
The banshee is a one-man flying assault vehicle that can fly like an airplane and hover like helicopter. It carries two armaments; dual plasma cannons, similar to those on the Ghost, and a Fuel Rod Gun similar to those carried by Spec Ops grunts and molded into the arms of Hunters.

The Banshee is supposedly powered by "anti gravity pods" located on the ends of the wings. From footage in recent television advertisements, it seems likely that the handling characteristics of Banshees have been somewhat altered since Halo 1.


The Shadow is an armed Covenant personnel carrier. It has a roof-mounted plasma turret that bears a lot of resemblance to the Shade turret from Halo 1.

The Master Chief destroys several of these with a Warthog-mounted Gauss gun in the E3 realtime demonstration from 2003.

The Shadow has a crew of two (driver and gunner) and can carry up to 8 infantry units, including Elites, Brutes, Grunts or Jackals.

This item was erroneously referred to in the site's XML files as the "Creep". This might have been an early name.

Boarding Ship

This image, of a vehicle or object not yet positively identified, appeared on the revised website revised on October 15. It could be a revised dropship, but it is more likely a Boarding Ship, a vehicle seen only from the inside during Halo 1. The Covenant may have used these to attach to the Pillar of Autumn's escape pod doors.

Its appearance at may indicate that we will once again be seeing Covenant boarders on UNSC vessels in Halo 2.
