Matt has posted to the HBO forum on a couple of topics today. First of all, he let us know that we might later expect some beautiful new Halo footage to come from Bungie playing with nVidia's newly announced GeForce2GTS. He then promises more footage that may not be nVidia-related in the near future.
Also, Matt spoke up on the subject of violence in Halo:
This is a subject I can pontificate about for hours. I will limit my comments to this:There will be blood and gore in the game. It will not be excessive or gratuitous; it will exist because that's what happens when you shoot someone. I suspect Halo will get a Mature rating.
There will most likely be a blood-free version for those countries where it is difficult or impossible to sell bloody games. A side effect of this is that the other versions will probably include an option to turn off the blood if you don't want to see it.
Interesting topic to discuss at this time, as it's been approximately one year since the massacre at Columbine.