Bullseye's picture

1 All of the flashy, florescent yellow and green light surrounding selected units gets confusing and it is VERY DIFFICULT to tell what a particular unit's health is in a group of units. A unit at full health will have a green health bar to the side of him, and a YELLOW ring under him, showing that he is in your possession. This makes it difficult to see. Perhaps the yellow ring under the unit should actually reflect the color of his health bar
1 Life bars on selected units are faint and difficult to see, unlike Myth and Myth II.
1 Wight explosions look extremely poor and should be remedied
1 Pus looks poor
1 Contrails on projectiles (puss, duff bottles, etc) are very weak
2 Holding the up arrow in solo doesnt allow you to see previous speech unless you press and hold it as one is being spoken.
2 There's hardly any blood for exploded people. Also, there's no blood or smoke on lightning deaths
2 Units have no pickup/drop animation
2 The wind noise on Creep is awfully loud and repetitive
2 Occasionally, the dead corpse of a unit will remain in one piece and float in the air (I think this is if he is killed by a TIW)
2 Water does not splash when units walk through it
2 Trow vs. Trow fights look rather silly
2 The edge of the water at the SW entrance to the carnage map looks squared off.
2 Lack of ambient sounds
3 Dwarves in the game (when zoomed in to the maximum) seem to have half their beards kind of....sideways. It seems that the texture is not right
3 In-game sound is comparatively low to cut-scene sound, so after a single-player mission, you get blasted by the narrator speaking
3 Warrior Heroes have Thrall’s portraits (in status bar)
3 75% of the time, when i try to taunt, the units make the motions, but makes no noise.
3 “Waiting for players” tab at the end of the game has a redraw bug
3 Music and intro sounds don't seem to be affected by the volume control
3 Trow Iron Warriors Hammer bleeds after they die