Only a year ago, Bungie finally admitted they were, in fact, working on Halo 3, and had been for over a year.
Now, with the release of that game still, in all likelihood, more than half a year away, rumors of sequels, "true sequels", expansion packs and secret features are circulating through the labyrinthine tubes of the Internet.
PlayThree is citing unconfirmed, unidentified "sources close to Bungie" that state the following:
RUMOR: Halo 3 will run at 1080p, 60fps. MS apparently wants this to one-up ths PS3's claim to being the only "true 1080p" console. Bungie is supposedly testing this internally now.
UPDATE: Frankie, aka Stinkles, has smacked this report down hard in the NeoGAF forum. His response? BS. Confidently written BS, but still BS. Thanks KP at HBO for the notice.
REACTION: One can see why Microsoft would want this, but the record for past Halo games is that they will lock at 30fps and walk the line where textures and effects are more important than resolution or high framerates. That the rumor specifies that the Beta won't be 1080p is just a hedge, meaning this rumor gets to survive past that point, whereas otherwise people might assume that if the beta isn't 1080p, the game won't be. After all, Halo 3 has had a lot of work done to it so far: geometry, textures, effects. If it wasn't all done with 1080p in mind from the start, can this be changed so late in the process? And if so, why doesn't it apply to the beta?
RUMOR: Bungie is striving to make Halo 3 compatible with Xbox 360 Cores, but may have to drop to 30fps in some cases.
REACTION: That makes little sense. A hard drive is of use for caching content, reducing load times. How it affects framerate is difficult to see. Why Microsoft would want to make part of their installed base feel like they are getting a crippled version of a flagship title just for the "1080p 60fps" on the back of the box is beyond me. People who want Halo 3 will buy it regardless of those numbers.
RUMOR: Halo 4 will be a launch title for the next next-generation Xbox in 2011.
REACTION: Doesn't Bungie want to do something else for a change? Isn't the whole idea in letting Ensemble and Wingnut work in the Halo universe to give Bungie a break, so they can move on from Halo?
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spartan 691 (not verified)
Halo 4
RUMOR: Halo 4 will be a launch title for the next next-generation Xbox in 2011.
REACTION: Doesn't Bungie want to do something else for a change? Isn't the whole idea in letting Ensemble and Wingnut work in the Halo universe to give Bungie a break, so they can move on from Halo?
I don't see why they would move on beacause if you have dedicated employes that enjoy making the game their gonna want to stay on the project, and if they do why not. Beacause all their gonna want to do is make it even better than before. I guess it's pride ?
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4DON'T MAKE A NEW MASTERCHIEF/SPARTAN!!!!! 117 is still alive!!!!make halo 4 on xbox 360!!plz..[/url]
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4[quote=Anonymous]DON'T MAKE A NEW MASTERCHIEF/SPARTAN!!!!! 117 is still alive!!!!make halo 4 on xbox 360!!plz..[/url][/quote]
just to tell you his name is Jonh
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4I'm not saying I don't believe you but where does it say his name is jonh?
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4[quote=Anonymous]I'm not saying I don't believe you but where does it say his name is jonh?[/quote]
First of all, at the end of Halo 3...
[spoiler]Cortana says "It's been an honor serving with you, John."
Secondly, it's in the first novel, Fall of Reach. And each novel after that. MC's name is John and his full military designation if Master Chief Petty Officer John-117.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4If you go to aka halopedia and type in spartan-117 It well say his name is John not jonh
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4watch therw the credits on HALO 3 and Cortna says ok John teh cheif enter;s a sleep pod
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4If you are going to correct someone do it right. Its john not jonh.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4you spelled his name wrong it's John
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4Umm, actually if they actually (bungie) released a new Halo game, it would be on the next gen console, of which Rumors say that a new one is being released in a 2-3 year time period.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4i now man halo 4 better come out or ill burn bungie to the ground
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4They have a perfect setting to.Master chief finds out the chunk of ship floats to the home planet of the brutes.There,he meets the arbiter captured with him.The armies go to get rid of the brutes once and for all,but it is a setup and they are working with the new flood king.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4They have a perfect setting to.Master chief finds out the chunk of ship floats to the home planet of the brutes.There,he meets the arbiter captured with him.The armies go to get rid of the brutes once and for all,but it is a setup and they are working with the new flood king.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4[quote]They have a perfect setting to.Master chief finds out the chunk of ship floats to the home planet of the brutes.There,he meets the arbiter captured with him.The armies go to get rid of the brutes once and for all,but it is a setup and they are working with the new flood king.[/quote]
Ok this is probly the worst theroy that i have heard for Halo 4. You think that out every possible planets that Master Chief could crash into it would be the Brutes home world, That would be very unlikely. There is a better chance that he could crash into a flood infested planet and have to get away from it. Or he could crash into a Forerunner planet and the Forerunners try help Master Chief off their Planet, but they are fighting a Flood infestation and they are losing so they try to stop the infestation from spreading and they try to activate the rings, but they cant because Master Chief destroyed the ark. So then the Forerunners want to rebuild the Ark. But the Elites are desrtoying the rings to prevent the Covenant from coming back into power and activeing the rings. So while the Elites are destroying the rings they find the forerunners new Ark being built. And remember the beacon that Cortana dropped, the UNSC recive the beacon/SOS and goto find the new Ark and MasterChief.
