Bungie Humor

narcogen's picture
The Halo-related comics scene exploded in 2003, and in 2004 is still expanding. And if you count those comics that are related to Bungie or members of the extended Bungie community, it's an even bigger phenomenon. Here's a list of links we've compiled of Bungie-related comic sites. Several are hosted at HBO; some have their own sites. In addition to the comics, there are two popular and well-known video series. Video Series Comics In addition, one of our favorite webcomics, Penny Arcade, is devoted almost entirely to gaming and has been known to mention Halo now and then:

Halo 2 Update, January 16, 2004 by Frankie

Lorraine has been super busy. A beautiful poster that I wish you could see*, has been created for product placement. That means that if Freddie Prinze Jr. is in a movie about teenagers or baseball, he might use that poster on his wall. We'd be disturbed but we can't control that stuff. She's also recently approved paint jobs for the new Grunt action figures. More interestingly, Lorraine is making design decisions about the new Halo 2 action figures. Not too much we can say there without revealing plot points, but they're going to be epic.

*Or you could just look at my artist's impression of it. I had to give him a lightsaber because guns are hard to draw. Lightsabers are as easy as snakes.
