Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?


Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

not really.I have a friend and his uncle works with microsoft and he asked if they were gna make a halo 4 and his uncle said yes

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

It could go either way but for all those riding on the hope of Halo 4.I don't think it will happen, the endng in Halo 3 was one of the most poetic endings that could be given to the Master cheif. He and cortana a relationship of trust and frindship.Drifting peacefully into the void of space after ridding humanity of its greatest threat. The master cheif is put to rest in a cryo tube in the middle of space drifting towards a planet that seems uninhabited.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

You guys have no clue do you. $300 million dollars in a week means there will be a halo4. NOBODY turns down cash like that, nobody. That story stuff doesn't mean anything. Its all about the money. Wake up nerds.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]You guys have no clue do you. $300 million dollars in a week means there will be a halo4. NOBODY turns down cash like that, nobody. That story stuff doesn't mean anything. Its all about the money. Wake up nerds. [/quote]

It's a bit more complicated than that.

The guys who started up Bungie weren't in it just for the money, because when they started as a small Mac game developer, there was no money. There were no huge profits, no big salaries, no glitzy worldwide launches. They made several very high quality games before Halo.

So there are bound to be some at Bungie who are tired of Halo and would like to work on something else. If they have any pride and faith in their creative abilities, they are liable to think it's just as likely that they'll have a huge hit with some new game as they did with Halo.

From Microsoft's perspective as a publisher, sure: they'd love to see Halo games released until the cows come home. And now they own Halo, even though they don't own all of Bungie anymore.

So if there is to be a Halo 4-- or another Halo game-- will Bungie do it or not? If Bungie doesn't do it, will it be as good? If it's not as good, will it sell as well? Might it not sell as well just because people know it's not Bungie? Will a new Bungie game be as big a hit as Halo? Would people buy it just because its Bungie? Or avoid it because it's not Halo?

Even if you think money is the only consideration, the formula is not as simple. Franchises get get old and tired. There is a point where you can eventually make more money by letting something rest for awhile and doing something else, so you can come back to it with a fresh eye later.

I have no idea if Bungie or Microsoft agrees, but I think now would be a good time to let Halo rest awhile, at least the shooter portion of the franchise. We've already got Halo Wars and Halo Chronicles in the pipeline to generate cash for Microsoft. Bungie traded away their independence to Microsoft to get the resources to make Halo and a chance to mold the Xbox platform. Now they've traded away the rights to the Halo franchise to get their independence back.

Let's see what else they can do with it besides crank out Halo sequels. Because those sequels aren't guaranteed success any more than the original was.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

ok this is just the last I landed on but there is one logical way, well might be more but anyways. Lets ask Bungie to ask the Xbox players to vote on it. 'Do you the Xbox players want us Bungie to continue the Halo series with Halo 4+' Just suggesting the question not from bungie. Heres another thing make some multi-player maps connect via highway or high speed train or something. Like Last Resort, use a ferry to go over to valhanel... I know that last map is spelled incorrectly. Also make one map like a racing map so that some people that like the racing feature might play Halo. More or less i like the puzzles, the riddles and the hidden skulls but why not put some of these features on the multiplayer levels. Well tell this gets commented on PEACE.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

or they could wipe away wat they told us before and join marathon and halo a just brng back mc and the new blue team
---Bmore boy (had my name before soldier boy tell him to hop off my D**k)

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

i think that all those sentinals leaving the ark are going to the planet onyx:[spoiler]to repair what the other spartans destroyed. It could also be that kurt did not kill all the covenant there so the master cheif drifts to the planet crash lands and discovers his spartans are there and he has to kill the covenant to get to his spartans. After he wipes out the covenant and rescue his spartans he returns to earth and thats the end of the halo trilogy.[/spoiler]PS. I Really really want there to be another halo. : )

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Um Yeah Bro, Beat Halo Legendary And Yuoll See Somthing REally Kool If You Watch All The Way Thru The Cut Scenes, It Really Pulls Toward The Fact That The Master Chief Could And Hopefully Will Do Somthing New This Time, As For Halo Wars... Hoorah! Been Waiting A Long Time For a Strategie Based Halo Game.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Yah man I know! I once again agree with you somewhat on your theory of what could happen for a new halo game as I have with others. I'm also psyched about Halo Wars! Check other comments about this stuff. Some are good. Check one that has -----Aircard. I posted comment on that. Some are good.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

what is new in halo?

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

yeah, well..."trilogies" sometimes turn into quadrilogies. who knows...they could start a new series, (star wars anyone?!) based a few years or even decades later, MC is in cryo-sleep after all....

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

I have herd rumors that bungie will remake the marathon seires. If you whach one of bungie's vidocs, thay say in halo 3 you will finish thes fights started in halo 1 and halo 2. if you noticed all the references to marathon in the halo series and the fact that marathon took place after the halo events... i'd say there wont be halo 4, but you will start a new fight in marathon. end of the halo trilogy, start of a new one.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Thats a very good question. Man i hope there is an ending and hope the Chief doesnt Die!!

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Hope there is an ending

if there is a halo 4 let there be more spartans some survived and they team up 2 finish off wats left of the brutes and a new enemy on onyx

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Hope there is an ending

[quote=Anonymous]if there is a halo 4 let there be more spartans some survived and they team up 2 finish off wats left of the brutes and a new enemy on onyx

[/quote]Ive seen on a bungie website that their is a halo 4 snd their is 3 more spartans and the objective is to save cortana's creator(who cortana is modeled after.

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Hope there is an ending

that is fake then
dr.hasley does not need saving

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Hope there is an ending

[quote=jake_014]that is fake then
dr.hasley does not need saving[/quote]

How do you know that? Nobody knows where she went or why, and she only took one Spartan with her. She might be in huge amounts of trouble by now.

I tend to stick by my guns that most of the novel content is deep backstory and not intended for inclusion within the primary (game) story arcs. But if Bungie wanted to introduce Halsey, explain her significance, and make her rescue a mission objective, they certainly could.

[spoiler]Heck, it might even be a way around the issue of Cortana's death. Since Cortana basically IS Halsey, John could simultaneously save her as well as discover whatever it was that Halsey has found out. Whatever that is.[/spoiler]

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Hope there is an ending

[quote=narcogen][quote=jake_014]that is fake then
dr.hasley does not need saving[/quote]

How do you know that? Nobody knows where she went or why, and she only took one Spartan with her. She might be in huge amounts of trouble by now.

I tend to stick by my guns that most of the novel content is deep backstory and not intended for inclusion within the primary (game) story arcs. But if Bungie wanted to introduce Halsey, explain her significance, and make her rescue a mission objective, they certainly could.