I have also heard that there is another Halo game that takes place before the events in Halo Combat Evolved. I belive that it will be called Halo Chronicles. It will be about Masterchief in his early Spartan Training days, and the attack on Reach.
If you have questions with my theroy or ideas please email me at I will be happy to talk about the Halo 4 theroy more with anybody.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4If there were going to make a halo 4 then they have to have a new war. Then they would have to make like halo 5 and 6 to.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4He is Right. They should make a new halo 4 but instead the Master Chief wakes up in a small room and must find Cortana. They Meet some forunners,have a fight and get of the planet but come to earth to find everything destroyed.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4fuck you thay put a clif hanger beat halo on legndary just go to last lvl and beat it clifhanger is after credits.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4Halo 4 should actually be a created game becuz of unanswered ?s like where is M.C? the gameplay would actually be most likely similar to Halo 2 (swicthing back from the M.C and the Arbiter) The Master Cheif tries to find out where the hell he is and the Arbiter assists and the humans in finding Spartan-117. That would be cool. Also has anyone seen the Secret Message encoded the In the Halo 3 promotion commercial when the Bungie sign fades out? look in to that
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4Thank you for helping us remember that! Do you think you could give me the link?
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4why would they give up on the game if they can keep on making money on a product that people would keep buying like the game final fantasy. (now i hate the game final fantasy >p) but i want the halo series to continue even if the kill the master cheif and make more spartans it will still be a best sell like the kiddy game pokemon who by the way has continued the series for years and still makes money.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4why would they give up on the game if they can keep on making money on a product that people would keep buying like the game final fantasy. (now i hate the game final fantasy >p) but i want the halo series to continue even if the kill the master cheif and make more spartans it will still be a best sell like the kiddy game pokemon who by the way has continued the series for years and still makes money.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4ok lets settle this once and for all. yes there will be a halo 4. why its simple money talks. do u really think with them making millions of dollars off of 3 games is just gonna end your crazy. bungie and microsoft are gonna get all they can, but its very possible halo 4 will be coming out on a new system. 360 can only handle so much and is not all that great. the next xbox counsel will probably twice as good as 360 because they had more time to make it. and there is no way on earth microsoft is just going to can its leading seller halo 3. common sense
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4halo 4 will be made but with a different name cause they think the name halo is getting old and making a new name
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Halo 4halo has only bin for xbox for 3 years when is it going to come out for ps3 i think that u should make it and make i better pepole will engoy it and have a grate time and if u mak it for the ps3 the peopel will com running to it and u mite make alot of dooooo $ so just do it it all be great
e mail
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4
In reply to: Re: Halo 4jhaahah never is gonna be for ps3 besides ps3 sucks and Microsoft has all rights to the HALO name no1 else can ever even make a game that resembles to halo or microsoft will sue the bird sh1t out of them
Been There, Done That
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Been There, Done That
In reply to: Been There, Done Thatas long as they make a halo 4 or halo wars im happy because i get to play and get my 50 all over again
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
I think Halo 3 was vary open ended and in several ways. If Bungie does make a Halo 4 they need to end it with questions left unanswered.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous]Open ended? What questions were unsolved? If you beat the game on legendary and found all the terminals, it pretty much wraps up the story and even if you didn't, Bungie basically serves up all the answers to the questions from previous games on a silver platter.[/quote]
Not really. If you have read the books and play the games, you must know there's a lot of questions pending to be answered.
In a matter of fact, the newly book HALO: Contact Harvest is all about that. Some loose points are going to be tied up in there.
The same will happen in HALO WARS. And in the "HALO Project" from the Lord of the Rings master.
sangriapt L07
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?Halo 3 was unsolved because of the video of at the very end. The video showing master chiefs ship floating near a planet and a bright light showing on the other side. It doesn't sound like much but the music makes me believe there is something bad coming. Master Chief also said just before he got frozen, was to wake him if you needed him again. Just because of these two scenes at the end makesd me believe there will be a fourth halo.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?117 is not dead we din't even see him die all we saw was a pelican crashing into the water and the arbiter climbing out maybe master cheif is at the bottom of the ocean but still alive and waiting to be called on again
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?Um... actualyl if you see past the credits you can see him goin into the cryotube and a new planet.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?maybe the planet is reach???
negi springfield
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote]maybe the planet is reach???[/quote]
no, it looks like onyx is described
and for gods sake, even if you have only played halo and not read the books you should know that the covenant glassed reach making it uninhabitable(nothing can grow out of glass)
halo 4 is going to have more references to the books than 3,2 and c.e
there are still spartans and elites alive
besides i think that halo 4 is going to be a preqeul based on the adventures of john, kelly, kurt and linda(blue team)
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?u sure if u look at it then look at reach they do look alike! right?
