encouraging players to assume roles and then gain improvements based upon their performance within that role.

An example would be a basic class sniper. Imagine a player that picks up a sniper rifle and then proceeds to gain kills with his new rifle. As the player gains kills using his sniper rifle, he also improves his reload time and decreases his body movement while scoped-in.

Instead of limiting the player to the class of sniper, the system works to encourage players to work together and support one another. This is not to say that upon dying you lose your abilities, so a player could and should take multiple roles upon themselves throughtout a battle in order to improve their own skills.

Pilots/drivers could allow their vehicles to take more damage before being destroyed based upon the distance they travel in them. Gunners gain more accuracy from their weapons while hitting targets from a vehicle. The structuring is somewhat free-form in this regard. If medkits could be equipped you could even add a field medic role into the mix, etc. There could even be smaller bonuses for players such as increased speed or stamina (if running is possible) for traveling a given distance on foot.

The goal is to improve what the player is good at without forcing them into a confining class-based structure. The end result is to make Spartans the tanks of the soldier class and allow human soldiers to specialize more upon specific skills (which I will likely elaborate upon in a later blog). Consider this the evolution of First Person Shooters and Role-Playing Games.

More information coming soon in Part 02.



jfarrell's picture

Your Modal and idea is very sound, however, there is one aspect that troubles me from reading your article. If you have read the books then you know the authors go to extraordinary lengths to display how incredibly advanced a Spartan is, i.e: landing on a floor with no sound despite wearing 400lbs armor. Spartans are designed to EXCEED human soldiers in every concievable way, nowhere in your modal should there be any advantage human soldiers have over Spartans, they just dont exist,

That is not to say your idea of gaining "veterancy" attributes with experience is bad, honestly I like it, I think it would play a huge advantage for players who desire faster gameplay.

vicmitkal's picture

In reply to: Spartan vs Human

Yeah, the unfortunate aspect of this entire model is that it is based upon the existing Halo theme. The reason for this being a weakness is due to the fact that the Spartan is such a super soldier capable of handling an entire squadron of elite Covenant. In terms of a gameplay aspect this would not be quite fair. Resultingly certain storyline attributes had or need to be modified in order to create a balanced aspect of gameplay.

As I mention in part 03, the gameplay aspects that are highlighted do not need to be solely used for Halo. Ideally this format would best be served in an entirely new mod for Halo, possibly with its own unique storyline as well. This is not to say that it could not be connected to the current Halo storyline, only that given the specific details concerning the strength of the Spartans, namely Master Chief, certain balance aspects for multiplayer would be all but impossible.

Vic Mitkal
a.k.a. Pimpy™

Vic Mitkal
a.k.a. Pimpy™

jfarrell's picture

In reply to: Gameplay versus Storyline...

This is not quite related to your topic, but I think that maybe this is the reason Microsoft and Bungie don't plan to follow the storyline set by Eric Nylund, that is that there are I think three Spartans plus the Master Chief that survive the trip to Earth.

Perhpas for the reason of balance, MS is sticking with just one Spartan, though it should be noted: Master Chief is just your average Spartan. He doesn't posses Kelly's speed, Fred's strength, nor Linda's uncanny accuracy. But he is a leader and that is what makes him the main Spartan.

Still I wouldnt mind stomping through an Earth city with about 3 other Spartans. But hey what this has to do with your entry I have no idea LOL :)

vicmitkal's picture

In reply to: Multiple Spartans

I think that although vaguely off-topic your post does have a very valid point. That point being that each Spartan is unique in some regard. It would be fun to play coop with a team where each Spartan model has its own strength and weakness. The point of my mod is to diversify gameplay by allowing players to customize their characters more than currently allowed. However this goal is accomplished is fine by me.

My biggest problem with Halo's current multiplayer setup is that the only difference between players is what weapons they carry. Other than that they are fundamentally the same. Sure this is nice from a balance aspect but it really makes gameplay boring. By adding multiple Spartan models to the mix, each having a different ability I think that gameplay would greatly improve. So although you post was somewhat off-topic its relevance is critical when understanding the fundamentals of my mod.

Vic Mitkal
a.k.a. Pimpy™

Vic Mitkal
a.k.a. Pimpy™

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Multiple Spartans

I think that they may have more Spartans in halo 2... Eric Nylund left us with so many loose ends, like how Dr. Halsey took Kelly on that ship, and that Colonal Ackerson or whatever his name was (the guy who was supposed to be Halsey's predecesser or whatever) had a "backup plan".

And, when Dr. Halsey was in that guys's computer, she came across two files. One was Titled "s-III". John and the others were a part of the "SPARTAN-II" program. Could this be the SPARTAN-III program? The other file was entitled "cmdez", or something simmilar. Hmm... Chief Mandez, maybe? This one i'm not too sure about, but for all of the people who have read the novels, just think about it.

I may sound like a rambling conspiricy theorist, but all of these things would be interesting to see in the new Halo.

P.S. if someone could copy this into a new thread I'd appriciate it-- I'm having problems with my e-mail account and can't get my password, and i'd like to get this in it's own thread