[spoiler]Heck, it might even be a way around the issue of Cortana's death. Since Cortana basically IS Halsey, John could simultaneously save her as well as discover whatever it was that Halsey has found out. Whatever that is.[/spoiler]

Rampant for over se7en years.[/quote]
Have you ever read the book "Ghost of Onyx" she has more than one Spartan with her, in fact she has three Spartan2 and some number of Spartan 3. If any one is in a huge amount of trouble, its the poor basterd who trys to go after her.
Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Hope there is an ending

doc hasely with the last marines and spartans 'at the end of battle of onyx'
went in to the sheild world so 117 is coming home to mama?

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Hope there is an ending

and the entrance was destroyed from within?

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Hope there is an ending

As I agreed with others and put my views with Cortana hinting to it could be awhile before anyone finds them I doubt if more Spartans would some how have survived and they all team up and destroy the brutes, but, I do think that it would be at least somewhat cool and prove for an interesting story.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]I think Halo 3 was vary open ended and in several ways. If Bungie does make a Halo 4 they need to end it with questions left unanswered.[/quote] i agree with you so much just make it or tell us ur not

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Halo 3 was left with a few questions unanswered, like the planet in the background in the end cutscene of the Legendary Campaign. But also, if Bungie are going to make a Halo 4, it would most likely be a sort of flashback sort of game, because the players who have completed all Halo games, from Combat Evolved - Halo 3, have seen what Master Chief can do, however, at no stage in the games, apart from the TV commercials, that had 2 children laying in the grass at night, did it have a background story. A history, if you may. They would probably have random cutscenes during the game about Master Chiefs history, where he was trained, how did he end up to be half human half cyborg, ect, ect.. leaving the only question left unanswered is, when is the next game coming out?

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

i was pretty disapointed with the story of halo itdint create more suspense like it just wanted to get over with which is bull they only put effort on online maps which is bull i cant stand that they ruined it and they should make halo 4 to counter attack ther mistake and get a good thing going i have already came with theories for halo 4 but to my avail cannot find any information

Anonymous's picture

Halo has so many storys left in it, its not evan funny. Ok put it this way, halo story line is as if god him self came down and carved it out of stone. The big man up stairs made it so halo could never end. and why the hell do any of you non true halo fans think the story ends there. are you girls smokin crak or some thing. he gose in to the freezer. and at the end you see onyx, how the hell dose that tell you the story remotly ends. that right there my frinds is halo 4 new chapter in to its saga.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

God has nothing to do with Halo; it just entered your mind because of the name Halo. If any "greater being" 1. exists and 2. has to do with Halo its the one that needs some lovin....HAIL SATAN \m/

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

ONYX, who clearly knows nothing about the books intertwined with the game is full of crap. yes, i know that the whole halo story and sub= stories are hard to put together but its simple- theres enough unanswered questions to drown a giraff you let those go and focus on the important ones=does master cheif really land on onyx( end of h3 ) and travel to the core component dimension where he finds blue team--i read all the books and know that the games dont cover a decimal fraction of the big story--i personally KNOW that thing is a covenant planet because of its physicality--- onyx is a copy of earth with but no inhabitance whatsoever so the lights you saw on the planet thing were impossible----------WAIT-----THERE WAS A WAR RAGING ON ONYX BETWEEN THE SENTINALS AND THE COVENANT AND COULD EXPLAIN THE LIGHTS ON THE PLANET THING. but i want there to be an h4--- just right now its not possible

Anonymous's picture

what next gen xbox? it took 7 years to meake the xbox 360 and they wont pump a new one out in 4 years, and further more, they left it wide open for a Halo 4. he falling towards a forerunner planet, and we know nothing about the forerunners except that they made the rings and the storyline could be structured around finding out who the for runners are. Im not promising anything i just came to that conclusion by myself. So there is my opinion and im sticking to it. and i can tell its a forerunner planet because the lights on it are similar to the backside of the rings.
spartan I69

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]what next gen xbox? it took 7 years to meake the xbox 360 and they wont pump a new one out in 4 years,[/quote]

Think your math's off a little.

Xbox 1 was released in 2001 with Halo 1 as a launch title.

Xbox 360 was released in 2005, a year after Halo 2. So the 360 is already two years old. The original Xbox only had a lifecycle of four years.

However, in principle I agree. If we assume that the 360's life cycle will be longer, and if Bungie were to take the same amount of time to develop a hypothetical Halo 4 as it did for each previous game, which is about 3 years, then Halo 4 would come out in 2010, in the 360's fifth year.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Wa already know that the Forerunners are actually humans,343 Guilty Spark confirmed it.
If there was going to be a Halo 4, you know Bungie loves messing with our minds with
these questions, and so it would be unclear,or it would be about Halo but not Master Chief.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]Wa already know that the Forerunners are actually humans,343 Guilty Spark confirmed it.[/quote]

You shouldn't take things too literally. Spark is being figurative when he says:

[spoiler]"You are Forerunner. Inheritor of all they left behind."[/spoiler]

The text in the Terminals tells of how:

[spoiler] on a distant world, humanity was discovered by the Forerunners. While that doesn't rule out the possibility of Forerunners and humans having common ancestry, it doesn't particularly suggest it, either.[/spoiler]

One should ask oneself why one is so eager and willing to believe this when the storyline itself doesn't require it.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Depends on what you mean by ARE.

the forrunners most likely DID join the human race long ago because only certain humans are "reclaimers" which logically must be decendents of forrunners, its a little like the stargate atlantis theme, if you watch that sort of thing

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Depends on what you mean by ARE.

in the book it sais the forerunners are human

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

ok we didnt ask for a math lesson

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

if u have beaten the game on legendary u will c the frigate slowly float to another planet called, "Onyx" there is a book called Ghosts of Onyx that i have not read yet. and one of my friends works for bungie and he says that they do not PLAN on making a halo 4 cuz they want to start working on other games

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]if u have beaten the game on legendary u will c the frigate slowly float to another planet called, "Onyx" there is a book called Ghosts of Onyx that i have not read yet.[/quote]

That's unconfirmed. In fact, while it is true that:

[spoiler]Onyx is an artificial planet, a "shield world" constructed from Sentinels, it appeared normal from the outside, so that's not what we see at the end of Halo 3. It might be the Dyson Sphere the characters from Onyx enter at the end of the novel (assuming that's what happens).[/spoiler]

[quote=Anonymous] and one of my friends works for bungie and he says that they do not PLAN on making a halo 4 cuz they want to start working on other games[/quote]

Wow?? Really? You know you are the FIRST PERSON EVER on a Halo fansite to claim to have a friend who works at the company! No, seriously, you are!