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous]117 is not dead we din't even see him die all we saw was a pelican crashing into the water and the arbiter climbing out maybe master cheif is at the bottom of the ocean but still alive and waiting to be called on again[/quote]
I know people buy Halo for the multiplayer but they could at least, you know, [i]watch[/i] the cutscenes.
To summarize:
[spoiler]That's not a pelican that crashes. It's Keyes' frigate, Forward Unto Dawn. The forward half of the ship crashes on Earth with the Arbiter inside. The other half has Cortana and the Chief in it, and that's where the Chief returns to a cryo bay to wait to be rescued.
Or for something else to happen.[/spoiler]
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?Yaaaaaa. he is right. u remember on halo 2 he fell in the water?Maybe there's a new flood king and all of the brutes from the home planet want revenge?The show must go on...............................
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?Yeah if u actually watch past the credits u see him and cortana talking then he gos into his tube thing i mean it honestly could go both ways a halo 4 would be awosme!
so im keeping my fingers crossed
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?woundnt it be asome if master cheif was naked ! his d*** would be mad of iron
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous]117 is not dead we din't even see him die all we saw was a pelican crashing into the water and the arbiter climbing out maybe master cheif is at the bottom of the ocean but still alive and waiting to be called on again[/quote]
I just had an idea...what if the arbiter...[i]killed him?[/i]you never could of actually been his plan!
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous][quote=Anonymous]117 is not dead we din't even see him die all we saw was a pelican crashing into the water and the arbiter climbing out maybe master cheif is at the bottom of the ocean but still alive and waiting to be called on again[/quote]
I just had an idea...what if the arbiter...[i]killed him?[/i]you never could of actually been his plan!
That wasn't a Pelican. That was In Amber Clad.
The ship split in half. The front half, the half the Arbiter was on, crashed in the ocean.
As for the Chief...
[spoiler]The half of the ship with Chief and Cortana didn't make it to Earth. We don't know where it is. But the Legendary ending shows them about to encounter some foreboding, Forerunner-looking spherical structure...
...but in any case, the Chief isn't dead...[/spoiler] the Arbiter didn't kill him. Keep watching after the credits are over.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Caboose Reborn
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote]That wasn't a Pelican. That was In Amber Clad.[/quote]
It's just a minor error, but, actually, that was [i]Forward Unto Dawn[/i] that split in half. :P [i]In Amber Clad[/i] was last seen in [i]Halo 2[/i], when it crashed into High Charity, releasing the Flood into the city.
By the way, the [i]Dawn[/i] is a UNSC Frigate.
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Caboose Reborn][quote]That wasn't a Pelican. That was In Amber Clad.[/quote]
It's just a minor error, but, actually, that was [i]Forward Unto Dawn[/i] that split in half. :P [i]In Amber Clad[/i] was last seen in [i]Halo 2[/i], when it crashed into High Charity, releasing the Flood into the city.
By the way, the [i]Dawn[/i] is a UNSC Frigate.[/quote]
Crap, you're right. I always do that.
I guess I just like the acronym IAC better than FUD.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Caboose Reborn
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote]Crap, you're right. I always do that.
I guess I just like the acronym IAC better than FUD.[/quote]
Meh, I make mistakes like that all the time. :D One time I put that Fred landed on Reach and John lead the Space OP! :S
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?Sorry, I don't have Halo 3, But I'm a big fan of Halo, I Have Halo: Combat Evolved for PC.
I saw the video on Myspace..Thats where I got that the Arbiter might have killed him...I hadn't seen the legendary ending until this morning. Crap, I feel so stupid...
Anyways, Thank you for the info...But I have come to conclusions that it will lead to the supposedly upcoming Marathon series... It fits perfectly...Master Chief in Cryotube...heading to strange planet...he sleeps for 300 yrs...Cortana becomes the lady in Marathon(I forgot her name)...He wakes up and Marathon begins! It said in Game Informer® that Marathon was very similar in many ways to Halo...I hope this info helps everyone. Correct me if i am wrong!
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous]
Anyways, Thank you for the info...But I have come to conclusions that it will lead to the supposedly upcoming Marathon series... It fits perfectly...Master Chief in Cryotube...heading to strange planet...he sleeps for 300 yrs...Cortana becomes the lady in Marathon(I forgot her name)...He wakes up and Marathon begins! It said in Game Informer® that Marathon was very similar in many ways to Halo...I hope this info helps everyone. Correct me if i am wrong!
