Well, Bungie must have rested on the seventh day, because there wasn't very much news to post yesterday. However, I do have a couple of things to share with you.
Well, Bungie must have rested on the seventh day, because there wasn't very much news to post yesterday. However, I do have a couple of things to share with you.
Kudos to peapon, who passed along this tidbit regarding Bungie and Halo getting some air time:
Wirehead of Halo.Bungie.Org noted first in their Halo forum that Bungie is hiring for a Producer position in Chicago. They specifically mention Halo in the job description. Nathan Bitner formerly held that title, then left to finish his education and got married. The next question is... is he coming back?
Kudos to fozzy for pointing out an interview with Bungie's Shikai Wang, the artist on the Halo team responsible for much of the Covenant races and technology we will be seeing. Graciously transcribed to the forum for your reading pleasure, the article comes with a scanned image courtesy of Mark Levin depicting:
Raven of Planet-Halo, a German fan site which is unaffiliated with GameSpy/PlanetFoo, passed on word that his site has now moved to http://www.planet-halo.de.
I was informed yesterday of a new interview with Doug Zartman which was being shown at Macnews.de. A big thank-you goes out to CyberBob, who obtained permission for it to be translated and republished here, and who was the primary interpreter on our end. It has made a full loop from English to German and back to English again... so there may be some unintentional inaccuracy. We think it'll be an interesting read, though. Enjoy! ;-)
As reported by Inside Mac Games, there is a new Halo preview at 3D Action Planet for your reading pleasure. Opening with a narrative, it gives a detailed run down of the engine, though some will certainly misintepret their 3rd person sentiments.