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

that planet at the end could be onyx after all. remember the halo 3 level "The Ark" at the end a cinematic shows a lot of sentinels leaving the planet, SPARK says "these drones have a priority task." they could be going to make onyx

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]that planet at the end could be onyx after all. remember the halo 3 level "The Ark" at the end a cinematic shows a lot of sentinels leaving the planet, SPARK says "these drones have a priority task." they could be going to make onyx[/quote]
yes the planet could be onyx, and yes onyx could be the location for halo 4, but if the sentinels are leaving to make onyx, why would they its already made, plus, im pretty shure the sentinels went to make the replacement halo for the one M.C destoryed. but every thing else is true.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

it couldnt be in the book it takes place during the end of halo 2 because Master Chief hasnt came home yet when his other team mates were plus the spartan 3 were still fighting Elits plus the world would have to been around for years because of all the living life that is on it if it was just built there couldnt have been life on it just yet.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: planet could be onyx

i think there should be a halo 4 but bungie says its the last halo in the trilogy

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

WAT IS WRONG WITH BUNGIE!They say Halo 3 will be tha last ,but they leave some clues that might tell ya there will be a Halo 4 . BUNGIE MAKE UP YOUR MIND , FINISH IT ALREADY!

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]WAT IS WRONG WITH BUNGIE!They say Halo 3 will be tha last ,but they leave some clues that might tell ya there will be a Halo 4 . BUNGIE MAKE UP YOUR MIND , FINISH IT ALREADY![/quote]

Do you mean the Legendary ending? I don't see that as necessarily a clue to a Halo 4 at all.

Short of killing off every character, they would live on and do other things outside the scope of the story that makes up the Halo trilogy. It's not unfair to show a bit of that-- but that wouldn't change the fact that those events take place outside the Halo story arc.

Think of it like watching Frodo, Bilbo and Gandalf get on a boat for the Grey Havens at the end of LotR. That's not a tease that the next book is going to be about adventures somewhere else. It's just saying life goes on after the story ends.

All that said, maybe there WILL be a Halo 4. I think they've set it up so they can continue or not-- their choice.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?


narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?


Don't hold your breath, man. Bungie took 18 months after the last release before announcing their next title. And we already know at least some people at Bungie are working on something else.

People spread rumors about weapons, vehicles, and everything else anyway. Just don't listen.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

This guy has an excellent point.
Bungie left halo 3 open for many possibilities to occur
Sorry to say, that includes not continuing it at all.
I'm not implying that anyone should give up the idea, just give it a rest.
After all, halo 3 just came out.
So until anyone truly has any groundbreaking information, lets leave it at that.
nuff' said.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

master chief freezez himself anonymous is right and it hasnt shown his face yet they have to show it sometime or another

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

If you remember right, at the end of Halo 2, 343 Guilty Spark shows Keyes, Johnson, and the Arbiter the Failsafe protocol in case one of the rings was deactivated. Well what you might not remember is that when Spark did that, the hologram showed about 7 rings. It could be possible to make a few more Halo games off of destroying the remaining rings.

P.S. Why would you stop making a series of games that you make so much money off of.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]If you remember right, at the end of Halo 2, 343 Guilty Spark shows Keyes, Johnson, and the Arbiter the Failsafe protocol in case one of the rings was deactivated. Well what you might not remember is that when Spark did that, the hologram showed about 7 rings.[/quote]

Even if you didn't remember that, the control room in the Citadel also has seven holograms, one for each ring. With 04a destroyed, that still means six remaining.

[quote=Anonymous]It could be possible to make a few more Halo games off of destroying the remaining rings.[/quote]

Why? I'm not at all convinced the Flood are completely and irrevocably destroyed. Unless remnants of Covenant forces loyal to Truth are still actively seeking a way to activate other installations, it would seem prudent to leave well enough alone. It might be more prudent to visit them and control any Flood outbreaks, rather than destroy the installations.

[quote=Anonymous]P.S. Why would you stop making a series of games that you make so much money off of.[/quote]

I can think of lots of reasons. Because there is a point where things can and do reach a logical conclusion and should be left there, and further sequels might be looked upon as purely exploitive.

Because creative people like to do new things rather than doing the same old things over and over again.

Because at some point people do get tired of things and will want something new. I find it easy to believe that the gaming public, and the gaming press, might look at a Halo 4 or a Halo 5 at some point and say "wow, this just isn't as good/interesting/innovative as it used to be" and start doing "Bungie loses its edge" stories.

The shark metaphor applies. Sometimes to stay alive, you need to keep moving.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

well personally i think they will make a halo 4 i mean there is no way they could just stop maing it i mean if they were in it for the fun then they should not stop making halo cause it is what they like doing and if i am doing soemthing i like and making millions for dong it i am not gonna stop

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Why dosent someone call or email Bungie!?!?!?!

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]Why dosent someone call or email Bungie!?!?!?![/quote]

What makes you think no one has?

Typically Bungie doesn't comment on unannounced products.

At least, not with a straight face.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Just to say,at the end of Halo 1, [spoiler]you see Master Chief go into this ship,blah blah,he flies off and right after he says "I think we're just starting"...He takes off his helmet but it goes to an angle where you can't see his face.Go to You Tube and it'll go to an angle where you can see his face.Or maybe there's a Legendary ending.Anyway,I'll tell you what his face looks like.There's another helmet under that helmet.[/spoiler]

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

this is a very good explanation, but it is a bit different from the ending of LOTR. Master Chief says to Cortana "Wake me when you need me" as he enters the cryotube. In LOTR Frodo is basically like "bye" THE END. Roll Credits. The events that occur in the secret ending leave a window open to make a Halo 4, but could be like LOTR and let gamers figure it out for themselves. Who knows? The most we can do is wait and see.



narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]this is a very good explanation, but it is a bit different from the ending of LOTR. Master Chief says to Cortana "Wake me when you need me" as he enters the cryotube. In LOTR Frodo is basically like "bye" THE END. Roll Credits. The events that occur in the secret ending leave a window open to make a Halo 4, but could be like LOTR and let gamers figure it out for themselves. Who knows? The most we can do is wait and see.




What so many people seem completely unable, or perhaps unwilling, to admit is that an ending of "he rides off into the sunset, promising to return if ever needed again" is a common literary convention-- regardless of whether the hero ever actually does return, or if the explicitly told story ever continues.

If one considers the Master Chief, like the Marathon marine before him, to be at least in part an embodiment of the idea of an eternal hero, then killing him makes no sense at all, and of course he lives on, ready to fight whenever called upon.

That has absolutely nothing, and I feel I cannot stress this point enough, nothing whatsoever to do with the creative and business decisions made about whether or not Halo 3 will get a real sequel.

At this point, I'm really hoping it doesn't, at least not for a good long while. I want to see Bungie do new and different things, and until I see Wingnut and/or Ensemble really nail the Halo vibe with their spinoffs, I'm leery about anybody else being able to get it right.

Plus, no matter how many times Bungie demurs, I find it impossible to ignore the idea that Bungie traded the Halo franchise for its freedom so it could decide NOT to do a Halo game, or at least to decide on its own to do something else.