You're wrong. Bungie has said Marathon and Halo are separate; beyond that there are discrepancies in timelines and technologies that can't be reconciled short of a "and then they went to a parallel universe" device.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?ok thank you, I wonder if they are planning something big...any ideas?
Anonymous (not verified)
halo 3 ends as the 1st started
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?in halo chief wakes up in the cyro tube, in halo 3 he puts himself back in the cryo tube, and you see a blue planet with a sunrise in the background... c'mon, it contridicts itself. I believe that there will be another halo game, but i doubt it will be called halo 4...
Anonymous (not verified)
halo 3 ends as the 1st started
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?in halo chief wakes up in the cyro tube, in halo 3 he puts himself back in the cryo tube, and you see a blue planet with a sunrise in the background... c'mon, it contridicts itself. I believe that there will be another halo game, but i doubt it will be called halo 4...
Anonymous (not verified)
Well there's only one way to
In reply to: halo 3 ends as the 1st startedWell there's only one way to know if there will be a Halo 4 and that is to wait...
And continue to shoot down n00bs in multiplayer on Halo 3. ;P
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?NO!Arbiter would NOT betray them!The brutes and Tauterus betrayed them so why (after Arbiter was killing brutes and killed Tauterus) would he betray Master Chief?! Besides,Arbiter had gone back to his home planet and MC was in a ship in a cryo tube.DUH!Have you ever played Halo 3?!Or even seen the ending?!
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?no he isnt in da ocean and hes alive and beat the game on legendary and u will c what happends to master cheif he told certona to wake him when she needs him duh so he goes asleep
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous]no he isnt in da ocean and hes alive and beat the game on legendary and u will c what happends to master cheif he told certona to wake him when she needs him duh so he goes to asleep
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?we beat it together
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?yea...his half of the ship was kinda cut off from the arbiters the end of the legendary ending, he was stuck in spack floating to a new mysterious planet that i heard rumors was a forunner planet that the forerunners when if they had to activate halo...
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?After The Last Clip The Credits Are Next Right. Well Watch All Of The Credits And When It Finishes You Will See Another Clip. In All The Halo Games Its Like That 1,2,And 3 At The End Of The Credits There Is A Clip For All Of Them Watch It.
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous]After The Last Clip The Credits Are Next Right. Well Watch All Of The Credits And When It Finishes You Will See Another Clip. In All The Halo Games Its Like That 1,2,And 3 At The End Of The Credits There Is A Clip For All Of Them Watch It.[/quote]
We've all seen it.
Thanks, though.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?he wasn't even in the "don" he is floating around in space if u watch the final cinematic after the credits you'll see that
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous]he wasn't even in the "don" he is floating around in space if u watch the final cinematic after the credits you'll see that[/quote]
Please make sure you know what you're talking about before you correct people.
First, it's "Dawn" as in "Forward Unto Dawn".
Second, if you'd listened to Cortana in that scene, you'd know that she and the Master Chief are indeed still aboard the Dawn. The ship broke in two while traveling through the portal. The forward half, where the Arbiter was, made it through and crashed on Earth. The aft portion, with Cortana and the Chief are, ended up adrift somewhere in space, apparently far from Earth, and it's unclear where they are with respect to the Ark, or what the nearby spherical structure is.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?I would say that Halo 3 should be the end.
However I think there is a lot of potential for future Halo games,
Mainly to tie loose ends up.
I would really like to see a space RTS or "Sim" like one of Microsoft's earlier games Freelancer.
I mean what would be more fun than taking out a CCS Battle Cruiser withon in all 3 halo's. also when chief and cortana are on the ship at the end chief even says something about waking him up when they need him, dont you think that hints to a sequel?
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?also dont you think that the planet the ship is going into looks like Death Star from Star Wars that would be hilarious if start wars and halo combined, it would be and awful game but just think about it
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?[quote=Anonymous]ok some of you need to watch after the credits on legendary to get your story straight before you start going on about things you no nothing about. also just because its "Halo 3 Finish The Fight" doesnt mean its over it could just be the end of that fight thats been going on in all 3 halo's. also when chief and cortana are on the ship at the end chief even says something about waking him up when they need him, dont you think that hints to a sequel?
Actually, no I don't.
What people need to do is stop claiming that this vague extra few seconds of video means anything more than "and then they had more adventures, but that's another story" because that's basically what it is. Bungie has said Halo 3 brings that story arc to a close. And it does. Let it go.
Rampant for over se7en years.
Anonymous (not verified)
Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?THE HALO 3 BOX SAYS ITS THA LAST OF THE [b]HALO[/b] trilogy SO A SEQUEL WOULD BE NAMED SOMTHING ELSE