Hey all,
This is a Version 2 of my last blog "One jumping naked guy playing on halo". In my last blog a had no idea how to get to the naked guy and i was just guessing. To get to him really, do the following...

Go to the start of Halo(CO-OP Campaign) and run untill you come to the drop-off in to the flood fight, turn around and there should be a valley in the ice to walk up in the building, once in, to the left a terminal, to the right a drop off. Activate the terminal, and get the arbiter to stand at the very edge of the drop off, then get spartan to jump off the edge. if done right 117 should spawn on arbys head.Now arby jumps and 117 jumps off his head to the closet ledge. a run jump will make it to the next ledge. and there he is! to get to the same platform he is on, get a run-duck jump over there.(u need ur light to see him).

Im out

Skull-Seeker 4 life!!, bebo rules



Spartan182's picture

The way I did it was that I just had my friend jump from the ledge and I shot the floor with a rocket. Same for the next ledge. It gave him the boost he needed. After he made it the rest of us just jumped off the cliff and spawned next to the guy.