Halo 4 would be, most likely, beating a cryogenically frozen horse.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

halo 4 would be cool especially if you were flood combat forms and that kind of thing :):)

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

That's true what you say about how Bungie left it open to whether there will be a Halo 4 or not. Think about it. Master Chief is in a blown away section of a ship floating towards what some people think of as a forerunner planet. Cortana says that she will put out a beacon, but that " it will be a long time before anyone finds us". That could be Bungie hinting to that if they make a Halo 4, then it will probably be a while. Maybe even 5 years or longer. This is all just guess work though right now. I do personally think and hope that Bungie should make a Halo 4 as do many people I bet.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

the ark is for makig new halos. remember in halo 1 when masterchief dystroys the halo. the sentanals are going to create the new ring in the center of the ark, o replace the ring dystroyed in halo1.

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?


also to anyone who has read ghosts of onyx i think that the sentinels of onyx are for reparing the ark
after all there immune to quick movng projectiles so if someone has damaged the ark they may try it again so the most superior sentinels are needed
the only reason they where awakened after halo was destroyed(first time) is because the ark may need protection while rebuilding it

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

there is gonna be a halo 4 but with a different name thats y the workers say that there is no halo 4

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

not 2 say anything about ur statment
tehre were allready sentinels on onyx and also there were allready spartans (spartan 3s) on the planet

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

look u moron its not onyx is unknown if they knew what it was then cortana wouldnt tell cheif that they were headed towards and unknown area there is gonna be a prequel to reach even though reach is destroyed

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

if you read the terminal they talked about a sphere where the forerunners hid when the flood atack them and they won and they left and it was called something like the miotius shpere and that could also be a place cuz on the last terminal they talk how they left that place and headed for a different place shealded

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

they already said that humans are the decendants of the forerunners in the book "contact harvest".so read the books for more info.they don't answer every thing on the game.and only half of the ship crashed to the planet, the cheif on the other half.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Xbox 3 Is already in the works. Get ready for it and the rumor mill circulate for Halo 4.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

realy ? xbox 3 already in worx ive onlt herd theres gonna be a playstation 4

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[really xbox 3 i know theres gonna be a playstation 4

Anonymous's picture

and one more thing is that it might be like a star wars thing, theres was trilogy 1 and trilogy 2
Spartan I69

negi springfield's picture

hey they might make another prequel game like halo wars
acctually following the chiefs early life with the spartans

aircard37's picture

i don't think there will be a halo 4, but a continuation of halo with mc and cortana. i heard that the planet that he came upon was onyx, a planet with great significance explained in the books, and it is a continuation of halo but not affiliated with the rings or ark, but mainly focuses on the forerunners. which by the way i don't think are humans, to acount for many blogger questions, even though the monitor or guilty spark says 'you are forerunner' to mc at the end of halo 3, but in the books there suposidliy is some conection with a forerunner hierarch reaching planet earth, finding to like the humans and built the portal to the ark on it, and suposidly built the garden of eden also, but im not sure to believe that was included in the readings.

-To prevent false information, this is a rumor, and i'm not entirely sure if it is true. i am just the messenger.


Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

I completely agree with you with almost everything you have said in this.

Anonymous's picture

I think they should let the common people decide let them vote on it. Ex Question:

'Dear Xbox player ___________________
We have a simple question for you. Would you like to see the Halo series continue or would you like it to move on? [Y] [N] '

Also if they do make Halo 4 add some clues to the multiplayer maps. Or make some maps continue like Last Resort and Vahanin (IK Its misspelled) Joined by a ferry system. Or make a racing multiplayer map where players race to win and have CO-OP modes where one player drives and the other shoots other drivers or obstructions in the way. Can we add have a War mode so that we can log on a server which one hundred players can just duke it out as Spartans or Elites. A specal map is needed for this so it might have to be pay to play in order to wage war on friends or other Halo lovers.

Last and least throw in a maze level on free for all so that the players are confused and on edge.

Anonymous's picture

i think that there will be a halo 4 cos the ending points that way plus if u kill all the people off apart from spartin 117 and put a ending that can be used 4 a halo 4 u can do other games to make the gamers think awww there doing other game theye must have decided that there will be no halo 4 but use that money off the other games to fund very large all games in one or all the books out as soon as theye can to each othere they will make them bigger and better with next get software

Anonymous's picture

you guys really need 2 get a life outside halo. i enjoy halo as much as the next person but u need to stop trying to figure out what bungie is doing and just wait for whatever it is 2 happen. and also if u read ghosts of onyx u would know that the planet is activated and anything viewed as a threat gets destroyed by the sentinels surrounding it

Anonymous's picture

dude their is gonna be a new halo of course!
if you beat h3 on legendary he goes in the freezer.
and also quotes "wake me,when you need me"
andddddddd you see onyx in the background.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

You don't have to beat the game on legendary to get that cut scene! Just sit the credits. (but it wont show the planet)
there needs to be a halo 4. The ending to halo 3 is almost as much as a cliff hanger as halo 2.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: not legendary ending!

i hope there will be a halo 4, but since bungie stopped working with microsoft, there wont be as much funds they used to get...which sucks butt cuz i really wanted to no what happened after he was stuck in space...

Anonymous's picture

ok people look for a second...they made to much money to give now,left to many loose ends, and above all else mast cheif ISNT dead...hes heading towards some planet i geuss its called onyx. theres another place to start another war. and if u watched the prophet turned into the flood. since bungie loves surprises maybe the flood prophet got away somehow. halo 4 has to come theres nothing holding it back.

Anonymous's picture

They have to make halo 4 cuz theres so much money in halo, they left to many things unanswered, and above all else master cheif ISNT dead..hes floating twards the onyx planet or whatever and heres a new war for you. the prophet didnt die completly.the flood got him. so since bungie loves to surprise us whos to say that the flood prophet didnt get away...and they destroyed all the flood on EARTH not the other planets. they have to make a halo 4 or else the xbox would loose to much money and people would be ticked. halo 4 is coming and most of you know it.(sorry if i posted similar comments but the first didnt seem to make it to the page)

Anonymous's picture


Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

But that's because final fantasy was all different stories, except for final fantasy X

Anonymous's picture

nothings holding back halo 4. either theres gona be sumtin weird on onyx and the forunners are having some problems or whatever who knows the planet could be full of flood and all the forunners dead. but if they dont make a halo 4 heres 2 choices to shut up and look at. HALO WARS people. and second if they dont make halo 4 look at this

after beating the game on legendary, you see the ending of master cheif drifting through space. hes in his cryo tube and cortana is there with him. this is all you see and know. the game takes place in what, 2552 if i remember correctly...
well anyways, bungies other famous game. Marathon
marathon begins with you in the year 2794. if i read correctly, the beginning of marathon starts with you waking up being cold inside a tube for around 200 years.

strangly SUSPICIOUS?!

got that from sum1 on bungie forums.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

after beating the game on legendary, you see the ending of master cheif drifting through space. hes in his cryo tube and cortana is there with him. this is all you see and know. the game takes place in what, 2552 if i remember correctly...
well anyways, bungies other famous game. Marathon
marathon begins with you in the year 2794. if i read correctly, the beginning of marathon starts with you waking up being cold inside a tube for around 200 years.

strangly SUSPICIOUS?!

got that from sum1 on bungie forums.

