Frankie filed the Weekly What's Update this week from the floor of the Tokyo Game Show, after getting blitzed on martinis. Wait, that's not right.
Frankie was there just to catch up on other Microsoft games and stuff he likes-- he mentions Phantagram's Ninety Nine Nights (as a lot of people are doing this week)
In Bungie-related news, the move to Kirkland is complete and Bungie held their Summer Pentathlon-- those events will get written up (hopefully) in next week's Update.
For those hoping that there would be a Bungie announcement soon, Frankie has this to say:
A few folks asked me if I was there to unveil Halo 3. I smiled and told them the usual Bungie line. We haven't announced our new project yet, blah, blah, blah. We may not have announced it, but its coming along nicely.
The update concludes with a photo gallery.