A thank-you to Tsao for passing on this bit of information. Matt Soell of Bungie commented yesterday in HBO's forum about the potential ESRB rating for Halo:
We don't know yet. We won't know for certain until we send them the finished product and they review it.I had the ESRB guidelines pamphlet lying around somewhere but it seems they've disappeared, so I can't make any educated guesses. I don't think there'll be any Mortal Kombat-esque split the enemy in half with a trowel and feed his slick innards to a nearby goat herd stuff, but I suspect Halo will reflect the ugly reality of armed combat - perhaps with some user-configurable degree of ugliness.
Bungie has never been one to shy away from showing carnage and gore in its games... though it may be possible they'll include a no-blood option, as in Myth II: Soulblighter.