I see the forums are as accurate as ever. Which is to say... not at all.

Marathon begins with the protagonist (an unnamed Security Officer) aboard a small craft called the Mirana, about to enter the colony ship Marathon.

Between the end of Marathon 1 and the beginning of Marathon 2, the security officer (along with many other humans) are kept in cold sleep.

However, in the Marathon universe at that time humanity does not have faster than light travel. The Marathon and Halo universes are separate-- as Bungie has stated unequivocally. Their Earth governments don't have the same name, there's no mention of a moon of Mars being hollowed out to make a colony ship. Humanity has far, far more offworld colonies in Halo than in Marathon despite the date being hundreds of years later. The mjolnir cyborgs in Marathon were made by reanimating the corpses of dead soldiers-- they weren't kidnapped as children and trained to be soldiers.

In Marathon the Pfhor empire stretches across the galaxy, and humanity and the S'pht track them down over hundreds of years and destroy them. There is no sign of them in Halo; no mention in any game or novel about the existence of such an empire within the galaxy.

Simply put, there's no way to make the Marathon and Halo universes coincide without saying "and then he went into a parallel universe".

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

OK. I got it, who ever said anything about you would be playing M.C in halo 4. dont get me wrong im sure you will play as M.C later on in the game, but what if you start out as? :(THE ARBITER): "hows that jack"

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

oh you can bet you will be the chief

perhaps it has been many years since the war ended
if so cortana would have died(a.i's only liven for aprox seven years)and all other main human characters would have died
it would end up chief back on earth having to defend it from the new covenant(grunts, brutes, jackals, hunters and drones) and as they are losing they have to call for help from the elites and after a while they find out that the covenant have found another halo and then you can guess the rest

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=jake_014]oh you can bet you will be the chief

perhaps it has been many years since the war ended
if so cortana would have died(a.i's only liven for aprox seven years)and all other main human characters would have died
it would end up chief back on earth having to defend it from the new covenant(grunts, brutes, jackals, hunters and drones) and as they are losing they have to call for help from the elites and after a while they find out that the covenant have found another halo and then you can guess the rest

"smart" A.I only live for seven years. any ways cortana lost most of her life when storing the data she collected from the first halo. unless some how the U.N.S.C rebooted her or she her self can powerdown or something she will be dieing in halo 4.

Anonymous's picture

Remember M.C didint drift from earth to onyx, if you remember the level in halo 3, the ark and when an O.D.S.T guy says "is that what i think it is". look up you see that you are actually at the edge of the milky way. thats the name of our galaxy, in case you didint know, and so happense were onyx is. coincidence i think not, opining for halo 4, i think so? its perfect every one still wants onyx, covenant want it and im sure the U.N.S.C would like to know what happen to the fleet of ships they sent to help the spartans in the book "ghost of onyx". and hell thorw some flood in the pot, how? maybe that Truth guy lived. one person said here in this chat room, that he could have lived maybe he did. maybe he escape with a pelican and landed on...... no not onyx, a covey planet and what ever is left from the covenant go to onyx to find some thing to destroy the flood with. and from there the Elites come to fight the brutes or flood which ever. and who do they find? A fleet of U.N.S.C battle ships with hard core O.D.S.T, MARINES, AND WITH ALL NEW GUNS AND EVERY THING. And most important, MASTER CHIEF with his B.R ready to kick assss old school. it has every one in it. i know, unliky what ever think about it think out side of the box. dont be scared.

negi springfield's picture

who will lead the covenant?
will the flood come back?
will the sentinels return?
will the halos be involved?
will the elites return?

these are all unanswered questions

oh yeah i think you mean A.R not B.R.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=jake_014]who will lead the covenant?[/quote]

I don't think there is any 'Covenant' any more. The forces led by Truth and the Brutes have been defeated. As the strongest remaining faction it seems logical to me that the Elites will carry the message of the true nature of the Array to the other elements of the Covenant, and either assume leadership of the group, aimed at a different purpose, or it would simply be disbanded.

A game more politically minded than Halo might examine the potential for new conflicts arising from the disintegration of the Covenant.

It is also not entirely made clear whether the word 'Covenant' refers to all members of all species mentioned as part of that group, regardless of location, or whether the 'Covenant' is actually the collection of individuals, regardless of race, who are part of the Covenant fleet and the residents of High Charity. If that is the case, the Covenant may be all but destroyed at this point.

[quote=jake_014]will the flood come back?[/quote]

Like any good cinema villain, the Flood could always come back if the authors want them to, one way or another. We already know there are still Flood loose on Delta Halo.

[quote=jake_014]will the sentinels return?[/quote]

Return from where? You mean Onyx's sentinels? I'm fairly certain they went to the Ark to assist in the construction of 04a. I suppose, now that the Ark is damaged (if not destroyed) perhaps they will contribute to its reconstruction, if they are able.

[quote=jake_014]will the halos be involved?[/quote]

Involved how? Romantically?

[quote=jake_014]will the elites return?[/quote]

Return to where? They are returning home at the end of Halo 3.

these are all unanswered questions

oh yeah i think you mean A.R not B.R.[/quote]

The AR is a pop gun.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

HALOMASTER_J's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=jake_014]will the halos be involved?[/quote]

[quote=narcogen]Involved how? Romantically?[/quote]
bwahahaha, you are funny :]

Rampant for over se7en years.[/quote]
Anonymous's picture

I just have a feeling that the ending with Master Chief getting into the cryotube wasn't nessicarily to leave it open for Halo 4, although i'm not saying that won't happen, but maybe for a sense of continuity and circularity. See, Halo opens with The Chief getting out of the cryotube on the Pillar Of Atumn, and Halo 3 ends with Him entering the Cryotube, and telling Cortana to ''wake him when she needs him''. No, I'm not saying its a time loop or anything like that, Just saying it seems to kinda fit and maybe Bungie liked that

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

May be you are right, but that is technically not the ending. The actual ending was when you see F.U.D drifting toward a so called planet in which i believe to be onyx, that right there opens all new possibilitys for a halo 4..... P.S if you would like to see this ending just beat the last level on legendary, just keep waching even after M.C gets in the freezer.

