Dave Georgeson of Dynamix made the following statement today in a thread at the Tribesplayers forums:
Warning: The Linux and Mac clients are going to be done AFTER we finish working on the PC version.This does NOT mean that there will not be Linux and Mac clients. We actually want to do them a lot. We *will* work on them.
However, the PC version is the most important version for us and if time pressure causes issues, then the PC version will get the most attention.
This is merely a cautionary note to set expectations properly.
We appreciate Acrappa informing us about this. It needs be noted that this isn't an actual change of policy, since they never promised a multi-plat release in the first place. However, I find myself respecting Bungie's promised bi-plat release quite a bit and think that they're one of the most forward-thinking developers in the world. Especially in light of the fact that they used to be a Mac-centric company. We'll have to see how things fare with some of Halo's other potential competitors.