What network play modes will Halo 2 support?

narcogen's picture
Halo 2 is expected to feature similar modes supported by Halo 1, as well as additional modes. For instance, Halo 1 could support 16 players on 4 Xboxes simultaneously over System Link (ethernet). It did not support Xbox Live. Halo 2 will fully support Xbox Live. Its per-game player limit may be as high as 64. It is expected that the limit of 4 Xboxes per System Link game will be removed, allowing more individual players to play on separate Xboxes, removing the necessity for split screen mode, although this mode is expected to still be available.

What is different between Halo and Halo 2?

narcogen's picture

According to Jason Jones of Bungie, Halo 2 is a lot like Halo only it's 'Halo' on fire, going 130 miles per hour through a hospital zone, being chased by helicopters and ninjas, and the ninjas are all on fire, too.

Lead Designer Jaime Griesemer pointed out that it will have multiplayer over the Internet through Microsoft's Xbox Live service, and hinted at new multiplayer game types, bringing Halo's network play more in line with the original concept of squad-based gameplay.

Halo 2 is supposed to have twice the number of pilotable vehicles.