Anonymous's picture

I will hope that Bungie makes a Halo 4.It could be called Halo 4:Finish the Fight:Continued...I am a HUGE Halo fan and
really hope they make Halo 4.If they don't it won't finish the story otherwise because Master Chief got lost in space...well....what happens?!I wish they could keep making Halo's...all the Halo fans would greatly appreciate it and definetly will be happy.My favorite games are,:Halo,Halo 2,Halo 3,Halo Wars and (if they do make it..)Halo 4.PLEASE!!

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

I thank of it this way, when the master cheif shows his face or they show him dead,I do beileve that they will make a Halo 4. If they don't I will always wonder what happened to the cheif after he went into that cryo tube. I also herd about Halo 4 when I was playing PC Halo. I was in a sniping game in Danger Canyon about 4am and some guy came in wanting some ideas for weapon that would be used in Halo 4. He also said something about Halo 5 and he said they were working on it. I hope that this is true becuase I love Halo, and I would love to see them tell me what happens next

P.S. If there is a gun that shoots out a saw blade. That is the idea I gave Him to put in Halo 4.

negi springfield's picture

who said the arbiter acctually made it home
prehaps he just escorted the elites home before going to find the chief
maybe he realised that chiefs body was not in his section of the [i]forward unto dawn[/i] and he thinks he could be alive
prehaps he feels he owes it to the humans

halo 4 could be based on finding the chief leading to another cliffhanger ending meaning halo 5
maybe it is going to be six games

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=jake_014]who said the arbiter acctually made it home
prehaps he just escorted the elites home before going to find the chief
maybe he realised that chiefs body was not in his section of the [i]forward unto dawn[/i] and he thinks he could be alive
prehaps he feels he owes it to the humans

halo 4 could be based on finding the chief leading to another cliffhanger ending meaning halo 5
maybe it is going to be six games[/quote]

You're grasping at straws here. One can place anything they like in a "what if" statement.

What if Arbiter really just went to Starbucks for a latté?

What if he sat on a pinhead?

What if he ran for President of the United States?

Nothing he does or says indicates he is going to look for the Chief. Nothing he does or says indicates he feels he "owes anything" to humanity.

He says "take us home".

The logical assumption is-- they're going home. All else is castles in the air.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

yeah o.k
he did say take 'us' home
but we dont know the life span of a sangheli
he still could go after the chief

Anonymous's picture

no way,I went eb games in the mall they said that the only new halo comin out is halo wars

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]no way,I went eb games in the mall they said that the only new halo comin out is halo wars[/quote]
ya like they would know anything,lol. Bungie split with microsoft every one knows that but before the two love birds split, guess what microsoft kept the rights too. yaaaa dam right, halo baby, in my opinion bungie was slowing down micro now that the "shackles have been removed", "tombstones pushed aside". halo can finally become what it was always ment to be, best dam game ever.... duh..duh..duh...............duh..........duh..duh.........duh..duh......duh......, say this and take the short pauses and tell me what movie theme this passes from.... hint!!!! "I am your fhather... noooooo"

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote]ya like they would know anything,lol. Bungie split with microsoft every one knows that but before the two love birds split, guess what microsoft kept the rights too.[/quote]

isnt this what weve been talking about all the time?

star wars has nothing to do with it

p.s writing like that dont make you cool

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=jake_014][quote]ya like they would know anything,lol. Bungie split with microsoft every one knows that but before the two love birds split, guess what microsoft kept the rights too.[/quote]

isnt this what weve been talking about all the time?

star wars has nothing to do with it

p.s writing like that dont make you cool[/quote]

#1 No duh, i am summarizing and giving my opinion idiot.

#2 At leat you're not a total idiot.

#3 It totally dose. you're just mad because you couldn't think of it, aren't you.

P.S did you get pick on to much when you were a kid, dont lie. ha ha ha you're a dumb aaa.ssssss

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

no acctually, i wasnt bullied as a child

do you play halo?
i would like to fight you

but you wouldnt win

you should play all the halo's

and read all the books

then come back -|-

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

no acctually, i wasnt bullied as a child

do you play halo?
i would like to fight you

but you wouldnt win

you should play all the halo's

and read all the books

then come back -|-

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=negi springfield]no acctually, i wasnt bullied as a child

do you play halo?
i would like to fight you

but you wouldnt win

you should play all the halo's

and read all the books

then come back -|-

#1. Right, keep telling your self that, maybe it will come ture some day. Or do you repress it, i hear that's bad for people to do.

#1.1/2 What's halo? i have not ever player halo. You know something you are a true idiot, i cant believe you are this stupid. i mean come on, no one can be this moronic. Well i guess you are, and to answer your question, yes.

#2. When, where, and what time, jack aaaa.

#3. O yes i would, i would own your; stupid, idiot, dumb piece of ssss aaaa.

#4. I have, idiot. Combat Evolved, 2, and 3

#5. Read the books, have you, i dont think you've read a book since Pre Shool.

#6. I'm back and waiting.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Guess what! I have just received confirmation! There IS going to be Halo 4!!! It is coming out 2010, it will be based around Finishing off the flood. The covenant is on our side, and you will be able to play as Arbiter, MC, and a Brute Captain. I think all of the Covenant will be playable in multiplayer. (Yes, you will be able to be a little Grunt!) I don't know much info, I got it from my friend who is in a clan [i]funded[/i]by bungie, idk how but he has been through many beta tests!
I will try to get you more info

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

im not sure seems fake too me
the hunter would only be able to use one weapon and everyone would play as a drone

also the brutes wont be playable because they are hated and are only good for pumping bullets into

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

im not sure seems fake too me
the hunter would only be able to use one weapon and everyone would play as a drone

also the brutes wont be playable because they are hated and are only good for pumping bullets into

Anton P Nym's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

I suppose your friend is a six-foot tall invisible rabbit? (If so, give Harvey my regards; it's been a while.)

FYI, Bungie doesn't fund clans. The rest of the post is likely as (in)accurate.

-- Steve's not taking any chances on this; no post, however ridiculous, won't convince at least one guy.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Don't worry I asked my friend, he said he is 100% telling the truth!
So what if you had one weapon as a Hunter...maybe they found a way to get dif guns!
THE ENTIRE COVENANT IS ON OUR SIDE RETARD! If Brutes are remaining loyal to covenant, then why couldn't you be them. Btw, i said Brute Captain! Also, my friend(different friend) was acting really retarded, and said he found the arbiter, he said he found him in a hole in the hole where they found saddaam hussein. He's like "Theres something in there! There is something in there!" idk what he was doing....
and how do you know bungie doesn't fund clans?
And what the hell? a 6ft tall invisible rabbit? your messed up in the head!

Anonymous's picture

Why shouldn't they make a Halo 4. I mean all of the other Halos were so freakin cool. If they want to keep doing what they do then let them, don't stop them.

