Louis Wu over at Halo.bungie.org noticed the gaming site Gamersyndicate, which has put up a Halo preview from material garnered in the post-E3 feeding frenzy. From the note on their preview:
Bungie Software, the developer of HALO, showed a select few their latest opus behind closed doors at the 1999 E3 show. Unfortunately, gamersyndicate was not in existence at the time, so we have had to scrape up tidbits from the press release and E3 2000 materials. What we would'nt have given to have a press pass to that showing... (Left arm? Unborn Children?) HALO has everyone's jaw hanging open, and as each new screenshot or movie is released anticipation mounts. We will attempt to provide the most current information as soon as it is made available, so check back often.
As Louis points out, there's not a lot of new material here, but it is one more page to bookmark for your fix of Halo information. NOTE: The site's entry page says best viewed with a high bandwidth connection and I, for one, agree.