Anonymous's picture

I think it would be a great idea for microsoft to make the Halo books into games. Just "Fall of Reach" and "First Strike" also maybe "Contact Harvest". They can make "Contact Harvest" like call of duty, just better. Well naturally it actually would be better, cause its Halo. One big down side would be no Master Chief. Wait, wait forget "Contact Harvest" with out M.C. something like that would be like blaspheme. Instead how about if they make Halo 4 into a tease game. Yha i got it, while M.C. is in cryo, he dreams about the events that took place in "Fall of Reach" and "First Strike". Hell why not, this will tell the people that never read the book how John became a Spartan and how the Spartan program started. Also for sentimental value how he met cortana and johnson, the death of johnson can trigger the "Fall of Reach" dream. At the end of the game thats when the player gets played, M.C. wakes up and you find your slef in the middle of the crash site of "Forward Under Dawn", at this point its all third person and you see the front side of Master Chief. M.C. with all his luck finds his assault rifle right next to him, picks it up than stands. He looks up than looks at the camera and gives that kick aaasss look he gives, even though he still has his mask on, you can still tell. Than he loads his rifle and sticks it on his back, than he turns his hands in to fist's and from there the camera starts looking up towards the bright blue sky and you see a hole shitttt load of covenant ships. or brute ships same thing. Nice.

Either this happens or a movie I realy dont care but I want one of them. I need my Halo fix. hahaha.

Just to be clear M.C. can dream, it tells you so in "Halo The Flood" book, while he is in cryo.

Skull-Seeker95's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Hey anonymous,

That would be the best halo game ever, i read the books and them as a game with your version as the dreams would take halo 1,2,3 and kick there puny a55ess in the firey depts of hell, ur vison of the cutscenes made me sigh, and feel as if the game u discribed actually came out and every time it got re-stocked sold out within the hours, u are so revoulutionary and u kick the 5hit out of whoever came up with the orignal storyline, that guy should be set on fire and you should be hunted down, taken to the halo creation, with the whole bungi team, and just be told to "start writing!",

you kick a55, i am forever you humble servent, with pride and honor...

-Skull-Seekr95, shocked and stunned since you were born...

Anonymous's picture

i think that there will something to follow the journey of m.c and cortana but i dont think that it will be halo 4 maybe a book or something like a short animated movie, which i have hear rumors about that flying around as of late also. but halo 4? please. just let halo die for crying out loud i mean i would love for halo 4 to happen dont get me wrong but. it just wont marathon ended and so will halo. all we can do is wait for the next kick *** game from bungie.

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

thats uncalled for

halo will never die

[quote]it just wont marathon ended and so will halo.[/quote]

yeah but who earned more money marathon or halo

there is only one way to find out


(people with english t.v will understand)

negi springfield's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

thats uncalled for

halo will never die

[quote]it just wont marathon ended and so will halo.[/quote]

yeah but who earned more money marathon or halo

there is only one way to find out


(people with english t.v will understand)

Anonymous's picture

WOW. An Xbox 3 and a playstation 4, holy crap i mean i only heard rumors about a new Nintendo Bull and a Atari 5hit was comeing out. Guess those rumors are real hu. :( =( %( **

Anonymous's picture

ok I agree that its hard to believe that they would create another one because halo 3 is "finishing the fight". But with the ending on legendary its impossible to believe they wouldn't make another. But As most have said it wouldn't be under the name halo. The whole halo conflict is over. Now its the new planet. But if a sequel came out, I recommend to bungie. Please please make the campaign a lot longer and more challenging. Don't get me wrong I love multiplayer. But I love the story line and was a litle dissappointed about how easy, fast, andopen ended it was. Oh and another idea for multiplayer create AIs!!! I play online but itwoild be great practice for when online isn't available. They could be programmer to be like an online player( not so computerish) oh and one more thing, which could still be put in halo 3. For some reason I love glitches I don't know why but super bouncing, getting out of the map ECT was so much fun to learn and discover, it would be cool to make a few or one big glitch level where you have to discover them.

Last note. A quick idea some one needs to make a paintball arena based on halo 2 and 3 levels. Imagine paintballing on lockout or the pit?
that's massive amounts of cash.

Anonymous's picture

OK, how dose this sound. While in core of onyx, which is a shield to protect from the devastating effect from the halo's and flood. Doctor Halsey the marine and the spartans 2 and 3 are traveling on the mysterious new world that is in side onyx. They been doing this for about a mounth, give or take. Suddenly a very loud and enormous explosion erupts overhead. Than out of the hole that was made a grav lift shoots down and hits the ground. From there bruts start poring down, riding along with them, an army of: hunters, jackals, grunts, and a fleet of banshees. Out of no were a second explosion brakes yet another hole through the so called shield world. This time a green grav lift drops from the hole, along with drop pods, pelicans loaded with tanks, warthogs and in side probably dozens of marines. But the vessels looked new not just off the assembly line new but more evolved kind of new. Several drop pods landed near the doc's group, in stead of the naturally engraved O.D.S.T some thing eles replaced it, the lettles O.D.S.S were there. Than expecting marines to pop out, something eles did, it looked like an O.D.S.T but it had green armor and stood about 7 1/2 foot tall. It was a spartan, all of them are, not just the ones in front of them but the whole army that was sent down was. The one in front ask for there names, than called someone and said he had found them, gave his coordinates and told to send down the general. While he did this the doc sized the man up and could tell he was a spartan from the way he moved and spoke. She notice something eles about him, his IFF tags read as a spartan but he had a number code that said he was "spartan 22335" how many spartans are there she wondered, and how the hell could there be so many in such a short time. When the man finished talking a pelican started approaching them along side it was 20 fighter ships. The pelican landed and about 30 spartans jump out and secured the area and finally one more spartan stept off the pelican, he had stars every one saluted expect the doc. She held out her hand, this general stood 7 feet tall, had green spartan armor, but his looked old compare to the other spartans but new at the same tine. The doc said in a low yet soothing tone, "hello john", OMG. she spoke again, "how long has it been", 117 answered, "85 years mam".

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

OOOooooo!!!! i like it!

Anonymous's picture

thats such a lie then y dose it say finish the fight in halo 3

Anonymous's picture

HALO is a great game, they should make more, GTA has made more, than bungie, so no bungie should not let HALO go...MAKE MORE!!

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

i think it would be cool if the planet that master cheif was floating towards was the remains of the planet Reach and it was infected with the flood and master cheif had to fight through flood infected spartans. and since im speaking my opinion, i think the upcoming game, halo wars, will not be as good as the original halo games. it looks like a starcraft game, and those type of games are meant for the PC. halo is meant to be a first person shooter game.

Anonymous's picture

Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/20/2007 - 15:14.
that planet at the end could be onyx after all. remember the halo 3 level "The Ark" at the end a cinematic shows a lot of sentinels leaving the planet, SPARK says "these drones have a priority task." they could be going to make onyx

this person was not thinking. it's obvious spark either found out about instalation 04 being rebuilt and wanted it done sooner or just started rebuilding it.

for all the REAL halo fans out there who have read the books and played the games you would know( and think some of these people are stupid) that onyx was built way before halo 2. because in ghosts of onyx it talks about blue team on onyx fighting sentinals and also talks about the elites fighting the flood and brutes when the rebellion starts. i think the planet you see the chief going to is a whole other forerunner/human ( because if you have played the games and read books you know that too) planet. i mean i believe onyx was completed destroyed except for the sphere blue team was safley located into. (which could be what we saw too maybe) which is what i think is another halo safe zone like the Ark. either way bungie made a stupid decision making that extra scene if they are not making a halo 4. unless that is what halo wars is(which i do not believe)

Anonymous's picture

I believe that halo 4 will be coming out in the future and even some new storylines are being made to make sequals to halo 4. AND IF U SEE THE ENDING OF HALO 3 ON LEGENDARY and baught the specail addition of halo 3 you get a book of where the aliens come from and because of that i think that the planet that he lands on is where the hunters are from.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]I believe that halo 4 will be coming out in the future and even some new storylines are being made to make sequals to halo 4. AND IF U SEE THE ENDING OF HALO 3 ON LEGENDARY[/quote]


Have you seen this thread? You know, where everyone else and their dog mentions that ending, which actually doesn't show much of anything?

[quote=Anonymous] and baught the specail addition of halo 3 you get a book of where the aliens come from and because of that i think that the planet that he lands on is where the hunters are from. [/quote]


Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

there is chances of anything happening with what bungie wants todo. wether they want to say halo is done. or continue making a halo 4 or even multiple more.. or they could even go on with just making side games that have the same "units" as halo like halo wars. hell id love to see it where the master chief becomes a mercanary and you can buy weapons, armor, vehicles, space ships and various other things like. upgrades for weapons shields armor and whatever else that could be possibly thought up. but anyway who knows anything is possible it s all just left up to the creative minds of bungie and what they decide they want to put into a game or if they even wish to make it.

Anonymous's picture

i think they should make a halo4 because halo 3 evry body keeps saying master chief dies. but im love the halo trilogy. but halo4 should be more like halo2.why?because halo2 to me when i first got halo 2 i never felt bored playing it.halo 3 when i was first playing it i was very exited but then after about like 6 weeks later i got bored i mean like i saw the ending i didnt like when sgt.johnson dies.theres been a rumor on you tube if you beat the last level on legendary mode there will be a secret video of master chief when he dies.but when i beat it on legendary mode there wasnt a secret video.SO THATS WHY I THINK THEY SHOUL MAKE A HALO4.PS.HALO4 IS GOING TO BE THE BOMB.And i cant wait till 50 cent blood in the sand comes out.halo is the most eletriefieng game in sports entertainment!!!!!!!

Anonymous's picture

Dude, whether or not Bungie makes a Halo 4 they are still the sickist company EVER!!!!!!!!!!111

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

add me if u need skulls gt: brushedwildfire

Anonymous's picture

No Guys it will the only way halo comes back is a prequel at the end of legendary he is seen floating with cortana to an unknown planet most likly planet reach where the spartans actually were "developed" there and if the is more spartants then most likely more fights and i believe the flood is still alive..its the FLOOD the never die so the covenant is more than likely to still be around somewhere in the universe.....eigther way there will be another halo game but more like a prequel than a sequel

Anonymous's picture

Come on halo is done master chief crashed on a planet no one even knows isor what it's called unless a squad of elites or marines responds to the beacon there will be no more halos.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

it is going to be before the first halo, kind like halo wars was now wether it's in the same time frame or not is up to bunige. from what i know mc is not the only spartan in the next game, but the only playable one.

narcogen's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

[quote=Anonymous]it is going to be before the first halo, kind like halo wars was now wether it's in the same time frame or not is up to bunige. from what i know mc is not the only spartan in the next game, but the only playable one.[/quote]

We already know it's not the same timeframe as Halo Wars. Halo Wars takes place decades before Halo 1.

Reach takes place days or weeks before Halo 1.

In the novelizations we do see other Spartans besides the MC, and there's every reason to believe that Reach will focus on characters besides the MC. Possibly Spartans, possibly ODSTs. We just don't know yet.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Rampant for over se7en years.

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

leave us HALO fans alone we luv halo 1 2and 3 we hopethey can come out whith a HALO 4 and make it better than all of them in HDD 1080p they will make MILLIONS lol MAKE IT BIGGER THAN LIFE IT,s SELF LOL

Anonymous's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

Agreed. I would also like to propose a hope of the storyline (Of Halo 4 of course). Chief of course is in the cryo-tube after the explosion of Halo. So what I am thinking is the blast sends him to a faraway planet. I'm not saying this happens over a year. Oh no. The trip takes 10 years. So here is where the excitement comes in. As you land on the planet (Lets call it Reach 2) Chief learns that the covenant have betrayed the humans (via comm's). But it is an old transmission so he cant radio back and the comm's are trashed. So he sets off on this planet to see if he can establish a solid communication to the humans. But Cortana, filled with the raw emotion of loneliness and suffered memory damage, seems to know this planet. So you have to rely on Cortana. But apparently she has become corrupt and her memory is damaged. So she may be leading Chief somewhere he won't want to be...
Flood (Yes flood)
King of flood
Arbiter (Follows Chief's cryo-tube/ship)
Cortana (Although corrupt)
And Yourself (Chief)

Medicine_bias's picture

In reply to: Re: Halo 4 Rumors... Already?

I have an idea for Halo 4 storyline. Master Chief awakes on board the ship fragment. He has no idea what time it is, or where he is(later revealed to have crashed on Legendary Planet). Cortarna is missing, and Mendicant Bias guides him, via prerecorded transmissions(he had been planning for Chief for quite some time) through ambushes by mysterious creatures Mendicant Bias calls "Opaques" to a stranded Spartan-3 team named team Ocelot. Team Ocelot reveals that the Covenant has captured Earth, blasted their ship out of orbit, and threatened to start killing people and burning areas unless their demand for a new oracle is met. Worse, the Arbiter has gone missing, leaving his people in turmoil and unable to help. Master Chief must now find a way back to Earth, find the Arbiter and Cortarna, defeat the Covenant(or meet their demand for an Oracle), and discover the truth about - well, everything.

Brotherhood(a collection of rampant AIs)

Team Ocelot(like Noble Team - and yes, they all die by the end)
Mendicant Bias?
Insurrectionists - yes, insurrectionists